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Posts posted by Mike

  1. I'm going to my cabin on sunday so i wont be at the first day of main camp but... this is just a suggestion, there has got to be a way for fans to actually voice their displeasure with some of these guys, whether that be throwing a jersey on the field, whether it be chants like "we are actually the league". or something, perhaps turning backs to certain players like nick moore and kory banks. I'd love to hear about that. It would send a message that the fans will not put up with this bs for much longer.


    Maybe nobody should show up even. I dunno, but... what these morons dont really get is without the fans, there is no league. They can all pretend, without the players there is no league but thats bullcrap, theres thousands of players down south who would come up here in a second to play. The players are all replaceable, the fans are not.


    That doesn't give fans like you a right to be disrespectful towards the players. I've been paying attention to your posts throughout the entire process of the pending lockout. You've been incredibly emotional the whole time, switching from one extreme "there will NEVER be a lockout!" to another "if there's a lockout, the CFL could be gone forever" and now you've moved on to disrespecting players by singling them out and calling them morons, douchebags, etc. For all the heat they've taken about things, I have yet to publically see a player call anybody else (fan, owner, whoever) a douchebag or a moron so why is it acceptable for you? The worst thing I've seen is Nick Moore's tweet about the good faith reporting to camp thing and even though I already don't much care for him and I don't really support his statement, I also don't think it warrants somebody calling him a douchebag.


    I think what I'd rather see than the fans turn their back at main camp is if you would actually be willing to go up to Korey Banks in person and call him a douchebag or a moron.

  2. Some of the fans are dealing with this just as poorly as the players.


    Seriously. There was hardly anything wrong with what Banks said and here are some of the responses:


    "that's a slap in the face to the country and fans who provide you with employment"


    "if there's a problem with the exchange rate, I'm sure the AFL is hiring. They pay in USD"


    "then don't come up here and play. you and the league should keep your mouths shut. you're tarnishing our game. that's right our game!"


    "don't like exchange rate, find a job in the US. there's lots of players to replace you #ignorant"


    Like seriously. There's a difference between sharing your opinion and being disrespectful. All he's doing is sharing his opinion on the ongoing negotiations. Is he necessarily right? Not really, but that doesn't really matter. I'd rather they be misinformed than rude, like some of the fans are being in response. Obviously we all want a season, players and fans alike. Don't take it out on them if it isn't warranted.

  3. Some idiotic blogger from the US on Twitter is trying to tell me that Saskatchewan made a profit of nearly 150 million dollars .... during Grey Cup week.

    ... and that's why he is claiming the players are asking for more than a reasonable amount of money.

    He probably means the Grey Cup resulted in a $150 million economic impact for Sask.

    I doubt it. He told me a "trusted source" confirmed to him that each team made roughly 18m a year in profit.

    He's just a bozo

  4. When was the last time Marve played? He's coming off big injury and off field issues.

    The team traded for Brohm and they hired Danny McManus to scout for the team and you don't think he may have had a word about the guy since he saw him in Hamilton?

    I take much more weight in that then a fan seeing a guy throw the ball hard a few times in practice lol.

    Marve can make 3rd string but for now he is 4th on the depth chart and that won't change until pre season games are played.


    I'm having a hard time following your point.


    They traded for Brohm. So? They signed Marve too. There's obviously interest in both of them.


    And now you seem to be backing off your solid stance a bit. You're opening up to the possibility. That's good. But I'm just having a hard time seeing where you really stand.


    5.2m cap, raising to 5.7m over course of 5 yr term.


    Minimum salary of 55k raising to 62.5k over course of 5 yr term.


    5k veteran bonus, 2.5k rookie bonus for showing up.


    Give them their independent neurologist, 5 padded practices every four weeks.


    Beers all around.


    Call it a day.


    There. I just did Molstad's job. Pay me.

    I counter with 5.2M cap this year going up by $75K per year and forget about re-opening up the 'Tied to Revenue' talk in a couple of years.  The TSN money isn't going up each year and other costs do go up each year, so the teams are going to have to raise additional revenue on their own to pay for the yearly increases.


    Rookies don't vote, so min salary raised to 50K with yearly 5% increases.  


    1K signing bonus per rookie and 6K for the vets cuz they vote.


    Any competent trainer can do the concussion tests and neurologist's cost money, so counter with a team doctor at every game.


    I'm not into beer so Rum and Cokes all round.



    *walks out*


    @PentonKirk: @FasterFire Here's that #Bombers depth chart for you. Take it with a grain of salt, however. http://t.co/yaz9u00nBw

    QB — Drew Willy, Max Hall, Brian Brohm, Robert Marve

    RB — Will Ford, Nic Grigsby, Paris Cotton, Carl Volny, Kevin Smith, Errol Brooks

    FB — Michel-Pierre Pontbriand, Carl Fitzgerald

    WR — Mario Urrutia, Jason Barnes, Braylon Bell

    SB — Nick Moore, Jaymar Johnson, C.J. Tarver

    SB — Cory Watson, Julian Feoli-Gudino

    SB — Clarence Denmark, Aaron Kelly, Donavon Kemp, Aaron Woods

    WR — Rory Kohlert, Jordan Brescacin, Taylor Renaud

    LT — Glenn January, Jarvis Jones, Paul Swiston

    LG — Chris Greaves, Tyson Pencer, Jesse Peterson

    C — Steve Morley, Quentin Saulsberry, Matthias Goossen

    RG — Randy Richards, Chris Kowalczuk, Quinn Everett

    RT — Pat Neufeld, Dan Knapp, Dale Stevenson

    DE — Jason Vega, Greg Peach, Willie Moseley

    DT — Ryan Lucas, Louie Richardson, Kashawn Fraser

    DT — Bryant Turner, Jake Thomas, Zach Anderson

    DE — Kenny Tate, Stafford Gatling, Louis Nzegwu

    WLB — Desia Dunn, Kamaal McIlwain

    MLB — Ejiro Kuale, Ian Wild, Graig Newman, Jesse Briggs, Aram Eisho

    SAM — Korey Banks, Maurice Leggett, Stephon Morris

    CB — Chris Randle, Marty Markett, Daivon Dumas

    HB — Demond Washington, Brandon Hogan

    S — Johnny Sears, Dan West, Matt Pierce, Teague Sherman

    HB — Alex Suber, Don Unamba, Bruce Johnson

    CB — Donovan Alexander, Matt Bucknor, Kris Robertson, Derek Jones

    K/P — Lirim Hajrullahu, Mike Renaud, Brett Maher

    LS — Sean Blake

    Ever since the Mike Sellers era ended, we've never utlized our full back much, probably because we haven't found the necessary player (s). Any worth on the Bombers part to shore up that position more in efforts to utlize more? Or are the cupboards empty when it comes to that position?



    We tried out a fullback at the Florida mini camp, his name eludes me right now but he was a LSU alumni with NFL experience. Just doesn't seem to be much use for them anymore.

  7. Funny, Nick Moore wasn't complaining when he signed his over valued contract in free agency...


    Report to camp, "in good faith"....lmao come on man


    I'm not a big Nick Moore fan and stuff like this is why. He is one of those guys that I'll cheer for on the field but I don't have much use for off of it.


    It's like he's been diagnosed with Jovon Johnson Syndrome.


    Offer also asked for $15k one time payment to each veteran player. CFL walked out rather than counter.

    I bet the young players will be happy to vote for strike now knowing the veterans angled for a payday for themselves.  The CFL should counter with something that speaks to the younger players/rookies etc and drive a wedge.



    Keep in mind for the purpose of this discussion, I'm pretty sure "veterans" means anyone who is not a first year player.


    the point is you can have all the credentials in the world but if you don't show up on the field it means nothing.... If Marve shows much better than Hall and Brohm then I'd have no objection to him being #2

    This is based on one practice.

    How many times we see a guy look solid in practice only to stink in game time.

    They have a lot more time looking at Brohm and if they didn't like him they wouldn't of traded for him.

    Marve only makes third string if he plays fantastic in the pre season games and Brohm shits the bed.

    No way Hall loses backup to Marve unless he gets hurt.

    The team isn't going to go with zero experience at back up.

    I'm willing to put money on that.

    Marve is the project guy who will only see the field in the reg season if we get injuries or we are killing a team or being hammered.



    Food for thought - you're challenging people who are making predictions based off one practice and in response, you're making predictions based off nothing.


    Both opinions are valid.

  10. It will be very difficult to believe Marve can overtake any of the other guys.

    Hall and Brohms NFL experience will be tough to surpass.

    Disagree with this. Maybe it was only one practice but this guy has all the tools. I'm in love.

    Brohm was easily the weakest of the QBs and while I like what Hall brings to the table, he is what he is. Marve has zip on his throws and one particular example I have is on one play, he showed great mobility on a roll out to his right while being chased by a lineman and while on the run fired a bullet to Donovan Kemp. Perfect throw and a good example of what he can do. It's early, but I think he easily gets the project 3rd QB job on this squad.

    Also ran into Gary Etcheverry in the parking lot and he smiled at me. This turned my impression of him around immediately. He will be the greatest coordinator this team has ever seen.

    Lol I hope this is a joke?

    Also Willy is a lock at #1, Hall pretty much a lock at #2..... The team traded for Brohm , McManus I assume likes the guy since he knows the most about him.... the dude has started in the NFL.... was fairly touted in his college career..... Marve would have to be perfect in pre season while Brohm completely shits the bed for him to take his spot.

    Just because a guy can zip the ball in practice doesn't really mean anything yet.

    I am pleased though that they brought in a guy who can throw the ball instead of bringing in guys with Dinwiddie floater arms...

    They traded a conditional draft pick for him, hardly an investment that marries them to him.

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