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Posts posted by Mike



    So what was the worst draft pick this draft?

    NEW England blowing an early pick on a QB?

    I don't mind that pick... Tom Brady will be 37 this season and he's not going to play forever.

    The pick that struck me as odd was the Browns using their first pick on Justin Gilbert, a cornerback. But they were still able to grab Manziel later on so it ended up looking like an okay move, I guess.


    I like Gilbert but I hated the move for two reasons. First of which I don't think the Browns got NEARLY the return they should have gotten moving down from four to nine, especially when you consider the prices paid to teams for first round draft trades in the past. The return St. Louis got from the Redskins for example in the RG3 deal when they moved from four to two immediately comes to mind.


    Second, based on reports some (not sure how everybody didn't know but I digress) but some of the Browns staffers were aware of the second failed drug test by Josh Gordon two weeks before the draft (Last year's NFL leading receiver with over 1,600 yards) that will most likely result in him missing all of the upcoming season. Based on that, why are you trading out of that spot when you have Sammy Watkins right in your lap? Your defence is already very good. You could have had Manziel (who I think sits now for 2014 based on the Gordon situation) paired up with Watkins and Cameron. Add Gordon back in 2015 and that's one hell of a passing attack.



    I think they got a great return.


    Justin Gilbert, a likely top 10 pick in 2015 and a 4th rounder in the same year. If suddenly that 2015 1st rounder turns into an offensive weapon like maybe Todd Gurley or Nelson Agholor ... that trade looks great for Cleveland.


    I don't know why it never occurred to me before, but the idea of Ian Wild at MLB really appeals to me.

    I wonder how a guy his size would hold up in that spot over 18 games?


    Newman isn't even 200 pounds.



    Newman is a silly option to me, but Wild seems like such a fit there, he flowed to the ball and always seemed to be around the play last year. Unbelievable motor and it gives you the ability to put him and Parker on the field at the same time.

  3. Interesting take by Forde. I'd like to know what Wileys assessment was on these guys. Put that together with Fordes and we'd have our winner.This latest info. on Goosen should give Ottawa a little something to chew on. 


    I'm not sure why a journalist's opinion of prospects would influence professional talent scouts. He's not Mike Mayock or Mel Kiper, Ottawa will form their opinion based on what their scouts see, not what Duane Forde writes.

  4. I don't seem to have heard or read an official release from the Bombers that McRath was released.  The only thing I heard was from Penton and it was more like a rumour.  Is there an official PR from the Bpmbers on this?


    There was. Darren Cameron released it.

  5. Good lord, what's with all the players being caught using illegal drugs? Seriously, get your **** together, players. Get some integrity.

    Oh God don't be so naive.

    University educated man intent on playing in the CFL & he claims he didn't know that what he was taking (Stanozolol) was a steroid? Who is being naive here? I think it's you Atomic.

    I don't think you understood what he was implying.

  6. A general observation to be made here is that it seems like Etch is kind of causing some issues in terms of the players he wants. I mean, it seems maybe he was the reason McRath was let go, not saying McRath was anything huge but, It seems maybe ETCH is having too much of a say. We have so many DB'S under contract? why? yet not many LBs any more. Seems stupid. Perhaps the best thing to do is eliminate the problem here and fire etcheverry now and actually have a somewhat conventional CFL defence instead of something that probably isn't sustainable long term.


    Fire Etch now. 


    Solves our MLB problem cuz McRath would probably still be that guy if ETCH wasn't here. 


    This doesn't make any sense. I don't like Etcheverry either, but if you're asking the guy to put a good defense on the field, he sure as hell should be able to make sure he gets the players he wants to do that. And you said yourself you're not assuming McRath was going to be anything special, so this just sounds to me like a reach in order to cast more doubt on Etcheverry.

  7. If it's determined he knowingly took this banned substance, can the CFL governing body take more of a hardline stance other than mandatory testing and harsh words?

    If they can, they should and send a message to all players/CFL teams that this will not be tolerated even it it means top talent not playing in this league. If they don't follow-through on where they stand with performance enhancing drugs, that also sends a message but with a different meaning.  


    I don't think any professional league distinguishes between guilt and guilt with intent. It is not up to them to determine intent. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that even if he showed them a picture of a needle in his butt, he'd be penalized the same.


    To be honest, all this "I didn't know" stuff is just window dressing anyways. If you're taking stanozolol, the chances that you didn't know it are incredibly slim and anyone in professional sports would know that. They'll deflect and claim ignorance, but the reality of the situation is that if he tested positive, it's not because he didn't know he was taking it, it's because he ****** up his cycle.

  8. how this affect his CFL stock, Mike? big time ?


    Impossible to say. It's going to be all about how much credit executives give the steroids for his combine showing.


    Without knowing the levels found in his sample, it's impossible to tell.


    What I will say is that it's not going to UP his draft stock, that's for sure. He'll certainly get drafted and for the sake of squashing any speculation, I would definitely not count on him suddenly being available with our 3rd rounder.

  9. Strike one against him, he won't be suspended but he's now subject to mandatory testing. It automatically carries over from the CIS and if he's caught a second time, he's suspended for three games.


    I'm curious to see how he handles it, because trying to say he wasn't sure that he took it would be a red flag for me. You're not likely to find trace amounts of Winstrol in anything you'd take regularly. Chances are if he was found with it in his system, he KNEW he was taking it.

  10. Once healthy he started 10 games at MLB for last years Grey Cup Champions. Just sayin...


    He apparently did really well but they also took him out of the game and replaced him with an import on roughly half the snaps. We don't have the luxury of doing that unless we're rotating Canucks all over the place, which I suppose we'll have to do anyways.


    I'd personally rather see us use a rotation of guys like Newman, Muamba and Thomas and stick with an every down work horse MLB

  11. Well okay then.


    a 34 year old who has never played full time? Maybe as a rotational guy who can rotate to fill a spot in the ratio with some of our other Canadians, but if we're going to give him his first full time gig in his 11 year career as our starting MLB, we may as well just start talking about who we want first overall in the 2015 draft.


    EDIT: misread some stats

  12. Did Walters make a mistake trading the 2nd round pick for Newman?  If we had that pick we could have picked Quinn Smith and still have been in play for Goossen.


    When Walters made that trade he claimed that he wasn't worried about tradding that 2nd round pick because of the lack of depth in the draft. 


    However in his most recent "draft preperations" press conference he made the statement that it was not likely that he would be able to trade up to the second round because most teams, based on the depth of this draft, will not want to move out of the second round. So it seems that he may have misscalculated the value of the 2nd round.


    This leads to my second question.


    Why would the Bombers fly in Goossen for a work out?


    The reality is they are not going to see much in a private work out anyways, because no one wants to risk any kind of injury. So how much do they really get out of flying him in for a private work out?  (How much more can they get from a private work out then they did from the combine?) I would say very little.


    They're not going to get him in the 3rd round, so I am assuming that they are trying to figure out if they can reach for him with the second overall pick.


    By bringing in Goossen and basically stating out right that they are wanting to pick a center in the draft, he has given up any leverage at all in any kind of trade that could have been made to move back a few spots.  I don't know...am I over thinking things...?


    This is making me nervous.  I am starting to wonder if Walters is in over his head. 


    I think there's a lot of misconceptions about what a private workout entails. They're going to go over his stance, they're going to go over his footwork and they're going to get him up on the whiteboard to see how he calls protection for their scheme. They're not going to have him line up against Zach Anderson and take reps.


    At the combine, you get 15 minutes to speak to a guy. In a private workout, you get what, 4 or 6 hours? You can learn a LOT.

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