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Posts posted by Mike

  1. just being ignorant here.


    I know normally a DL can be converted to an OL. How bout the other way around, from OL to DL, can it be done ?

    And since Rids mention that Pencer originally recruited as DL in college, does Pencer got look at DL at some point in his time with the Bombers ?


    The best players play many positions in high school ball. I'd bet most of the star receivers or running backs in this league, maybe even some defensive backs, played quarterback in high school for some period of time. High school is a different animal.






    I thought Tillman had pretty much scouted Laurent on his own - no one seemed to have heard of him before the Supplemental...?



    The Laurent situation is a very unique one. Bruce Feldman (who was at ESPN at the time) came across a Duane Forde article ranking the top defensive linemen available in the CFL draft. He contacted me asking if those 10 guys were all better than Ted Laurent or at least why there was no mention of Ted. Bruce had written the fantastic book "Meat Market" and got to know that recruiting class very well at Ole Miss and Ted was part of that class. 


    After a couple of emails it was confirmed that Ted would qualify for the draft but it was beyond the date to get onto the official draft list so he ended up in the supplemental draft in one of the largest supplementals in a long time. 


    These kids that move with family members to the States during their teens are nearly impossible to keep track of especially when they move before high school. The high school kids are a little easier if they've made a name for themselves a bit. 



    Hypothetically, what would happen if they found out a guy who had played in the NFL for a couple years (let's say he's 27 or 28) was actually eligible to be a NI. An established player.


    Would he suddenly be declared eligible for the next draft?



    Yeah, exactly...there's about a dozen Ricky Ray/Doug Flutie/Dave Dickson's kicking around down south just looking for a place to play. Why don't we bring in THOSE guys???


    Ah, the old 'over-blown reaction' post...  in the last years, TO found Collaros, Cal found BLM, BC developed Mike Reilly... these guys do exist.


    For the record, I think WIlly has a strong arm and brains, accuracy will come.  Marve has all three from what I can see.  Brohm has strength and Hall has 'accuracy'... alone its not enough.


    The old "overblown reaction post"?


    Let's see, you opened with:


    I love how its impossible for bombers fans to consider the fact that we should find a QB with brains, accuracy and a strong arm...  Its actually not an 'either or' scenario.


    because for some reason only you have the clarity of vision to think that better quarterbacks are better than worse quarterbacks.  Uh, great.


    Well let's play the one up game - the Bombers should find a QB with brains, accuracy and a strong arm....and mobility.

    No, wait - they should get a QB with brains, accuracy, a strong arm, mobility....and experience.

    Nope, nope, they should get a QB with brains, accuracy, a strong arm, mobility, experience....and durability.


    No, no, that guy would be garbage, they should get a QB with brains, accuracy, a strong arm, mobility, experience, durability, leadership, a strong family background and early upbringing in the missionary field, a dad who was a football coach in high school, beautiful Dinwiddie eyes AND Usain Bolt-like speed.


    Anything less is not worthy of consideration.


    (you were arguing against a point that no one was making)



    you forget strong swimmers.


    I want our next QB to breed the type of winners that will make our quarterback position a spot passed down from generation to generation.


    anything less is unacceptable and just insulting, to be honest.


    Corey Mace and a first round pick (instead of Tom Canada) for Zeke Moreno.


    One of the great trades of our time.


    Speaking of revisionist history....


    That was Mark Cohon(?) being more of a rookie commissioner than any blame on Taman.  Trading Mace and Canada for Moreno was a decent desperation trade to keep our playoff hopes alive.  The CFL had no understanding of the importance of NI talent when they acted as a 'mediator'.


    You can't defend Mack on one hand and then throw Taman under the bus.



    Where did I even mention Taman?





    Pencer cut = One less thing to argue about going forward.

    With Mack, Pencer, Etienne and Poblah now gone, what are we going to argue about?


    Poblah was a pretty silly argument to have anyway, everyone and their dog agreed that he was a prospect well worth using a first rounder on and if he was in the draft he likely was the #1 pick. Just happened that the guy couldn't translate all those physical tools into anything of substance. 





    Sometimes a pick is bad because you don't do your homework. (Pencer)


    And then sometimes a pick is bad just because they can't figure it out. (Poblah)


    Poblah was about as surefire of a choice as there was coming out of college. Hell, he was being recruited as an import before his eligibility was established. Remember how dominant he was in training camp the first year he was here? I remember Jovon Johnson saying he's as tough a matchup one on one as he had ever faced in practice. 


    And then as it turned out, he sucked when the lights came on.



    And, I think part of it, is just how inconsistently we use our NI skill position players .. we draft guys like Volny and Woodson .. and there's no real plan to use these guys (this is a pet peeve of mine)  ..  Poblah was a great prospect but perhaps he just never found his niche in the offense because of how he was used .. just tossing it out there for the sake of discussion .. I *DO* hope the guy succeeds .. has the physical tools to make a career of it ..



    Agree. I think for a while, Mack used to look at things and say "we don't have one of those, get one" when he needed to stop and think about it to realize the reason he didn't have one is because he didn't need one.


    Or maybe they are just flyers. I don't know.



    Pencer cut = One less thing to argue about going forward.

    With Mack, Pencer, Etienne and Poblah now gone, what are we going to argue about?


    Poblah was a pretty silly argument to have anyway, everyone and their dog agreed that he was a prospect well worth using a first rounder on and if he was in the draft he likely was the #1 pick. Just happened that the guy couldn't translate all those physical tools into anything of substance. 





    Sometimes a pick is bad because you don't do your homework. (Pencer)


    And then sometimes a pick is bad just because they can't figure it out. (Poblah)


    Poblah was about as surefire of a choice as there was coming out of college. Hell, he was being recruited as an import before his eligibility was established. Remember how dominant he was in training camp the first year he was here? I remember Jovon Johnson saying he's as tough a matchup one on one as he had ever faced in practice. 


    And then as it turned out, he sucked when the lights came on.



    Probably should have played through the flu.  Oh well.


    The real revisionist history in all of this was Mack's version after the 2012 draft talking about 'not having enough firepower' to trade up to #2...  Wally gave up 4, 14 and  38 for 2 and 20.   Mack gave up 8 and 13 for #3.  Pretty comparable... 

    Not really, there's a pretty good difference in my mind between 4 and 8 when a team is trading down. 



    I know you're a Mack apologist but bear with me here...


    The story, as we are told, is that O'B forced Mack's hand into the trade before Buono made the move.  If Mack had been connected, he would have heard rumblings... as if Edm doesn't call the bombers and ask for something...


    At that time, we had #3, #16, #21, etc...  we had the 'firepower' to move up again and get Westerman, Mack sat on his hands and was schooled by Buono.  



    You're doing a lot of assuming in this scenario.


    Its not like other teams didn't have first round busts, I like the selective complaints.

    It wasn't like Pencer was a projected 4th round pick some other team would of scooped him up.

    Taman never had bad drafts because he dealed away all of our picks.

    The mack hate is lame.

    As for Pencer , many people on here noticed how terrible he was and they all said he was going to get cut in a matter of time.


    No the problem isn't "mack made a bad pick".... every GM has done that.... the problem is Mack traded up with the initial condition being that his guy would be available (Jabar Westerman) but when BC traded up to 2, we all knew who they were taking... yet Mack completed the trade anyways.... then he selected a guy we could've easily got at 9 or 10 or wherever we were originally scheduled to pick... and the other problem is he made the exact same mistake prior year with Jade.... I have no problem picking a guy you like but why not trade down, gain more picks, and still get the guy you want.... drafting 101, a class Joe Mack apparently flunked!



    Little bit of revisionist history, but he still mishandled it a bit.


    Hamilton and Winnipeg agreed to a conditional trade on the morning of the draft. It was mentioned as a conditional trade on the draft preshow, before they started picking. Then Hamilton suddenly yanked the conditions out from under Winnipeg and made them make a decision to either take the deal now or it was off the table. Mack took it, BC jumped to 2 and the rest was history.


    People make it seem like Mack just flipped picks for the third overall AFTER Buono jumped to second overall, but that's not really how it went down.

  9. I simply find it hilarious how quickly people pile on players who have looked rock solid up to a preseason game and then boom they must be trash..

    pencergoing nowhere unless they fawk up something serious in Calgary.. You guys DO realize we are working into a new offence, a new defence and a new HC coupled with crazy rotations all game long, right?




  10. Hall was awful to compare his performance with Willy is ridiculous. Willy may have had some accuracy issues but at least he moved the ball.

    He ran fast, made quick decisions and didn't float the ball.

    Hall needs a tonne of time to make plays...he will get crushed this season.

    Hall got rid of the ball very decisively, not sure what you saw.

  11. Worman to Winnipeg was a rumor way before O'Shea got hired and whether anyone (Goalie) wants to believe it or not, it's true. It was exploratory at best, but Worman had already done some independent scouting for us towards the end of last season as well.


    As far as sharing sources goes ... you shouldn't expect it. Sourcing something that is FACT, sure. Sourcing something that is pure rumor, I don't think so. You want to be exposed to things that may be construed as "gossip"? You need to be willing to understand that some of it might be second hand information, some of it might not come to fruition, some of it may have been shared via a source that has explicitly requested to not be ID'd and some of it may be total baloney. Put the onus on yourself to filter what you want from it and don't believe it as fact, don't put the onus on people sharing information to identify where it's coming from. If everyone had to identify their gossip, we'd stop getting gossip. This is a grassroots, community oriented league. Everyday regular joes who have no connection to the game can get lucky and develop connections. We don't all have to be Ian Rapoport to have legitimate information.

  12. Hall, Muamba and Matthews would all be CFL free agents.  Hopefully one or all still have some positive feelings towards this club.  Muamba was offered a massive amount of $ before he left so he knows we really want him back.  On the other hand, we cut his brother.  On the other other hand, no other team has picked him up.


    Bilukidi is the one that has the best shot of coming north this year, I'd say. Followed by Matthews.


    I really really hate to ask this question, but how well would Bilukidi fit in an Etchevery defence?  In my mind I picture his skills/athleticism as similar to Bryant Turner so it seems like there should be some synergy, but I never got to see much of the Raiders (and if I had the opportunity I would probably pass).


    Immediately? Probably not well. He'd have to adjust physically to the CFL, he's carrying NFL weight in a big way right now.


    He went from about anywhere between 270-290 in college, playing a stand up rush end spot at times, interior lineman in others. That was probably CFL shape for him. He was flexible in college at that weight, very mobile, very agile. You can see in the picture below, he was a big guy but not much extra weight on him. Not very wide in the middle, just a broad shoulder big fit lineman with some extra weight to carry around.




    Then he went to the NFL. He's blimped up to about 320 pounds.




    Wouldn't cut Banks. I'm more concerned about the D schemes than any particular player really, but even those won't be the ones we see in the opener.


    I know it's preseason and I know Etch doesn't want to tip his hand .. but honestly .. watching the Argos run on us (at will) on Monday night made me cringe ..



    Agreed. Especially in the flats. Because that's where Owens and Durie (and now probably Coombs) make a living.

  14. So, question. If the new CBA is ratified, does that mean Matthews & Muamba would be free agents if cut by their NFL teams as there would no longer be option year clauses on contracts? 


    There weren't option year clauses to begin with. That option year has been gone a long time.


    The difference now is that I think guys can sign one year contracts.



    I simply find it hilarious how quickly people pile on players who have looked rock solid up to a preseason game and then boom they must be trash..

    Banks, suber, pencer, January (dafuq?) and wild are all going nowhere unless they fawk up something serious in Calgary.. You guys DO realize we are working into a new offence, a new defence and a new HC coupled with crazy rotations all game long, right?



    How are we piling on? And why is suggesting they could be cut equated to suggesting they may be trash.


    Good players can be cut too.


    When you have better players.

    Do we have better players? And I equate a cut player to traditionally mean he's closer to trash then to treasure, wouldn't you?



    I guess we'll find out. That's what we were discussing.

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