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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Here we go again. Friesen complains about something the Bombers do and the boys on forums go nuts. I get the popcorn out and see if anyone comes up with anything new. It's almost like the folks around here don't know that Friesen is trying to create buzz and he doesn't care if it's negative or positive.

    Personally, I think O'Shea trying to control the message and the media is a mistake, just like it was when 'He who must not be named' did it. Picking a fight with the folks who write the articles is a no win situation and it will result in negative press, which the Bombers really don't need. I'll chalk it up to a Rookie HC mistake or not understanding how the press, especially in Winnipeg works. At least it will be grist for the forums so things won't get boring around here.

    Why is it that you ALWAYS side with the media? If a coach does something the media doesn't like, he's picking a fight? Why couldn't it just once be that the media is behaving inappropriately?

  2. Two things about the Twitter feed to update you all on lately ..


    - If you haven't yet, be sure to check out the feed and RT our daily tweet for an entry into our gift card draw


    - Also just want to apologize to everyone here for what some may call the "shameless plugging" we've been doing. I try to balance it with information, but the more traffic we get, the better it is for all of us because we can keep giving free stuff away. So if you're bothered by the whole "follow us/RT us" schtick, my apologies. Hopefully it won't happen too often.


    This really should result in a pretty decent Canadian DT being cast aside by Hamilton.

    Unless they plan on keeping Atkinson, Bulcke, Hazime AND Laurent.

    Do you see any of those guys as upgrades over Thomas/Lucas?



    Bulcke and Hazime definitely are, Atkinson is impossible to tell and might not be a fit in our D but he rates well as a prospect.

  4. What I like is that it doesn't seem to be a question of Neufeld being ready for RT, it seems to be a question of Goossen being ready at center. If Goossen is ready, it'll roll changes throughout the entire depth chart. Suddenly there wouldn't be a need for Ryan Lucas at DT and Zach Anderson can retake ownership of that spot.

  5. Christ you're on top of things.


    I was just about to post this and you beat me to it lol


    I didn't know Charbonneau was on our staff, but I like it a lot. He's been a guest coach for us before (when Wylie was our OL coach last time) and I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure he used to coach for the St. James Rods program before he went to the NCAA.

  6. Bob Wylie still absent from practice. Second practice in a row. Penton told me he's been told that's a question for coach O'Shea.

    The OLs are mostly taking turns lining up all over the place. Goossen getting most of the reps at centre. Morley taking reps at centre and RG. Neufeld appears to be the starting RT...getting the most reps there.

    Swiston standing on the sidelines not practicing. Including Swiston I count 15 OL here today.

    Willy with a beauty deep pass completed to Kemp. Randle was the the DB.

    Kevin Smith hurt himself in one on one drills. He's trying to walk it off on the sidelines.

    Thanks a lot for the updates for those of us who can't make it.

  7. The way I see it is that these guys are football players and like you said, they're not the most well versed in labour negotiations. They're just hearing what they've been told from a fairly underwhelming players association. I totally agree that if the PA were to vote, the deal would pass.

    I see you called me out there Mike regarding my tweets towards Korey Banks. I've seen many of your tweets on Twitter towards local media that is quite disrespectful, and you frame yourself as being a hero on here. In fact you mentioned several Winnipeg sports media have blocked you for your disrespectful comments towards them on twitter.

    Whatever you say.


    I could be wrong, but it's totally possible that Taylor Renaud, Brescacin and Stevenson could be non counters too.


    Renaud, Brescacin and Stevenson all count against the training camp number as they've all been in training camps before. 


    Kris Robertson is a non-counter since he was hurt before camp last year. Stephen Alli would be a non-counter if he showed up as a 2013 Draft Selection. 


    I believe Sean Blake and Errol Brooks would be the other non-counters. Should be 8 + any Rifles players and a non-import QB. 



    I thought they were non counters if they had not been on a 46 man roster ... but then I just looked and I missed an excerpt from the CBA. Thanks!

  9. Has bilukidi shown even a tiny bit of interest in coming to the CFL at all, cuz i haven't seen or read one article or quote from him where he even mentions the CFL as an option.


    Sure, it would be nice to see him here but i'm highly doubting it happens.


    He had to file paperwork to become eligible for the draft, it wasn't automatic.

  10. Any guess on cuts would be just that ... a guess.


    If I had to pick 7 guys, based on absolutely nothing ... I'd probably go with Jason Barnes, Kashawn Fraser, Jaymar Johnson, Dale Stevenson, Jesse Peterson and a couple of the defensive backs. But really, that's based off of about a half hour of watching them and reading between the lines on fan reports.

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