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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 5 hours ago, Fatty Liver said:

    I see Mace brought Edwin Harrison his O-line coach from the Argos with him to Sask., semed to put a pretty decent O-line together in T.O. in the years he was there, maybe he can help pull things together in Regina.

    He wasn’t the OL coach in Toronto. He was the running backs coach and quality control.

  2. 20 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Does throwing a bunch of random free agents together on the OL ever yield instant results anyway?

    No but I feel like doing it with a few vets like Hardrick and Sceviour who are winners … could be worse decisions to make.


    I still don’t see it though, they’re missing that A+ part to pull it all together. Lots of B and B- but who’s the franchise player? 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:

    No doubt it's been done with interior lineman often enough, but nobody has come up with the name of a rookie OT starter yet.  I suspect it's happened on a team that is out of the playoffs and preparing for the next season, maybe the Elks or RedBlacks?

    It’s very common … Jovan Olafioye, SirVincent Rogers, Dejon Allen, Derek Dennis … that’s off the top of my head thinking of the major huge impact guys 

    Jonathan Broxton (who we signed originally) was another one for BC. Kent Perkins was also BC’s MOOL nominee in his rookie year as a tackle. 

  4. Also worth mentioning: the Bombers haven’t brought in nobody. We’ve signed what could potentially be our next starting QB (and a huge weapon, especially for the weather our current QB struggles so much in) and brought back a potential starting Canadian on defense.

    just because they’re names we’ve seen on the back of our jerseys before doesn’t mean they’re not big additions. Those are great additions.

  5. 47 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    We  had Bailey on a pretty cheap deal so anyone who replaces him would be the same or more expensive. Then why get rid of him? I'm really trying to figure out what is going on with the Bombers & free agancy. In the recent history of free agency going back ten years, I don't think I've ever seen a team sign no one. 

    Because a contract is a mutual agreement and Bailey likely won’t get a huge raise but he’s going to get a raise somewhere. He took an $80,000 pay cut last year. He deserves to go out and make his money somewhere. We can’t force him to sign here.

  6. Just now, Bigblue204 said:

    Gray with all his hype has never lived up to it IMO. He was one of the most overrated players on our team. Don't get me wrong, I'd take him back on a heart beat. But I'm not convinced he's some MOOL in waiting or that he would have succeeded as a T. He has all the talent in the world, or so we're told ...but he can't seem to put it all together.

    Genuinely feel like Dobson should’ve taken his job last year.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    The team has lost Olineman every year for several years. This isn't the first time and won't be the last. I have zero concerns about it right now.

    We won’t get the top available linemen this year but at 8, we may find ourselves in a position to get the top unavailable (for now) lineman. 

    I think the guys like Hergel, Nkanu and maybe even Manu (he reminds me of Dontae Bull from last year, the NFL isn’t going to touch him IMO) may go in the first 5-6 picks. Hergel would be the dream for us but I just think the vibe on him right now is that he walks the line right between “too good for the CFL” and “good enough for the NFL” so I think he ends up in camp. 

    The guy I’d like to see with the Bombers is Gabe Wallace. That’s my February opinion, anyways. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:

    O-line depth has gone from deep to shallow, I imagine Tui takes over from Gray and Dobson remains the 6th man.  More than one critical injury and they're down to using a CFL rookie to protect Zach.  I can see Walters addressing this situation later in FA with a cheap if not great pickup.

    Don’t forget, we have three picks in the top 20 of the draft and unlike last year, it’s a pretty good year for OL. 

    Couple other things working for us: we’ll have the flexibility to go three Americans on the OL if we absolutely need to AND a number of the free agents on the OL call Manitoba their home so maybe they won’t be too far away if there’s an absolute emergency. Sean Jamieson would be a guy I absolutely wouldn’t mind seeing us bring in … can’t imagine he’d cost much and if the medical comes back clean, he might be a good option. Tough couple years due to injury but timing could be right to catch him as he’s finally fully healed up and if you’re not asking anymore than spot duty out of him then I don’t think he’d be a bad option.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Piggy 1 said:

    So we still don't have a legit RT??? I had hoped Gray could possibly fill that role.....And gonna suck not having Sheed.

    Sounds like RT, WR, DT, DE and CB are all going to be camp battles as of right now 

    RT I am especially not worried about, Neufeld has turned into a real stabilizer on that side of the line and I have a good amount of trust in our scouting to find a tackle who fits our scheme. They’ve shown to be very competent at it, we’ve supplied a decent amount of OL to the rest of the league AND they pro scouted Hardrick when he was still a pylon in Regina. Not a ton of concern there.

  10. 1 minute ago, Booch said:

    Thats my hope...with Kram backing up....Way more athletic....way faster as Kramdi is a 4.7 guy.....and I would assume a better tackler...as Kramdi is a smidge better than Houston was....

    I was thinking more along the lines of a rotation where Kramdi would take the majority of the blitzing / line of scrimmage stuff and Ford could see the coverage calls from the SAM spot

    I think Kramdi is a pretty good disruptor at the line and in the second level. He whiffed a few, but he made good reads to get to the right spot to stop the run more often than I saw him not … I like both guys at that spot for very different reasons.

    Also not opposed to Ford at the field side corner but we’re already pencilling in 8 Canadians so how many more do we really need 

  11. 12 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    And this is me telling you to get lost because I don't need to justify a damn thing to you. There is absolutely nothing in my post getting on Bluto's case other than taking a shot at the Argos fan base size. You went after Wheeler with more veracity yesterday but you tend to forget your own being a jerk moments.

    Jesus christ, how many more of your posts are you going to edit ten times to add to your rant? Maybe try thinking before you type so I don’t have to refresh my screen over and over waiting for you to get all your thoughts out. 

    We all take shots at each other, we all debate with varying levels of intensity from time to time, we all bash the trolls (like Wheeler, who has been banned) but there’s literally no need to take a shot at Bluto, who is a respected member of this community even though he has a condition that forces him to cheer for the wrong football team. Don’t like it? Oh well. 

    my god you edited it again I can’t even keep up anymore can you just PM me when you’re done crying so I can reply to it all at once 

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