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Posts posted by Mike




    I could see Walters making offers to Matt Carter and/or Mike Bradwell.  Both have been in the league for a while now.


    Seriously?  That's bottom of the barrel, man...  why not bring back Hargs instead?



    Not every signing has to be one worth putting a front page headline on.



    They can't all be Baboulas.



    I know right? It's so inconsistent.


    In one thread, he's bemoaning our lack of participation in the heated Baboulas sweepstakes and in another, he's complaining that we might be interested in Mike Bradwell.



    Strange that after so many years of hoping for a 4 NI line, it might happen.  Also strange that I'm disappointed we won't see Jarvis Jones.


    Why wouldn't we see him?



    You think he will beat out January...?  I would think January is pretty much a lock just due to his experience...



    I think if he's good enough, he will.





    Sorry guys, whenever I hear Walters, I think of Kevin "Lizard" Walters, who was Adler's producer at CJOB. 


    I was once so thoroughly disgusted with the Adler show and the commercials that I sent Lizard a huge (well written) rant explaining why I think he sucks -- and he actually responded and asked me to remain a listener. 


    So to that end, Kevin, I mean, Kyle Walters, is now Lizard. And he is the worst GM in the league.

    Ya kno, it doesn't surprise me one ounce that you already think this without even getting out of the off-season..

    Stay classy bud. Keep the faith!!



    Forget class, sell me on all the great things that have transpired this off season. 


    Granted, he still has many months to make it happen, but so far are you honestly impressed?


    Or are you just being "positive?"



    Oy.  Can we sell you on the fact that we avoided a giant albatross of a contract on Burris; and that Hamilton and Kent Austin were a flashier sell for Collaros instead?


    Way too early to be passing judgment on Walters.  The mess that Mack left the organization in... pile on all that you want.  But way too early to judge Walters.



    Fair response and I appreciate you indulging my question.


    Still, he could've easily over paid for Burris and just cut the guy next year. 


    I am fine with Glenn, but Desjardins is going to anally pound us for him. And Lizard is going to have to take it. 



    Which is a great idea if you're looking to solve one problem by creating another one. If that's how he thinks business is done, he'll quickly develop a reputation that is just as bad as the one we have now. We're trying to rebuild our image as an appealing football club to join up with. Signing guys only to cut them a year later for no reason other than money troubles is not how you establish that.


    It's kind of a strange time to start a ratio discussion. This is literally the worst time of year to look at a roster. All you can do is subtract from your roster at this point, you can't add any new certainties to it until a week from now.


    BS you can only subtract from your roster at this time of year...  Esks lost Krausnick to Ottawa and then signed Baboulas just a few days ago to shore up their depth at Centre.  Plus Dublanko as an ST addition.  I'd certainly take Baboulas over Kowalczuk.


    Nothing wrong with taking a look at where we stand this year as opposed to this time last year...  see where we stand with FA coming.



    Sorry, I stand corrected. You can make acquisitions of spare parts that were discarded by the rest of the league too.

  5. The pick itself is irrelevant the GM's rationale is what matters and in this case he is contradicting himself, which should be concerning.


    There's really no contradiction. Giving up a second round pick in a draft that isn't very deep doesn't mean he should just throw away the 2nd overall pick. The draft isn't deep, that doesn't mean there is ONE good player.

  6. So much freaking out around here for no reason. This really isn't the big deal that people are making it out to be. I'm still confident we'll be in good shape come July...


    I'm not freaking out about missing on Burris. I'm freaking out because it's obvious that we are not in any way, shape or form a desirable destination for players who have a choice. And that's a problem.

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