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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Kenny Stafford tweeting he has made the Alouettes.


    Stafford, Green, Carter, Richardson (I know he's hurt) ... does that mean Ochocinco didn't make it? Or is London a surprise cut?


    If they cut Brandon London, I'd go after him.

  2. http://cflfantasy.ts...ew_group=979677


    Password is "milton"


    Originally, we were going to run a similar contest on the forum. Same general concept, no salary cap (because what individual has time to be setting values for players, etc) but now that TSN has created essentially the same thing, it seems like a mutually beneficial decision for everyone if we use their platform. You guys get real time updates instead of waiting for us to update it, we get more free time and the salary cap feature makes it a little more difficult for all of us.


    It's easy to register. Just follow the link, join our group and you're in. You can pick your week 1 team immediately or wait until later in the week if you choose. Make sure to play every week, because the winner of our group at the end of the year will win a $50 Bomber Store gift card.


    For those who want to know the rules before clicking on the link:

    Pick a QB, RB, 2 REC, a flex (RB/REC), K and a defense. Fit them under the $100,000 salary cap (each player has a value listed) and confirm your team. You will receive points based on their weekly performance and you can pick a new team each week.


    Good luck!

  3. Thanks for this.

    Drew Willy is the next elite CFL QB.


    I would say that Collaros, Reilly and Willy are the next three. They're all exciting players and that's what this league needs. I don't want to say any of them are the next Calvillo, but we need eventual successors to the trio of Ray, Burris and Calvillo. Durant has stepped up to the plate, but this league needs more QB talent and these three are it.

  4. Starters

    Bo Levi Mitchell (CAL) - 18/31, 176 yards, 2 INT

    Drew Tate (CAL) - 8/17, 114 yards, 1 TD, 2 INT

    Henry Burris (OTT) - 22/28, 287 yards, 1 TD

    Zach Collaros (HAM) - 18/26, 248 yards, 1 TD

    Darian Durant (SSK) - 14/19, 189 yards, 3 TD

    Troy Smith (MTL) - 11/22, 141 yards

    Mike Reilly (EDM) - 20/27, 177 yards, 1 TD

    Kevin Glenn (BC) - 22/29, 245 yards, 1 TD

    Ricky Ray (TOR) - 7/9, 90 yards, 1 TD

    Drew Willy (WPG) - 20/35, 280 yards, 1 TD


    I listed Mitchell, Tate and Glenn as starters. Don't know who will start in Calgary, Glenn is the starter for now in BC. I would say Willy's numbers are pretty exciting if you're a Bomber fan, especially factoring in things that don't show up on the stat sheet - for example, after watching all the preseason games, it's easy to say that no QB was let down by his receivers more than Drew. I'd say the veterans clearly outplayed him (Burris, Ray, Glenn, Durant) but you can lump him right in there with Collaros and Reilly, which is really what we should be hoping for at this point.


    The yardage total is impressive to me as well, over 100 yards more than Reilly on the same amount of completions. The completion percentage is not exactly where I'd like it, but again ... preseason receivers letting him down makes that look worse than it actually was. Everyone has to deal with it as a QB, so it's not like Willy is exclusive, but he certainly dealt with it more than any other starting QB. For those who want to keep count of this sort of thing, Willy was the victim of six drops by my count. Three by Donavon Kemp, one by Aaron Kelly, one by Jaymar Johnson and one by Rory Kohlert.


    Mitchell Gale (TOR) - 21/27, 249 yards, 1 TD

    Trevor Harris (TOR) - 16/28, 167 yards, 1 TD, 1 INT

    Casey Pachall (TOR) - 5/8, 104 yards, 1 TD, 1 INT

    Robert Marve (WPG) - 5/8, 90 yards, 1 TD

    Brian Brohm (WPG) - 7/16, 91 yards, 1 TD

    Max Hall (WPG) - 6/14, 53 yards, 1 INT

    John Beck (BC) - 12/27, 161 yards, 2 INT

    Travis Partridge (BC) - 8/13, 116 yards, 1 TD, 1 INT

    Matt Nichols (EDM) - 17/23, 262 yards, 1 TD

    Pat White (EDM) - 5/11, 37 yards, 1 INT

    Jonathan Crompton (EDM) - 3/8, 19 yards

    Jacory Harris (EDM) - 0/2

    Alex Brink (MTL) - 11/17, 108 yards, 1 TD, 1 INT

    Collin Klein (MTL) - 4/10, 57 yards, 1 INT

    Tanner Marsh (MTL) - 13/25, 137 yards, 1 INT

    Jeremiah Masoli (HAM) - 9/12, 137 yards, 3 TD

    Dan Lefevour (HAM) - 4/12, 45 yards, 2 INT

    Stephen McGee (HAM) - 4/7, 49 yards

    Corey Robinson (HAM) - 0/2

    Adam Weber (SSK) - 2/6, 39 yards, 1 TD, 1 INT

    Tino Sunseri (SSK) - 4/8, 39 yards, 1 int

    Thomas Demarco (OTT) - 4/12, 97 yards, 1 TD, 1 INT

    Danny O'Brien (OTT) - 5/16, 57 yards

    Bryant Moniz (CAL) - 3/9, 3 yards


    Included the list of numbers for the backups as well, if anyone likes that kind of thing.




    Great, now we have a junior football coach coaching professional football players. Who's next, they hire the head coach of Churchill High School?  I envisioned a staff when Walters hired O'Shea that would encompass a lot more experience than this. And if I get slammed for having this opinion, so be it. I'm tired of all the losing. Hiring someone like Dave Jackson doesn't inspire a lot of confidence that this is the right staff to get things back on the winning track. At least we know some Bomber traditions are alive & well. He probably came cheap. 


    I'm not sure why you have such an issue with this.  It is obvious this isn't a position they planned on having for the coaching staff to start the season.   They liked what the new guy brought as a guest coach and made the budget work to hire him full time.


    The way I see it, that is the exact opposite that you are suggesting.   They aren't cheaping out, they made room in the budget to bring in someone they liked.


    I knew I'd get heat for what I  said. Why am I not impressed with junior coaches? My son played 2 years of junior football & started but the favouritism & politics these guys inflicted on their players, well. Most of them should stick with high school. That's their competency level.



    So because your son played for what you viewed as a corrupt staff of junior coaches (and let's be honest, you're not likely the most unbiased person about this ... what parent would be?) you are now willing to typecast EVERY junior coach as incompetent?

  6. There was one pass Smith threw in the first half that was just a flat out amazing pass... then there were the ones that landed nowhere near a receiver. Michael Bishop had more accuracy than that.

    I remember last year in his second or third game, he strung together a few nice tosses in a row and then out of nowhere he launched a ball that must have gone 60 yards in the air and so high it was out of view on TV. Beautiful spiral. It landed in the hands of the safety, who was about 20 yards away from the nearest receiver.

  7. Great, now we have a junior football coach coaching professional football players. Who's next, they hire the head coach of Churchill High School? I envisioned a staff when Walters hired O'Shea that would encompass a lot more experience than this. And if I get slammed for having this opinion, so be it. I'm tired of all the losing. Hiring someone like Dave Jackson doesn't inspire a lot of confidence that this is the right staff to get things back on the winning track. At least we know some Bomber traditions are alive & well. He probably came cheap.

    Good to see you did your research.




    How many import rookies started our first game last season? Dunn is the only one I can think of. Who were the guys people were excited about coming out of camp last year? I'm not trying to prove any point about our scouting, I just honestly can't remember. I can't imagine there was much excitement about what we saw in either preseason game.

    That's a good point actually. Dunn was one for sure, Was zach anderson another? Outside of those 2 guys though, I don't think there was anyone else and Anderson might not have even started the first game. Markett? nah, he didn't start. 



    Desia Dunn (who admittedly, I wasn't excited about at all) and Zach Anderson right off the bat. Then there was Markett and Wallace Miles was a promising receiver as well (although he was here right at the end of 2012)


    Hows miles doing out in ottawa? is he gonna make the team or is he a guy that we could possibly pick up? 



    He had 4 catches for 44 yards last week. Most receptions on the team.

  9. Realistically all this regime needed to find (in terms of rookie imports) was a running back and a receiver.  They found an RB who is unfortunately injured right now but they pretty much whiffed on the receiver.


    Defensive end too. We don't have an import backup defensive end.


    Those are two of the easiest positions to fill. And we whiffed hard on both.


    To their credit though, they did an unreal job with the level of talent in the secondary.


    How many import rookies started our first game last season? Dunn is the only one I can think of. Who were the guys people were excited about coming out of camp last year? I'm not trying to prove any point about our scouting, I just honestly can't remember. I can't imagine there was much excitement about what we saw in either preseason game.

    That's a good point actually. Dunn was one for sure, Was zach anderson another? Outside of those 2 guys though, I don't think there was anyone else and Anderson might not have even started the first game. Markett? nah, he didn't start. 



    Desia Dunn (who admittedly, I wasn't excited about at all) and Zach Anderson right off the bat. Then there was Markett and Wallace Miles was a promising receiver as well (although he was here right at the end of 2012)

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