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Posts posted by Mike

  1. I know it's just pre season but our run defence is non existent and overall I just don't see our defence improving once the regular season starts.

    I wish, you'll have your usual bomber supporters who will blindly give excuses and support whoever is on staff bash you and say its way to early, but reality is Etchevary's not a good DC. It was simply a bad hire.

    With who we have where, I don't see our run game getting any better. I used to think our pass defence would be good, but I'm starting to doubt that to. With Anderson sitting, we only have one, maybe two effective pass rushers on the DLine.

    It's not blind support. And if it is, then your discontent is blind as well. Maybe he's not a good DC, it's not unlikely by any stretch. But when you're unconventional, preseason isn't going to be where the determination is made

  2. We won the time of possession battle (35 and change to 24 and change), we only took 3 penalties, we had nearly 300 passing yards, we won the yardage battle overall, we broke 100 yards rushing and we lost on a last second field goal.

    On top of that, can someone point out a blatant mistake made by anyone who is actually going to see major playing time?

    I saw big mistakes by Kemp, Howard, Barnes and Peterson.

    I saw lots to be positive about and lots worth being optimistic about. I saw bad things too and there are still questions but it's comical that people are reacting as if this was 52-0 all over again.

  3. I like Riderfans. A lot of knowledge gets passed around there.


    But it's not the most objective board I've ever visited.


    Everything that is bad is bad. Unless a Rider does it. Then it's not bad. Which happens a lot of places. But I think it's amped up a bit on RF. Might just be the volume of their userbase though.


    see: Taj Smith being charged with aggravated assault

    see: Kory Sheets on Twitter

    see: Ricky Foley CFLPA comments


    When you get past that, it's an interesting read.

  4. I PM'd them a while back for you and they said your account is active.


    Originally Posted by WBB-Mike

    Just passing along a message from a member of my site. He mentioned this morning that nobody here has activated his account under the name "Duressler47" and I told him I'd pass it along.



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    Honestly if we do find ourselves pressed for Canadian starters at least with this you could sub in Morley. He's not good, but still...at least it's an option. I really want to see Knapp pull on runs though. He's built like a tight end.

    He actually was a tight end in college then converted to guard on the line.



    I'm pretty sure he converted to tackle, not guard.

    Tackle is where I'd like to see him too.



    Knapp did not show well at RT last year...



    On one day of practice.


    Either way, I like him at guard. Two imports on the OL is two imports, I don't care if they play tackle, center, guard or right wing.

  6. Does this eliminate all of the paperwork some guys have to dig up to become draft eligible?  If they have ever been a Canadian citizen growing up and have not changed or renounced citizenship, they would automatically be what we will probably still call a non-import.


    Yep. It definitely helps. They don't appear to have taken away any eligibility options (anyone who once was still would be) but they've made it easier to determine in some cases and added different possibilities on how one could be eligible.

  7. Here's another example ... a guy like David Scott from UBC. 5th year upcoming as a receiver for the school, born in Texas.


    He's probably eligible now, provided that he can successfully pass the citizenship test. That's one fairly decent prospect added already, without even looking much into it.


    Same with a guy like Travoy Martinez from Saskatchewan.


    oh wow.


    From now on, all you have to do to be a "national" (non-import) is be a Canadian citizen at the time of your first contract signing.


    That changes A LOT

    Not all that knowledgeable about the process but generally doesn't it take quite awhile to get Canadian citizenship, like at least a few years?  A lot of these players who come up here from the U.S. might be out of the league by the time they get their Canadian citizenship.



    It's not about getting Americans who come up here to play pro ball granted "national" status.


    It's about getting the status granted for Americans who come up here to play CIS ball (or NCAA via Simon Fraser)


    I'm not sure how feasible it will be though. The rule is 1095 days in a 4 year span. So complete your degree, graduate as a senior, hit the CFL.


    Good for future guys who fit the mold of guys like Doc Cassama, Akiem Hicks, etc.

  9. Officially ratified.


    Will update with details as they roll in


    No more 9-game injured list. 6-game injured list now.


    44 man active roster, 2 man reserve (instead of 42/4)


    Practice roster expanded from 7 to 10 (12 to 15 in fall)



    They are now known as "nationals and internationals"




    Can't see anything wrong with what you did, so don't feel bad.


    Unless you brought in an outside bottle of water or some spits!!!!!!!! 

    Yup.  and make sure you dont sit in the end zone.  You will be quickly escorted over to the assigned seating area.


    Let us know how Hall and Willy look today.   ;)



    Just to be clear, there isn't a practice today. They're travelling.

  11. Boris Bede may have been in Montreal's camp but would've been there as an import. He was born in France, spent 1 year at an NCAA school before moving to Laval. 


    Doc Cassama would qualify for non-import status based on what I saw of the new CBA proposals of course there's a question as to how they'll handle it. Do they allow re-applying or do they grandfather it and use the rule from your draft year? 


    Very cool on the topic split, great way to get topics back on topic. 


    Sorry for the derailing of the Ty Pencer talk. 


    You would think that hypothetically, given the opportunity to increase a NI talent pool that was stretched a bit thin with another team added to the mix, the CFL would take the opportunity to grant a guy like Cassama NI status if he qualified.


    Can you share any of the details from what you saw in the CBA? Curious to hear how they may determine NI status now compared to how they did before.

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