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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 2 hours ago, Jesse said:

    Who didn’t we have depth for?

    Plenty of guys could have/should have been on the field for Bighill.

    We had Rose inactive.

    We had McCrae and Ambles ready to go at receiver (although we had too many injuries at receiver to reasonably cover).

    The roster choices for those people were garbage, but I don’t we had choices to go to if we wanted to. MOS didn’t, unfortunately.

    So then we didn’t have depth, is what you’re saying.

  2. 6 hours ago, GCn20 said:

    It's an issue. Whether it is a major one is very highly debateable.

    Could we have? Explain what makes you think any one of them would have made a lick of a difference. I saw no tiredness in the Jeffs or Walker did you? Rose was out because of poor play himself. However, his play calling presence may have helped the coverage busts so I'll give you that....but we don't know...maybe he gets torched all game.  Desperately needed? Hyperbole imo.

    Is this a joke? Lol we literally started three guys who had no business being on the field because we had no depth alternatives

  3. 2 hours ago, Doublezero said:

    OK fair enough, although I'm not sure Johnny A was really given the chance to actually compete for the starting job. He never got enough reps. Few starts he managed to get in prior years, he show some real flashes. I know I'm in the minority but I think he's very under-rated. 

    He shows flashes because that’s what his reps are designed for

  4. 27 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    I’m not arguing for it, but I can’t even imagine a scenario that sees MOS cutting Bighill. Does not compute. 

    I also don’t really believe the difference between Bighill’s salary and his replacement is going to make or break our cap situation.

    Okay. But let’s not ignore the fact that he is beyond finished. I don’t care about the cap. He’s bad.

  5. 3 hours ago, ddanger said:

    I'd be absolutely stunned if Brady left. Can see him making 250k or more next year with us.

    Not a chance. Running backs aren’t big earners.

    16 minutes ago, True Dru said:

    Bighill in the Free Press today...

    The veteran linebacker also wanted to clear the air on what happened on the 23-yard touchdown Als quarterback Cody Fajardo threw to Cole Spieker in the third quarter with Bighill in coverage.

    “If you guys in the media are maybe a little bit more savvy watching football than maybe your average person, you know that we don’t ask linebackers to cover receivers vertically down the field,” Bighill said. “Let’s just say I was trying to cover up and help out. Was that my man in man-to-man coverage? No. But it’s OK, there was a miscommunication that Montreal did a good job of exploiting, coaching-wise.”


    Tell us it was Holm's fault without telling us it was Holm's fault. And I'm sure he's not wrong but not a very leader-like thing to share in the media 


    The funny thing is we’ve asked Bighill to do this a ton. And he used to be able to.

    He’s the first one I want to see go. Can’t stand him anymore.

  6. 1 minute ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    I'm not really sure if some people think some players are literal gods or what.  You play continually as a team with a handicap and it bites you in the ass from time to time.  Almost all of our losses this season followed the same pattern.  Had a chance to plan, prepare, manage better to mitigate that.  Chose not to.  Lost the game.

    Yeah someone could have pulled out a 70 yard run or something, down by down we got ground down to a pulp and mismanaged the game in all 4 quarters down to the clock in the 4th.

    But if we just threw a touchdown bro 

  7. 1 minute ago, Jesse said:

    The thing is, did you openly advocate for Zach to be benched all year long?

    The marine didn't kill us tonight. It was our inability to score and sustain drives. Zach's post-season malaise and some questionable decisions by Buck. Would using a NI Fullback and benching Bighill have helped with that?

    No, but did I watch a crippled Bighill get torched on a touchdown tonight? Yes. Did I watch our pass rush get gassed by the time it came down to crunch time? Yes. Did I see us dress multiple players that didn’t take a single rep? Yes.

    Now tell me - why am I watching all of that? And could fixing any of it have possibly helped us cover up our offensive woes?

  8. 38 minutes ago, BBlink said:

    Folks on here that were questioning the roster management have to feel a bit vindicated after this one (after the sadness/anger goes away). We stuck with the same ol same ol and didn't find and develop enough guys. Bighill playing tonight was a mistake. Schoen playing tonight was a result of not developing someone to step in and be the guy.

    We could have dressed Rose, we could have dressed a d lineman. Hell, without Jackson we could have dressed 2 d linemen.

    We really relied on Jeffcoat and Willie getting home and they were well schemed against. 

    Defense was okay but not good enough. Offensively we were playing with 3 injured receivers and a QB who for some reason can't seem to make the big throws in the big game.

    Im beyond frustrated. 

    I don’t feel vindicated at all. I would’ve rather sat here listening to Noeller and TrueBlue4ever tell me what an idiot I am for ever questioning anything our team did.

    Feels like ****, man. Is it exactly what I dreaded all year long? Pretty much. We fostered a sense of complacency and just coasted on by thinking we didn’t need every single roster spot in order to win games. I hope our front office takes a long, hard look in the mirror tonight because quite honestly as much as they’re gonna sit here and say all the right things, what they did really was a slap in the face to the fans. You can’t expect to win it all when you openly handcuff yourself and then treat everyone else like they’re the dumb ones for pointing it out. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    I don't know...in these playoffs we've burned a ton of roster spots on guys who clearly were significantly injured to the point they could barely function in a CFL game (Bighill GC, Grant both games, Schoen)...and Jackson, and McCrae who we didn't even see.

    I'd argue if we actually used all 46 guys we might get something from it.

    We've done nothing to backfill a bunch of spots where guys have been banged up and worse.

    Returner this year might be one of the best case studies.  Canadian LB another.


  10. Just now, wbbfan said:

    It’s true. And you can still trade Zach for a strong return. 

    the question is, can you win with a less than perfect roster with mos? We lost one gc by 1 point and another by 5 yards. We had the solution to every probably in our hands and pissed it away. 

    People are going to finally see what I (and others) have been seeing with O’Shea for quite some time.


    He is an insanely capable motivator of men. He is not a guy I want responsible for much more than that at this point.

  11. Just now, JuranBoldenRules said:

    The teams that keep rolling make these decisions is all I will say.  I fear we won't even have a second thought on it for QB and a lot of positions held by vets.

    Dru Brown looked pretty damn good, nearly perfect, running the same scheme this year.

    I think we have much bigger roster issues that need management, and that is telling some of the guys who were on the field tonight but contributing almost nothing, injured or not, that we are moving on.

    My easy list: Bighill, Alexander, Hardrick.

    Yeah it's hard for all of us because we never won until this group in our lifetimes.  But if we want to keep winning we need to smarten up.  We are dressing guys who aren't CFL football players whether that's due to base skill level, age or injury in a ******* Grey Cup game.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

    Said it all year and it happened in the biggest game of the year. We sat a guy out in Rose to play a cripple who could barely move when we had an adequate replacement. The loyalty in our roster management was disgusting this year and it didn’t show any truer than in our final game of the year.


    Was excited that Bighill could go but let’s call it what it is - there was absolutely no reason he should’ve been out there tonight. Rose to back up Parker sounds pretty good right about now.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    I was 100% against it before.....   I have changed my mind after today.     I'm 100% on Dru Brown /  Strev anyone else bandwagon.   You can't keep laying eggs in the play offs and that INT in the end zone when Demski was WIDE open sealed it for me.     Veteran elite QB's to not make those mistakes.    

    Dropping back and then turtling and taking a big sack at a few points was also awful.   

    I'll keep him at a reduced salary as a veteran back up,  but I'm willing to give the keys to someone else.  

    I was also 100% against it but how many more playoffs are we going to be in with a QB who barely shows up 

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