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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 12 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    My only issue with Lawson, is he didn’t play enough. Guys a monster. 
     For the cap numbers the only thing I’d add is that it’s heavily skewed for us when you factor in Zach, and even what will likely be our top 5 all earning outlier money. 
     Let’s say Zach 600k, and the next 4 (likely wj lawler Bryant and one of schoen/brady) average 225k. That’s 1.5m/5.585m at just 5 guys. Leaving 40 to split 4.085m, if we leave no cushion and rely on cutting guys to make changes or ir saved money. That’s 102,125 now, vs the minimum of 70k. If you break down the next 5 highest paid guys, and average out the rest over 35 it drops to probably the mid to low 90s. If you then pay your 7 starting candians plus 3 key ni back ups an average of 100k, which would likely be closer to 125k in average, the number slumps even further. 

    There was actually. Behind Jackson in particular we have spent the last 3 drafts stocking guys for that kind of role. Any taman napkin name ni or imp at fb te lber or de could’ve filled that role and been an upgrade either by ratio or talent. Same with faith the de edition. 

    But the reality of it is that none of this is how it works.

    It’s all so much more fluid than that. You have guys on rookie scale deals, you have guys on American “entry level” deals … I’m not going to quote exact numbers because I think that’s a fools errand but it’s pretty clear the overall perception that we have as fans is way off. I’ve seen that in this thread alone. 

    For example, how many people in here know that Johnny Augustine had a higher maximum earnings than Brady last year? For as good as our offensive line is, how many people in here are aware that we spend less on it than almost any team in the league? Stan was the only guy in the top 20 last year for earnings and he certainly didn’t get a raise this year. We don’t pay defensive backs either, only one of them made upwards of 100k last year. Lots around 90k but only BA was six figures. 

    5 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    From the tub. 

    And not a dime of it counted on the cap so who cares 

  2. 4 minutes ago, bb1 said:

    For the potential of being a Cdn starter. Cdn on both sides of the line if they are decent are not cheap.

    I wasn’t arguing it’s a bad deal. I was making a point that people get worked up about these high numbers but they really have no idea just how many guys on our team are making those kind of dollars (way more than they think)

  3. Look at it this way: if we cut bait with any of Rose, Alexander, Gauthier, Briggs, Castillo, Bailey, Hardrick or Thomas and replace them with a minimum level salary, that’s probably a savings of anywhere between 30-70k each. 

    Already moved on from Mike Miller, Alden Darby, Jeffcoat .. if those are minimum salary replacements, that’s roughly another 150k in cap savings already.

  4. I see we’ve proceeded to the part of the off-season where we forget that replacements for old players don’t cost $0


    The cap is $5.585 million this year, that’s roughly 125k per spot on the active roster.

    people would be horrified if they saw how much Jake Thomas, Jesse Briggs, Shayne Gauthier, etc were making. Hell, did anyone discuss how we’re also paying Cam Lawson about 140k this year? 

  5. 1 minute ago, GCn20 said:

    It is if we want it to be. We may have to move on from some players but I don't want it to be from our OL....and it doesn't have to be,

    The issue isn’t “can we afford Brady”, the issue is “is it worth paying Brady”

    People are all up in arms about the Kolonscopy contract, but Demski just lowered his cap hit, we’re moving on from Jeffcoat, we’re moving on from a LOT of our special teams guys who were on their second/third deals making bigger money. We’ve got lots of money to spend. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    that massive raise suggests he is better than his play would indicate. Again, giving a relatively massive raise to that guy when we're likely scrambling to find money for Schoen and Brady O seems like a humongous miss by Walters.......unless.... as has been mentioned......... some OL pieces (Yoshi/Gray) are gone and we were desperate. 

    I’m not really sure why you think we’re scrambling to find money for Schoen and Brady. The money is there.

  7. 1 hour ago, Goalie said:

    There’s always one or 2 who are convinced they know more than the ppl who see them everyday.  Between you and me ;) there’s definitely one guy like that on here and to be honest it gets annoying reading some of his posts. Just believes he knows more. Like Mike years ago but Mike doesn’t do that anymore. The other guy does tho. 

    I did know more back in the day and don’t you ever forget it 😂

  8. 1 hour ago, Noeller said:

    obviously a huge fan of the incoming Strevolution.... and what a deal on that contract.

    Quasi-necro post here, but since it wasn't really mentioned a couple pages back.... the Koala contract might be the worst in KW's tenure here. Gave a pretty sizeable raise to a guy that is maybe the 7/8 OL on this team. They must be expecting to lose at least one piece or maybe two (Gray/Yoshi) and paid out of desperation. Either way, looks super ugly. 

    140k for a starting OL or even a 6th lineman is absolutely nothing 

  9. 8 minutes ago, Colin Unger said:

    This is the biggest signing to me.  Brady and Schoen more replaceable than Streveler. This will extend Collaros career IMO. 

    I swear you have the wildest takes, Colin. What are you going on about? Our backup QB who hasn’t proven he can be a starter carries more value than either the best RB or WR in the league? 

  10. On 2024-01-22 at 1:35 AM, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Seems I'm the butt of the jokes here by a couple of real losers.... ERRRRRR...... posters because of my age but so be it, I guess. What else is new, anyway???

    I've read the posts here & the howls of laughter aimed at me. Made by the same people who always seem to claim that racism, bigotry & discrimination are evil & must be stamped out once & for all.  However, when it comes to ageism well, that's okay. It's always Open Season on me for that. So then, the word that jumps out at me for some of you (not all) is hypocrite.

    Yes, they say, Let's minimize someone's comments (like mine) when we disagree with them by saying their opinion is unimportant because we think they're too old & should get lost. Their opinions don't count as much as others because of their advanced age. Meanwhile, they'll jump on the next thread defending the rights of free speech passionately. Is it because they actually feel that way or perhaps just want to fit in here & not stick out themselves?? Just be part of the crowd. I wonder sometimes. 

    Some of us have been members together for a couple of decades. Here & at the old Our Bomber site. If we have then we've known each other for 20 years. Unless you were 16 when you started then some of you are pushing 45-50 years of age or older now. You're already looked upon as old & unimportant from a twenty something's perspective. You just haven't experienced it yet but it's coming. 

    You cling to your last vestages of youth while your belly starts expanding, you have more than one chin, your belt around your waist needs loosening, your pants ride higher & the grey hair is springing more visibly everyday. Not only on what's left of your receding hairline but on your face as well. Some of you who thought you were James Bond in the bedroom just a few short years ago now need a little blue pill to perform & "be a man" when it comes to satisfying your lover, wife or girlfriend.  

    So, if you've been around here as long as I have or longer then you're no spring chicken either. From the posts I used to read on the political threads that were thankfully discontinued it's pretty clear that some of you laughing at me learned to yell at clouds at an early age.

    I just know that time stops for no one. As some of you will find out sooner than you think. The harsh reality is some of you "youngsters" won't make it to my age as cancers. other sicknesses, afflictions & accidents might pick you off prematurely. We don't know when our number will be called & our time is up.

    Getting old is really a privelidge. It's not a right as some of us could die tomorrow. From a deathbed perspective, the 38 year old about to die would probably wish he or she could live to be 68. 

    Just know that mocking me about my age isn't going to change my mind about how I see things when it comes to the Blue Bombers, Jets, the world of sports or just the world in general. I won't be run off by a few intellectual pipsqueaks that we have here who seem to have it in for me. One thing is certain. You'll always know my opinion & where I stand. There'll be no beige for me. 

    I've always had a strong opinion. I can be stubborn. I've taken as good as I've got over the years. Sometimes it was deserved & sometimes not. The truth is you'll always know where I stand on any subject that I comment on.

    I'm not the same person I was 20 years ago. I think I've mellowed & actually will try to discuss any subject with anyone now without being insulting unless I'm insulted first. Twenty years ago, I was more impatient & willing to argue my point aggressively & I wasn't very nice at times. I have my regrets for being a prick at times back then. I feel I'm no longer like that. I try to show respect & listen to the other POV. 

    Now, for all you hypocrites out there & you know who you are... 

    Have a nice day!!!!!


    The greatest fools are the ones 

    that hold fast to facts when truth is gone.

    Still the need to be right 

    consumes the workings of sound minds.

    No longer do the crowds align

    those masses forced to harmonize.

    The end result is fractured thought

    when sanity is subtly bought.

    By dogma's bent in bubbles realm

    the saddest jokers are at the helm.

    With agendas forlorn from hope

    when madness is more than a trope.

    Instead, reality bends it's knee

    with the idiots flocking to the decrees.

    Truth is absent at the end

    when verity is then condemned. 

    You probably missed a whole episode of Matlock typing that all up, you old fart


    (just kidding)

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