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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Burger: Johnnys on Marion.  Johnny G's is also pretty good.  I just went to some greasy spoon on North Pembina for the first time (cant remember the name Something Grill) and the burger was huge but had zero taste.


    Pizza: I will second the vote for Gondola.  I am also a big fan of Tony's on Pembina.  And if anyone needs pizza for a party, Santa Lucia's Giant Pizza is huge and a great conversation piece.


    Complaint: WTF is with McDonald's fries?  More often then not they only half fill those things.  And now they charge for McChicken sauce...like come on.  I agree Wendy's is a better fast food joint.


    Prefer 5 Guys to Fatburger.  Five Guys has a great hotdog also.  Where is Carl jr's located?





    If a contract is written with that condition as an agreement (which they are) then sure. Both parties know the rules. Until a player is cut, the team they are under contract to has to pay them anyway.


    I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I feel like there's nothing wrong with Barker doing this because it works as a two-way street that way. Players can be cut at the drop of a hat, but they also get the opportunity to leave whenever they want to explore a better opportunity.


    But players that are contributing don't get cut. The ones that aren't good enough do. It's the same with any job. if  you perform at your job & I don't, I get fired. Like I said, I'm all for giving players their release as soon as they have completely fulfilled their contractual obligations. If that is the 1st week of November & the season's over I wouldn't make them wait until Feb 15th. I'll give them 3 additional months to find employment in the NFL. That is more than fair. But not an entire year. 



    That simply is just not true.

  3. If a contract is written with that condition as an agreement (which they are) then sure. Both parties know the rules. Until a player is cut, the team they are under contract to has to pay them anyway.


    I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I feel like there's nothing wrong with Barker doing this because it works as a two-way street that way. Players can be cut at the drop of a hat, but they also get the opportunity to leave whenever they want to explore a better opportunity.




    Can't glenn pull a Ricky bell or did the cfl put the kibosh on ****** bag retirements to get out of contractual obligations?

    Why would he do that? Better to just keep collecting a paycheque and waiting for a trade, while you hock cruellers and coffee to people in Detroit who have no idea who Tim Hortons is.


    Tim Horton.


    Most Canadians don't even know who Tim Horton the hockey player was, other than people over the age of 50 who saw him play. I am talking about "Tim Hortons", the doughnut franchise of which Kevin Glenn owns several in the Detroit area.



    It's because you said "who" not "what" :P


    Can we start a pool on how long it takes for someone to call into CJOB and say that O'Shea should be fired and replaced with Pierce? "Hi Bob, long time listener, first time caller...just wondering..."


    I am setting the over/under at Week 9.



    I can't even listen to the call-in portion on CJOB.... I usually think "who are these people and have they ever watched football before?"



    I think you're confused with the part where they have Friesen on the show.


    I like guys like Darrin Bauming and Kirk Penton. I may not always agree with their opinions, but it's still obvious that they actually follow the team and have some pride in their work. Ed Tait and Bob Irving are in that category as well.


    I'd put Gary Lawless in a different category. I rarely agree with what he writes and I don't think he's a very good writer (blurs the lines between his job as a columnist and his job as a reporter far too often for my liking) but I still respect him because he puts in a good effort. He's just got a bit too much of an agenda for me.


    Guys like Jim Bender, Paul Wiecek and Paul Friesen are just horrible. A quick review of anything they've ever written about the Bombers makes it obvious that they have pretty much zero understanding of anything related to football.


    I hate Lawless with a burning passion. He hides behind his "I'm a columnist" line for everything.  I'm not really sure how much he actually knows anything about the Bombers, or if he just purposely trolls since that seems to be the way of print journalism nowadays.



    I find that I dislike him a lot less during the offseason because he's too focused on the Jets. I'm sure I'll be enraged again come June.

  7. I like guys like Darrin Bauming and Kirk Penton. I may not always agree with their opinions, but it's still obvious that they actually follow the team and have some pride in their work. Ed Tait and Bob Irving are in that category as well.


    I'd put Gary Lawless in a different category. I rarely agree with what he writes and I don't think he's a very good writer (blurs the lines between his job as a columnist and his job as a reporter far too often for my liking) but I still respect him because he puts in a good effort. He's just got a bit too much of an agenda for me.


    Guys like Jim Bender, Paul Wiecek and Paul Friesen are just horrible. A quick review of anything they've ever written about the Bombers makes it obvious that they have pretty much zero understanding of anything related to football.

  8. I'm very glad this is happening. I was concerned when it was reported he had many discussions with teams about coaching but no talks with the Bombers. But it seems Walters rectified that quickly.

    I don't know what this position all entails but if it's just a created position to get Buck in on the offensive coaching team to learn and develop, so be it.


    The Bombers were the FIRST team to talk to him, but the media doesn't have any fun if they report it that way. Walters and Buck spoke last week about a coaching position in person.

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