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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Enough import receivers already... find another NI or two to compete in TC

    Which ones do you suggest? Who is out there?

    We have the most connected CIS guy in the league... they can find a couple more guys.

    I mean I suggest Brett Carter and Anthony Coombs but its not up to me. I just want more than three guys competing for two backup spots... especially when one of our starters gets injured almost every year.

    You'll rarely see teams add Canadians this close to the draft.





    How do you say Etienne out performed him? He had less stats despite having way more time with the club and our system.

    Except that the stats show Etienne had more yards per game than Kelly did.... Mike isn't trying to pimp Etienne here, simply saying that Kelly was less productive yet people ran Etienne out of town on a rail so why does Kelly as an import survive?
    Once again... Kelly came in cold and outperformed Etienne.


    Kelly: 9 games 321 yards = 35.7 y/gm

    Etienne: 7 games 265 yards = 37.9 y/gm

    How come Kelly played more games? Wouldn't you think a guy three years with the club and who is a ni would see the field much more then a guy they called up out of the blue.



    Face it Kelly out performed him hence why he saw the fields more.


    That's a rather simplistic view of it. Especially when you consider the fact that the numbers don't support what you're saying.

    The 2 yards per game is much inferior then a guy coming in cold and instantly being more productive.


    This sentence just doesn't even make sense. But since you want to talk about it only being 2 yards more a game (I think?) let me also point out that Etienne was injured in the first quarter of one of those games, so while he appeared in 7 games, he didn't exactly get an opportunity to do anything in the 7th.

    If Etienne was the better player he would of seen the field much more. Face it he was a bust.


    This is such bizarre logic. But I'll reiterate: he was injured.


    Kelly would be a C level player while Etienne would be a D. They both are the suck.



    If Etienne was good the Blue would of kept him. Unless you are suggesting the current regime doesn't know what they are doing?


    He's so good that his trade value netted us a starting QB.


    See? I can be stubborn with my logic too.

  3. Clearly under the existing CFL rules he would not qualify as a non import. It raises an interesting legal question. Suppose an individual born in Canada retains dual citizenship. He is trained in football in a US high school and university. Upon graduation he decides to return to Canada to live and work. He would not be allowed to qualify as a non import, and as he wasn't skilled enough to gain employment as an import, he would be unable to follow a career in Canadian Football. One has to wonder if this could be challenged in a court of law on the basis of discrimination. The individual clearly has the talent and ability to be employed in the CFL but the league  discriminates on the basis of where the individual was trained. 

    A Canadian individual attends the Wharton School of Business. He sees an ad in the paper from Great West life for an actuary. The add lists the qualification and skills required for the job. The individual applies for the job, and is interviewed for the position. He wows the committee. In every respect he is qualified for the position. Several days later he receives a letter of rejection. In the letter he is told that he was the best candidate for the job. His training was exemplary and the Wharton School of Business turns out highly qualified graduates. However he is turned down on the basis that he has the best qualifications but GWL as a matter of policy, refuses to employ graduates from Wharton because they are too well trained.


    I don't know what all this is about, it's too early, but if he wanted to apply, he'd qualify as a non-import easily.



    I'll trust bob wylies opinion. If we take lavertu or goosen, im confident they will turn out to be a good pick because wylie obviously will have a say.


    Honestly, we probably have the best oline coach in the CFL now, if he thinks goosen or lavertu are worth the #2 pick, then do it. No questions asked.


    Gotta trust the guys in charge to make the right decisions here. Wylie is a very respected oline coach, I'll trust he can turn whoever we take a 2 into a starting player for us (assuming its an olineman which i think it will be) 


    you sound like someone from the other Bombers forum site.  ;)


    Do i? I don't have an account there. What did i say though that wasn't true? why should i trust fans opinions over bob wylies? 



    Everyone knows you're "theedge204" from over at the other forum. It's pretty obvious. ;)

  5. Not sure if this is a good idea, given the amount of verbal abuse directed at officials during the games, and particularly after a close game. Refereeing is always going to be imperfect, and I could easily see drunken louts screaming threats and obscenities at an official who has displeased them.


    I'm like 99.99% sure they don't mean they're going to stand by their car afterwards and answer questions that fans may have as they walk through the parking lot. It would be during a post game presser for media only.



    Yep that Boltus game was an all time low point for the Bomber franchise. Bringing Boltus in is one of my only concerns with Bellefeuille...what was he thinking?

    The 2009 Banjo Bowl was the worst thing I've ever seen as a Bomber fan. The Boltus game would be #2. As least with the Boltus game we didn't have to watch thousands of the other teams fans mock us in our own stadium.

    Labour day 2012 wins.



    ugh. I remember leaving that game in the early 4th quarter and walking through the mall on the way back to the hotel.


    It's a good thing I was too hammered to feel pain.



    Per game, Etienne was more productive. And what do you mean off the streets? It's not like he wasn't an experienced CFLer.




    Off the streets meaning he wasn't with the team during training camp and pretty much came out of not playing to out perform a guy who was 3 years in with the club!     


    The fact that Etienne couldn't make the club over this guy is a sign that either our coaching staff was / is incompetent or that Etienne simply sucked the big one.  




    ... but Etienne did outperform him.


    ... and make the club over this guy? Why would they ever have been competing against eachother for a roster spot? One is American, one is Canadian.


    Literally no idea where you're going here.

  8. Sims surprises me a bit

    Especially since Aaron Kelly is still on our roster.

    Bellefeuille bromance? I'd rather bring in a reasonable prospect for a look in training camp, hell if we really need Kelly back I'm sure he'll be available.

    Don't even get me started on Aaron Kelly, I have no idea why he's still on our roster. For everyone that loved to rag on Jade Etienne, here's an import who tons of people seemed to fall in love with because of a few spectacular catches despite the fact that he actually produced LESS than a guy like Jade. If we're going to be competitive, we should be able to do much better than Aaron Kelly.

    I'm not huge on Aaron Kelly... but considering he came off the streets and had 3 more catches and 60 more yards.... Etienne with his 3 years should of had much much more stats then Kelly... not a good comparison.

    Regardless.... with Moore I assume Kelly is TCF....

    Per game, Etienne was more productive. And what do you mean off the streets? It's not like he wasn't an experienced CFLer.


    I don't think San Jose would blow it up but they might see if they can get some big value for guys like Thornton or Marleau and just run with Pavelski and Couture. 

    Why would they blow up a team that does so well in the reg. season and takes a great team like LA to a 7th game?

    The irony is folks like you tell Chevy & Chipman to be patient and keep returning deadbeat players to the roster. At the same time you exhort a successful organization like San Jose to 'blow it up'....



    San Jose has been doing the exact same thing for years now and they keep coming up with the exact same result. Their formula obviously does not work for playoff hockey. They don't need to blow it up, they need to tinker with what they have that makes them successful so that they can take the next step. Sometimes a step down is necessary in order to be able to make strides going forward.



    Rankings are not everything but they are not 'meaningless' - these are pretty experienced football guys putting them together.

    All the GMs pretty much followed them last year except for Popp and Sleepy Joe.

    Last year you were quite vocal about wanting us to draft number 10 ranked Mike Edem second overall, but this year number 9 ranked Goossen isn't good enough for second overall. I think you're just picking and choosing when you want to believe the rankings and when you don't.



    No, I just mean that the top 15 guys are pretty much the top 15 guys in the draft...  if anything, I wish the grading would include NFL potential.


    Edem was by far the best talent at his position last year...  this year, the best talents are Lavertu, Coombs, Smith, Bailey, Gill... these are as close you get to sure things in a draft. after that, things kind of drop off


    I would still pick Coombs but it doesn't appear to be in the cards.  So, its either Lavertu or Smith or trade down to 5 and 12 - that type of thing


    There should be a good o-lineman available at 20th... Tchissakid Player, Terry Hart...?  We seem to be forgetting that we have players that can step into Centre position and read a CFL defence as well as Goossen.  Morely probably would be a better Centre than a guard and, well, anything is an upgrade from Sorenson.



    I'm just curious ... how much CIS do you watch? Maybe we could get a CIS discussion thread going next season.




    Sims surprises me a bit


    Especially since Aaron Kelly is still on our roster.


    Bellefeuille bromance?  I'd rather bring in a reasonable prospect for a look in training camp, hell if we really need Kelly back I'm sure he'll be available.



    Don't even get me started on Aaron Kelly, I have no idea why he's still on our roster. For everyone that loved to rag on Jade Etienne, here's an import who tons of people seemed to fall in love with because of a few spectacular catches despite the fact that he actually produced LESS than a guy like Jade. If we're going to be competitive, we should be able to do much better than Aaron Kelly.


    oh c'mon. Get started.



    He's not very good.


    The end.

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