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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Frustrating that so little is happening at this time of year when expectations of positive change are sky high.   My main concern over Collaros is his future ambitions and lack of info. regarding.  Haven't heard a thing about his try outs with NFL teams this winter or his prospects.  Even if the Bombers managed to sign him to a first contract he may still  elect to try his NFL luck again in 2-3 years time much like Dressler and Sheets in Sask....so I can't see how this bodes well for the Bombers long term plans. 


    Bombers might have greatest success going with Hank in 2014 with Willy as his understudy and than putting their chips down on Willy to take over in 2015.  If Hank wants to stick around a couple of years past 2014 no problem as long as he accepts this transition in role and salary.  In this scenario either one coming in off the bench to rescue a game is going to sound good to me.



    This logic doesn't fly with me.


    We should be worried about the prospect of a player going to the NFL in 2-3 years?


    What are the odds he makes it? And on the flip side of your proposal, what's to say Drew Willy doesn't get a NFL look if he's successful with our club?


    Oh, I think Collaros or Willy will end up here... just not Burris to end his career.  I'm sure Walters et al can put a long-term plan together.


    And that's the real sticking point isn't it .. as much as the fans deserve and need a winner .. we also need to look for sustainability .. to have a long term view of what to do at that position .. are we patient enough to see any plan through to fruition?



    We as in management? or we as in the fans.


    Because I think each question has a different answer.


    Not sure what we have to attract a QB... no real top receivers (Edwards is almost retired and Watson perennially hurt) and a very very average, at times terrible, OL. We need a good OL coach and a good QB coach in place asap.

    I think Mtl, Edmonton, maybe even BC take a run at Burris - I don't see him heading to Wpg.

    We have a couple things to attract a QB.... namely a starting job and an open checkbook.



    this defeatist attitude is crazy. "what do we have to attract a QB"


    Gimme a break.


    Nothing wrong with Reilly doing that.


    Nothing wrong except that he could have at least tried to play the field. Anyway, with what we now know about Mack, I don't think it would have mattered anyway, Seleepy Joe wouldn't have got the job done anyway, even if Reilly had given us a shot at signing him in FA.


    Would you be calling Reilly stupid if we were the only team he looked at? Doubtful.

    I think that players need to look at all options and do what is best for them. In that regard I will be sad if Collaros signs with someone else, but I'll understand that he and his agent weighed all options and did what was best. I didn't get that feeling with Reilly, I think he had tunnel vision for Edmonton, and look how that worked out, the guy is lucky to be alive right now. Of course, so is Max Hall.



    I'm sure he did decide to do what is best for him. I just don't think he needed to hear a formal offer from Winnipeg (or any other club) to decide.

  5. So what, SPuDs? They know fans want to know who the DC is. Especially with the rumours saying Etcheverry has been hired. If it wasn't important, people wouldn't be talking about it. The media is tweeting & fans are talking about it. If Etcheverry has been hired then the Bombers should just send out a press release. How hard is that?


    Since when do fans dictate front office personnel decisions?

  6. I don't think Roger Goodell was smiling. He wants to have the game presented squeaky clean with no  tarnish. He has been merciless punishing those when it comes to incidents by teams & transgressions by players.


    If by punishing, you mean raking in the dough with the fines. It's all about the money for Goodell and what Sherman did absolutely makes the league money.

  7. I think she was shocked & not annoyed. And Fox looked like they cut the interview short... Great player of that there is no doubt but he's probably the Most Hated Football Player in the US today. Fine line between being a hero & a bum. He'll get beat as it happens to everyone.


    Most Hated Football Player in the US certainly doesn't make you a bum. And it makes money for the NFL.


    Whether they'll admit it or not, the NFL owners must love what Sherman did yesterday.






    Maybe AC will be our new Defensive Coordinator!


    hope O'Shea will be able to convinced him to come here as our QB coach.



    no thanks.



    can you explain why Mike?




    First of all, if Calvillo isn't going to coach in Montreal he's not going to coach anywhere this year.


    Secondly, he's never been famous for his interest in helping other quarterbacks. He's probably one of the most selfish quarterbacks in the history of the CFL and I'm not sure he really has what it takes to be a positional coach. Smart enough to be a coordinator, but I don't think he fits the "teacher" bill O'Shea is looking for.



    First reason makes sense.


    Second reason not sure. I thought I read it somewhere that he helped the 3 youngsters in Montreal re the CFL game.



    I think Calvillo is a hell of a QB, but his desire to finish every blowout and neglect the developmental reps for his backups is a huge red flag for me.




    Maybe AC will be our new Defensive Coordinator!


    hope O'Shea will be able to convinced him to come here as our QB coach.



    no thanks.



    can you explain why Mike?




    First of all, if Calvillo isn't going to coach in Montreal he's not going to coach anywhere this year.


    Secondly, he's never been famous for his interest in helping other quarterbacks. He's probably one of the most selfish quarterbacks in the history of the CFL and I'm not sure he really has what it takes to be a positional coach. Smart enough to be a coordinator, but I don't think he fits the "teacher" bill O'Shea is looking for.




    Darren Cameron ‏@Darren_Cameron  2m 

    #Bombers announce signing of Canadians: Kicker Lirim Hajrullahu, wide receiver Jordan Brescacin, and wide receiver Taylor Renaud.


    Taylor Renaud is coming back for another kick at the can? Hmmmm. I am interested to see what Brescacin can bring, he may surprise.



    I wouldn't be surprised if they convert Brescasin into a DB or a S.



    I sure would be.

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