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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 2 minutes ago, Pete said:

    either that or he truly believed he could help the team by being out there even if he wasn't 100%. If Hall felt it would be better to have someone else play mlb that's Hall's call.  Its not like we had a comparable player on the practice roster we could have inserted.

    Bighill wasn't being selfish and to say that he's not team first to me is an insult to the leadership he has always displayed to this team. (anyone in the league will tell you he's one of the best leaders in the cfl)


    Hi Adam, can you please unblock me on Twitter

  2. 2 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    It's hard for the Bombers to play it fair & square with older players like Jeffcoat when his own teammates didn't care (Oliveira & Schoen) about him either. They stalled the process by waiting until it was FA time in the CFL. At the same time, it's not their responsibility to care. There'll come a time when what happened to Jeffcoat will happen to them.


  3. 6 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    It would appear that you haven't visited other cities either if you think that other city's downtown are any better. Come to Calgary or Edmonton & check out how deserted they get once offices close for the day or on weekends. . 

    I was in Phoenix two weeks ago. If any city has a boring downtown it's that place. People don't go to downtown Phoenix to visit or for the culture. They go everywhere else. But not downtown. It's so spread out that every sector of the place has it's own ammenities so there's no need to go there unless you work downtown.

    I’d take a boring downtown over the meth zombie wasteland we have now.

  4. 1 hour ago, Noeller said:

    as with any city, Winnipeg has its problem areas. It also has a lot of bright spots. I enjoy winter there, and know that many others do, too, but I can see how it's problematic for many. In summer, though? It's the most underrated city in Canada. I very much look forward to becoming a full time Winnipegger before too much longer (or, at least, quasi-Winnipegger.... my wife is a fan of East Selkirk area, and I'm partial to Lorette, but for all intents and purposes, we'll be Winnipeggers before too long...) 

    Manitoba? Sure. The best part about Winnipeg in the summer is how close it is to other places.

    I genuinely can’t think of anything I can do in Winnipeg in the summer that isn’t a Bomber game. Go to the Forks for the annual Canada Day machete attack? Ride my bike around, weaving through all the homeless encampments? 

    I love summers in Winnipeg but it’s not because of Winnipeg. It’s because in two hours or so, I can be at my cabin that isn’t in Winnipeg.


  5. Are we really arguing that Winnipeg isn’t a dump? I’ve travelled all over North America … I think in terms of individual cities, I’ve been to Phoenix, San Diego, Anaheim, Richmond, Philadelphia, Trenton, Baltimore, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Buffalo, New York City, Orlando, Tampa, Regina, Minneapolis, Grand Forks and Fargo in the past 5-ish years … the only places that are as much of a dump as Winnipeg are Baltimore and Edmonton. Sure, obviously some places were a quick visit. Some places you can chalk the experience up to oblivious innocence where I probably didn’t know any better. But for the most part, there’s a ton more to do/see without half the hassle in these places. 

    Even Buffalo, which I was expecting to be a total dump … their downtown is quiet with not a lot to do (like ours) but I didn’t get hassled by a homeless person once. There’s stuff to do. Probably the most comparable downtown to Winnipeg, honestly … just cleaner and less disruptive.

    I get the experiences won’t match because obviously the sample size is a lot larger in the city I reside in, but this place is a dump. Manitoba? Beautiful. Winnipeg? It’s a dump. It’s my dump, but it’s a dump. 

  6. 46 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    Even if they both light it up this year and help us win the GC? (I know that's the perfect outcome).

    Lawler will be on the wrong side of 30 and coming off a deal that was signed in a time prior to teams becoming more accepting of the belief that paying receivers that much money doesn’t make you succeed. Doesn’t matter how well he plays this year. He hit the max he’s ever gonna make

  7. 13 hours ago, WinnipegGordo said:

    I had dinner with Milt a few years (a friend won a charity auction) and he said he roomed with Blink for their first trip to Montreal together.

    He said he didnt see Charlie from the time they checked in until they were at the stadium the next day. 

    Blink went on to lead the team in rushing and receiving that night so Milt said he decided not to confront the issue and just let Blink be Blink.

    The question is would the Bombers had won more cups in the early 2000s if they had team leaders that inforced the FIFO attitude? Was Blink the problem or lack of leaders the problem?

    Blink is the problem. I’ll share a slightly vague story about Charlie - after his playing days, he was struggling a bit and ended up moving in with a friend of mine into their basement suite (the club is how he got connected with my friend, they were caring enough to help him find a place to live)

    there was more than one occasion where we’d go out to a bar or restaurant or wherever and all meet for drinks at this friend’s house first. Roberts would wait downstairs and then if it was in walking distance, he’d walk to wherever we were headed and wait for us outside to beg for smokes, food, etc. 

    the club also paid his rent several times because they felt responsible for the tenant when the tenant spent all their money on smokes and VLTs

  8. 8 hours ago, bryan35 said:

    Only if they underperform.

    I don’t really agree. Lawler is not going to make the same dollar amount he’s making again on his next deal.

    285k + 230k

    could lock them both up at 250k each and you’ve saved money and it’s still going to be the high end of what the value is looking like

    i really think they’ll get them both for 235-240k each next offseason. That’s big savings. why not just give Dalton that money now? Because there’s genuinely a good chance the market tanks even lower on receivers. It’s trending that way.

  9. 7 hours ago, Fatty Liver said:

    Nah, I'd rather they break in a new receiver* on an ELC instead of inserting a one year plug.

    *Ontaria Wilson

    *Ontaria Wilson

    *Ontaria Wilson

    Schoen signed a one year deal and might actually ask for more next season, Walters could have to decide between keeping him or Lawler.

    I’m very much thinking the Bombers wanted a one year deal just as much as Schoen did. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Geebrr said:

    Great? Like upper tier? 

    I wouldn’t put him there. 

    Great like I’d probably put him top 12 in the league.

    Schoen, Lawler, Begelton, White, Hatcher, Hollins, Lewis, Demski, Bane, Rhymes … 

    Then you get into the next tier of guys like Hardy, Emilus, Acklin, Snead, Coxie, Gittens, Julien-Grant, Godwin … probably forgetting a few but I’d say Emilus/Coxie/Godwin/Snead at the top of that list. 

    Easy for us to not notice, but the league is pretty receiver poor right now.

  11. 11 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Not saying sucked, just stats are misleading. None of them were particularly great when the game was being contested and they were facing real coverage.  That's not to say they sucked either, just that their yardage totals are a bit misleading.

    Yea, Bane is about the only above average receiver they have.

    Are we really pretending Emilus isn’t a great receiver? Better season numbers wise than Demski, catching passes from Rainbow Jake. If we had a 2nd year Canadian breaking 1000 yards with a backup QB throwing the majority of the passes, we’d be going nuts over him. 

    I know a lot of the Riders numbers were garbage time numbers, but Emilus had a lot of early game impact. Real big fan of his.

  12. 5 hours ago, Fatty Liver said:

    I see Mace brought Edwin Harrison his O-line coach from the Argos with him to Sask., semed to put a pretty decent O-line together in T.O. in the years he was there, maybe he can help pull things together in Regina.

    He wasn’t the OL coach in Toronto. He was the running backs coach and quality control.

  13. 20 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Does throwing a bunch of random free agents together on the OL ever yield instant results anyway?

    No but I feel like doing it with a few vets like Hardrick and Sceviour who are winners … could be worse decisions to make.


    I still don’t see it though, they’re missing that A+ part to pull it all together. Lots of B and B- but who’s the franchise player? 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:

    No doubt it's been done with interior lineman often enough, but nobody has come up with the name of a rookie OT starter yet.  I suspect it's happened on a team that is out of the playoffs and preparing for the next season, maybe the Elks or RedBlacks?

    It’s very common … Jovan Olafioye, SirVincent Rogers, Dejon Allen, Derek Dennis … that’s off the top of my head thinking of the major huge impact guys 

    Jonathan Broxton (who we signed originally) was another one for BC. Kent Perkins was also BC’s MOOL nominee in his rookie year as a tackle. 

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