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Posts posted by Mike



    Haha, gathered it was probably something like that.

    Speaking of riderfans, I can't even post there! The lazy admins won't activate my account :angry:.

    Do they know something we don't? Did you badmouth Gainer?



    No way, man. Gainer trumps any mascot!


    It's something they do with all new members. The admin has to activate the accounts so they can post. For some reason, mine hasn't been activated. So I can't even post on my own board.



    What's your username? I'll send a PM to the admin over there for you.

  2. 6 million for a guy who has only surpassed 20 goals once in his 5 year career. That's why people ride him.


    Have to be careful with how you word that, because he blew past 20 goals once on his way to becoming one of the youngest guys to ever score 30. Then he got hit with a lockout season and it's not reasonable to count that. And he's likely to put 20 in the net this year.


    So really, 20 goals once in 5 years could easily turn into twice in 4 years in a hurry.


    And let's be honest, we know Atlanta rushed him. He may be in his 5th year but he's also 22 years old. It'll come.

  3. Maybe this is me just being a simpleton but when I hear "Grey Cup in Winnipeg", I'm not bothered by the 4 million dollar "grant" or the profit not matching up with the money the government is giving us or any of that stuff. Politicians want to politic? Let them. The Grey Cup means a huge economic boost to this city, it means a great party right in our own backyard and it means an extra incentive for the Bombers to improve their on-field product in short order.


    Sounds good to me.

  4. Would not trade Kane. This is a guy not even in the prime of his career.


    It blows my mind, I've never seen a city ride a guy so hard when he's a) so young and B) competes so hard on a nightly basis. Seriously, is there a guy on the Jets other than Kane that competes with such a high level of effort night in and night out? Wheeler maybe? People criticize him for not being enough of a team guy, but that's not what I see at all.


    Personally, I want to see Scheifele feeding Kane passes for the next 10 years.

  5. What should happen is all "judgement" comes out of the equation.. If the receiver is held up, clutched, unfairly disrupted then it's a penalty.. Likewise, I'm assuming if offensive pass interference is seen then it should be called..

    It's going to be a good thing at the end of the day me thinks.. Consistent calls versus wtf type stuff every game...

    You suggested we take all judgment out of it and then suggested we penalize "unfair disruptions"

    Fair / not fair is always a judgment call.



    Alexander and Newman can both play safety.

    People aren't saying we don't have any safeties. What they're saying is we're not sure if we have any good ones.

    And I'm saying Alexander and Newman are good safety's.



    Tough to say for sure. I wouldn't bet either way on that one, they could be good but we also thought Cauchy was going to be good because he came advertised as such.

  7. My picks for stock up / stock down this weekend ...


    Stock up ...

    DB Derek Jones - fast 40 yard time and he performed well in the one on ones. Teams wanted to see him line up against CIS guys coming from a NCAA school and he held his own

    DL Quinn Smith - dominant against the OL in drills, he won every single snap he took. Stock goes way up.

    LB Jesse Briggs - stood out as a mostly unknown against a strong LB group, very impressive testing numbers


    Stock down ...

    DB? Adam Thibault - fastest in the 40 but he's a guy without a defined position and he got hurt before scouts had a chance to try and give him one

    LB Max Caron - speed was a concern coming into this weekend and he tested poorly.

    REC Kris Bastien - came in as arguably the #2 receiver behind Devon Bailey and failed to seperate himself from the pack

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