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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Sorry, I can't make it.
  2. Really been getting into WWE again lately what with Steen, Generico, Pac and Devitt all making waves in NXT. I'm moving in two weeks and when I do, I'll definitely be getting the network on my cable provider. NXT turning into what seems like can't miss television.
  3. Da'rel Scott is out today too but it sounds like he may be quickly falling out of the competition anyways.
  4. If you have a bunch of posters getting real annoyed with a poster who is obviously posting BS and stuff simply to get a rise out of folks... Is that not a clear sign he should be removed? Or do you reaaaaaaaaaaally need all of us to post an issue with his posts to have some reason.. Cuz it's at the point where I imagine the admins will get a bunch of flagged post warnings lol. Just sayin. If we banned everyone who a bunch of posters get annoyed with real quick ... well ... you know my punchline for this one. But honestly, we need to go through the process the right way. Even if that means tolerating a bit more than we should sometimes.
  5. Quite frankly, I'm finding some of our regular posters to be just as frustrating as this person throughout this entire ordeal. The more and more attention you give him, the more and more you publicly scream and shout about how we should get rid of him, that's all accomplishing what he seems to be wanting to get from this - attention.
  6. We're aware of it. Can you guys just let it slide now instead of letting the idea of this guy being here consume every thread he posts in?
  7. We have a thread for these kind of reports, so let's refrain from creating an additional one going forward.
  8. A lot of people thinking being a passer just means throwing the ball.
  9. I think the point being made is that just because Richards (or somebody else) said Richards was sore doesn't mean that's why he sat out. It's all about misdirection at every time of year when it comes to injuries. Sucks for us, but it's something we may as well get used to.
  10. Wasn't this the poster who was banned from ourbombers.com a couple years ago for posting fake training camp updates? His updates never jived with people who were actually there... Potentially. It certainly seems like a possibility though.
  11. Good for you. You're quite sure, based on absolutely nothing.
  12. Truth is, nobody knows the truth. But obviously anyone who disagrees with you leads a weak minded life so what is the point in even opening a discussion about it with you, especially on a discussion forum of all places?
  13. Thanks for the updates. Can't say I agree but appreciate the reports.
  14. So are we officially making this the first storyline to overreact to in 2015? Addison Richards misses a practice. Big deal. It's like ever since Buck, people are SO willing to throw out the injury label. Maybe the coaches forced him out. We don't know.
  15. Shaq Richardson. But so much competition and solid incumbents at DB. I think Shaq vs Bruce ends up being a great camp battle.
  16. They also signed receiver Mike Willie and cut 5 - including David Mims!
  17. Man, was I bummed at the Richards pick.
  18. Tyler Crapigna was never a Bomber, he was drafted by Calgary.
  19. PS thanks for the report
  20. This might be a bit of an overreaction.
  21. Waggoner is going to be a huge fan favorite in Winnipeg, guaranteed. Huge smile on his face during his entire media scrum and he even answered the media with "yes sir" Like this guy already.
  22. I love O'Shea's answer about who Addison Richards reminds him of as a receiver. "I want Addison Richards to be Addison Richards" exactly.
  23. Yes and no. He left Montreal on his own to go back to the NFL and he was relatively productive in his time with the Lions, but was stuck behind some depth at his position.
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