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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Just now, WinnipegGordo said:


    Don’t love the money but I do like that we have the second year because that's got "restructure to take a big bonus and lower the cap hit" written all over it.

    People will be upset about the money but as long as we didn’t overspend (which I don’t think we did, it’s exactly what Harris used to make) then it is what it is, they obviously had their number to make it work as we’ve all been saying and this fit.

  2. I really think there’s a notable absence of negotiations being held with the top receivers and I’m guessing it’s because everyone has realized paying 300k to a Lawler or Lewis doesn’t mean anything if you suck at QB.

    My gut tells me right now that Schoen may have been hoping for an offer from Ottawa to go play with Dru, but now that it’s probably not coming, he’ll be back here at 260k-ish

  3. I’m going to try and be self-aware with this because I know I prefer Schoen over Brady myself, but I did have a conversation with my dad the other day where he made a very good point: we’ve never played Schoenball in the 4th Q to seal a win. We’ve made a habit of playing Bradyball. That stuff does matter and I don’t think I had really considered that until he said it.

  4. 1 minute ago, Mr. Perfect said:

    IF it comes down to losing Schoen to keep Brady, I am 110% okay with that.

    Ignoring being from Winnipeg - We're talking about the best player at his position AND counting as a National, AND handling the ball typically 15-20 times a game, occasionally sometimes more.

    As the weather turns, running the ball gets increasingly important, while Schoen, is at a position where we already have great talent, is usually the easiest position to find new, American talent, and only handles the ball a few times a game.

    Don't get me wrong - I love Schoen. He's a gritty SOB and among the best at his position too...but given the above, if forced to choose (and hopefully we don't have to), I'm keeping Brady every day of the week and twice on Sundays. It's not particularly close for me whatsoever.

    There is something to be said about how Brady is a luxury so it shouldn’t matter, but it’s definitely easier to find a Schoen than a Brady. I hope we manage to keep both though.

  5. 27 minutes ago, bearpants said:

    @Brandon is taking a major victory lap... but he was right... a lot of us (myself included) overlooked the bad plays because they were outnumbered by the good ones... in the second half of the season and into the playoffs... they were reversed

    I genuinely don’t think he was that bad to start the year, but that one game where he gambled and got burned for the TD was basically the end of him being even remotely good

  6. 1 minute ago, GCn20 said:

    We just couldn't hold guys back anymore. I am sure Yoshi was a tough decision, but those saying we are running it back with old guys need to walk that back a bit. Moving on from a guy like Yoshi proves we are looking forward not backwards.

    Let’s hold our horses on that though, there’s absolutely nothing saying this was a decision we made. It’s not as if we released the guy. Could it be that? Sure. As of right now, impossible to say.

  7. 5 hours ago, Fatty Liver said:

    This would have been well before Brady established himself as a starter so doesn't make a whole lot of sense, do you have a link that indicates they preferred him over Harris?

    Why would you think that teams don’t actually scout talent? It was fairly common around here at the time to want to let Harris walk to keep Brady. No surprise a pro team would prefer him too.

  8. 11 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Well, I kinda do but yeah, I'm no expert. However, I don't think I'm completely wrong. When we spend on players that are borderline like Thomas then there's less for others. I'd have been happy if we got younger thru free agency or the draft. I do concede that you are more of an expert than I am on the draft & the salary cap. So, please explain it. I'd truly like to know how it works, though. 

    Do the math. Lawson got a big raise. Thomas has never had any leverage as a free agency. Chances are he’s playing at our price, not his. Very surprised if he’s far above the bare minimum for his spot these days. 

  9. 1 hour ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    We need every penny to sign some key free agents. So, what do we do? We spend it on Jake Thomas?  An old, expensive & OTH DT who should have walked away from the game years ago. A signing like this is such a waste of precious $$$. 

    This kind of statement is a huge indicator that you have no idea how the salary cap works.

  10. 1 hour ago, Booch said:

    I'd like to see Ford ..Kramdi or player X who is Canadian battle for that spot and best player get it ..not who's been here longer or who "works hard" in practice...as they should all be or they should be gone.

    If Holmie is back he's your safety ..we don't need a heavy hitter there...need a guy to track and close on balls in the air.

    Work with 3 online and Demski and Woli as your nationals on offense...A Canadian SAM and a Canadian rotating on the DLine... Lawson is a lock...hopefully one of Mason Bennett or Kongbo can be the other guy..


    Actually I do really like the idea of Holm at safety 

  11. Richmond in for Hardrick is probably one of the easiest decisions we can make as a team. 

    People are going to question the effect it may have on the locker room, but if those guys don’t rally around a guy like Richmond finally getting his shot after being on the PR for 4 years (especially with him being about as stand up of a guy as it gets) then that’s on them 

  12. 5 minutes ago, CodyT said:

    Let me to ask to the Dru Brown over Collaros guys, @Mikeyou specifically

    Would you rather the group we have now or brown over zc still?

    I’m torn because I don’t really know what any of it looks like and I don’t really know what our approach is going to be short term vs long term.

    I won’t lie and say I’m a huge believer in Zach at this stage of his career and I certainly don’t believe Streveler is a better pure backup than Dru, but I do have hope that Streveler will bring an element to our offense that will help Zach. It’s a lot of moving parts.

    I think if it plays out how I expect it to, I’d want Zach over Dru at this point, but I’m scared that we are going to be in serious trouble at some point if Strevy hasn’t evolved as a passer.

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