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Posts posted by Mike


    Sims surprises me a bit


    Especially since Aaron Kelly is still on our roster.


    Bellefeuille bromance?  I'd rather bring in a reasonable prospect for a look in training camp, hell if we really need Kelly back I'm sure he'll be available.



    Don't even get me started on Aaron Kelly, I have no idea why he's still on our roster. For everyone that loved to rag on Jade Etienne, here's an import who tons of people seemed to fall in love with because of a few spectacular catches despite the fact that he actually produced LESS than a guy like Jade. If we're going to be competitive, we should be able to do much better than Aaron Kelly.

  2. Guess releasing the american center probably means they will take one of lavertu or goosen. It is interesting that they worked out lavertu the other day and goosen yesterday and then release this guy today, must mean they are sold on both of them.

    Or maybe he was never a center prospect and he just turned out to be not very good


    3 OL, 2 receivers, Safety, 1 DL/LB/DB

    There's our "7" starters, with likely 9-10 players filling those spots regularly, more if you include Pontbriand/Fitzgerald.

    We need a NI receiver and LB/DL badly IMO. Hope we can get the LB/DL at the draft, receiver we might have to pick through other teams discards during or at the end of training camp, and pray that at least one of Feoli-Gudino or Brescacin can be useful on offence.

    I would like to see us try and draft Alexander Fox. I believe he is the best receiver in this draft but he will fall due to being 5'8". He can play. Would be a nice pick in the 4th round.



    I like Kit Hillis for the same reasons, although I don't think he's the best, I just think he's better than people give him credit for.

  4. Can't see them dedicating two DI spots to special teams, especially with how much Etch likes to rotate guys.

    But then you can point to O'Shea's emphasis on ST's. If we have one guy handling both jobs kicking and Wild as the longsnapper again, we'll have extra bodies available on D, they'll just have to be Canadian.

    True, it'd just be so unorthodox. Our Canadian depth scares me as it is. Our first rounder likely isn't going to contribute on D. I just don't know where those bodies would come from.

    Rene Stephan might work until he gets injured in the first half of week 1

  5. assuming Maher make it past TC and can do all 3 kicking jobs.

    and designated to be the fulltime kicker and we burn a DI spot for him

    should we carry another kicker (NI) as a backup on gameday roster ?

    The whole point to having one guy do all 3 jobs is to free up a roster spot. So no.

    Problem here is if the guy gets injured during the game. Then you have no kicker whatsoever. Usually if a punter gets injured during the game, the FG kicker can punt, and vice-versa.

    Renaud can't placekick, so he's no benefit in that regard. Remember a couple of years ago when a backup linebacker had to take over placekicking from Renauld b/c he was so terrible at it? He struggled just to hit a convert.

    Also, it shouldn't be that hard to get reasonable punting from a roster player for part of one game.

    Should've never let Etienne go.

  6. assuming Maher make it past TC and can do all 3 kicking jobs.

    and designated to be the fulltime kicker and we burn a DI spot for him

    should we carry another kicker (NI) as a backup on gameday roster ?

    The whole point to having one guy do all 3 jobs is to free up a roster spot. So no.

    im thinking the DI would be a all-in-1 kicker (Maher), a dedicated KR/PR (Wood or Tarver) and a 'Rover'?

    Can't see them dedicating two DI spots to special teams, especially with how much Etch likes to rotate guys.

  7. I checked out Maher's numbers and they aren't very good.  Made 20/27 FG's in 2012.  That's 74%.  Seems to good from beyond 50 yards though. 


    It's all about context though. If you look at the breakdown, a lot of the kickers with higher percentages also get to stat pad by kicking a bunch of 20-29 yard field goals. Maher only had 6 attempts inside 30 yards because Nebraska usually scored inside the red zone.

  8. I thought his numbers weren't very impressive? As an import they should be.


    That's Jeff Sauer that you're thinking of, I believe. Sauer is the division 3 kicker that was in talks with Montreal and Winnipeg, he had pretty unimpressive numbers.


    Maher is from the Nebraska Cornhusker program, he was a pretty decorated kicker there.


    • Bakken-Andersen Big Ten co-Kicker of the Year (2012)
    • First-Team All-Big Ten Place-Kicker (Media, Phil Steele, 2012)
    • Second-Team All-Big Ten Place-Kicker (Coaches, 2012)
    • Second-Team All-Big Ten Punter (Coaches, 2012)
    • Third-Team All-Big Ten Punter (Phil Steele, 2012)
    • Honorable-Mention All-Big Ten Punter (Media, 2012)
    • Lou Groza Award Star of the Week (vs. Wisconsin, 2012)
    • Big Ten Special Teams Player of the Week (vs. Wisconsin, vs. Michigan, vs. Penn State, 2012)
    • Nebraska Team Captain (2011, 2012)
    • Nebraska Special Teams MVP (2011, 2012)
    • First-Team All-America Kicker (Yahoo.com, 2011)
    • Honorable-Mention All-America Kicker (Sports Illustrated, 2011)
    • Touchdown Club of Columbus Vlade Award Winner (Nation's Most Accurate Kicker, 2011)
    • Bakken-Andersen Big Ten Kicker of the Year (2011)
    • Eddleman-Fields Big Ten Punter of the Year (2011)
    • First-Team All-Big Ten Punter (Coaches, Media, Yahoo.com, Phil Steele, 2011)
    • First-Team All-Big Ten Kicker (Coaches, Media, ESPN, Yahoo.com, Phil Steele, 2011)
    • Lou Groza Award Semifinalist (1 of 20, 2011)
    • Big Ten Special Teams Player of the Week (vs. Chattanooga, Ohio State, Penn State, 2011)
    • Second-Team Academic All-Big 12 (2009)
    • Big 12 Commissioner's Spring Academic Honor Roll (2009)
    • Brook Berringer Citizenship Team (2012)

    I can't believe some don't understand what Katz the sleazebag is trying to do here. The BOD have every right to reject this joke of a nominee from Katz. Bombers need a rep from the City of Winnipeg. This nominee Katz gets isn't intended as a patronage appointment for his friends, even though that's how Katz runs his day-to-day political life. It doesn't surprise me he tried to get away with this...guy is a criminal and should be in prison with the BS he has pulled while in office.

    I agree with all you say about Katz. That notwithstanding Jeffrey Rabb is still a good nominee. Like another poster said, the bombers need a liason for their Grey Cup. That person doesn't have to sit on the board of directors. But at this point I suspect the board played Lawless like a cello - and Rabb has been sufficiently dis-credited to withdraw his nomination.



    If Rabb is a good nominee, and I'll take your word for it on that one, then why doesn't he just apply when there's an opening for a spot on the board that doesn't have a prerequisite he doesn't meet?

  10. Friesen continues to blow me away with his football acumen.


    In his article about the 2nd overall pick today, he says he has no idea what else the Bombers could learn from flying in Lavertu and Goossen for private workouts that they didn't learn at the combine. It's almost as if he is entirely unaware this is a common practice in the NFL and while less common in the CFL, it's not new here either. Flying a guy in for a private workout gets you a lot more time with him than a 15 minute interview at the combine does, which is time you can devote to having him go over YOUR scheme with you. Sure, the combine can tell you if he's a good football player but a private workout can certainly give you more insight into whether or not he's a good fit for YOUR team.

  11. short video about a minute 20 seconds long on the sun site. not much said tho. basically what was said here really already.

    I highly doubt we trade down, actually... its highly unlikely teams would trade up with us... it makes no sense for them too.

    everyone and their mother knows we need a center... why would montreal or bc gives us 2 picks for 2 picks from us. They are gaining nothing.

    Pretty apparent ottawa takes lavertu or smith, pretty obvious wpg takes lavertu or goosen, edmonton will take one of goosen or foucault, montreal will take bailey.. bc will take a DL (whether that be smith or gill)

    There is no need for those teams to move up 2 spots really... and dont forget, ottawa could take lavertu, we could trade our pick and then that team or edmonton could take the other center. Leaving us pretty much out of luck. We will take a center, its painfully obvious. Its lavertu or goosen. Mark it down boys, thats who it will be.

    You'd think we learn by now that nothing in drafts is ever painfully obvious. There are always surprises.

  12. Other than the fact that this falls under the umbrella of "Bomber politics", so you feel obligated to write up a tinfoil hat story about it, why does this even matter?


    The board of directors may be a pretty incompetent group, but this isn't an example of that at all. The board is just supposed to accept Sam Katz's nomination because why? He said so? And the guy is a long time season ticket holder?


    Sam Katz got rid of Phil Sheegl primarily because he was no longer representing the City of Winnipeg and that's what that particular spot on the board is for. If that's why he got rid of Sheegl, then why should the club just accept another nomination of his who doesn't represent CoW either?

  13. Why can't they just have a hard cap like the NHL or NFL, where they literally can not go over the cap, because the league won't approve contracts that would cause them to be over.


    Is it so hard for them to track the cap throughout the season instead of this bush-league honour system that they seem to be using?


    That'd be nearly impossible because the CFL doesn't allow you to store anywhere near enough contracts to deal with a mass amount of injuries.

  14. Does anyone think there would be any traction to trading Ottawa our 1st and Cauchy for their 1st?  Deal from surplus for us, deal for at minimum NI depth and possibly a starter for Ottawa?  We've got a lot of depth at safety, and either/both of Alexander/Newman could start back there for us.


    It's the kind of deal that would never get done until crunch time, and not without Ottawa wanting it.  But in a draft with what appears to be one clear cut guy that would fit in immediately with our needs.  All day, every day I'd do that deal.  The question is... does Desjardins value creating depth in his roster, or is his ego big enough that he'd turn down a potential starter and the 2nd overall pick, just so he can select first.


    If they want Smith, they'd be silly to not do that deal.

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