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Posts posted by Mike

  1. I guess we will see how this plays out...


    Our only strength right now is the DL... which Etch has had a history of undermining/ignoring...  our DBs are probably not fast enough - although Wild, Sears and Suber 'should' excel in his style of D.  Henoc too if we sign him...


    Hopefully, the GeeGees experience woke him up... but, yeah, don't sign him to more than a one year contract.


    Etcheverry with Tibesar is not striking fear into the hearts of opponents....


    errr what

  2. I hear a lot of negativity over a potential Etcheverry hiring but not a lot of reasons for it. He has run successful defences in this league with his last one going to back to back Grey Cups. I understand he is unconventional but is that a reason to jump off a cliff if we hire him? The majority of RoughRIder fans believe he was a good DC and are suggesting he would be a good hire by the Bombers. I'd like to know what automatically makes this a poor hire in some posters minds here? Please criticize away but elaborate. It's tough to know the difference between the legit concerns and the negatrons in this thread.


    No they aren't.


    Etcheverry's major downfall is that his system always comes out looking like gangbusters and then once teams figure out his mad scientist schemes, he's unable to adjust or add wrinkles to keep offenses on their toes. He's got a great defense if you're looking to win the "Before Labour Day Grey Cup"

  3. Hard to say what off the board is at this point.


    Number of reasons Coombs could be ranked #9 at the moment. Did everyone in the league even know his eligibility?


    Either way, the rankings are going to change a million times before the draft.


    At this time last year, Edem was ranked tenth and some people thought on draft day he could go #1

  4. On who we should take...I'd love to see Gill in Blue and Gold.  I know we have a need at centre and there are a couple highly ranked, but Gill is a guy who has decade long stalwart on the DL written all over him, the fact he's from Winnipeg and won't go running east the first chance he gets as a free agent makes it an easy pick IMO.  The only worry would be the NFL (he's in the Shrine game), but that's going to be a concern with anyone we draft 2nd overall.


    Where do you personally see Coombs being taken?



    If I'm the RedBlack's GM, I would be drooling at  the chance to sign a ratio-busting all-star potential hall of fame MLB who is an unrestricted free agent. Come to think of it, pretty much all the CFL clubs would be. I expect heavy competition.

    I think the REDBLACKS!!!!111!! would be more interested in signing players at more conventional NI positions just because it's easier to build depth there. Can find a MLB who can play and a backup for him anywhere in the states, if you invest big in a NI at that position you better have a decent guy behind him as a NI. 



    You mean like finding the backup that Joe Mack never did... and now left us completely screwed if Muamba leaves....?


    Redblacks have Pottinger as backup...  plus they likely already have the roster fexibility not to be hooped if Muamba gets injured.


    Muamba is the best NI heading to free agency - every team will have a look...



    This is the most ridiculous argument I ever see made against Joe Mack.


    If Muamba leaves, you don't insert a replacement at MLB. You change your ratio.


    You think if Cornish left Calgary, Walter takes over? If Harris leaves BC, who takes over there -- Stu Foord? Shologan just left Saskatchewan and they didn't protect his backup. Why? You juggle the ratio.

  6. I actually remember reading about this guy when I was looking up stuff on Torrey Smith.


    He was ranked as a top 5 safety in his draft year by Mel Kiper and then his new DC moved him to LB and he got hurt and well, he's just kind of fallen off the map a bit I guess. I wonder where we'll have him line up. I feel like he's going to be a guy they'll fit in wherever we can.


    How are Coombs and Gill eligible now?  Did the CFL reverse the eligibility changes they made?


    Would be news to Brian Dobie if they are drafted.


    I'm confused too.  When they changed the eligibility, the CFL said "the players will be eligible to be selected in the CFL Draft three years after completing their first year of CIS eligibility."  Am I correct that both those players' first year was 2011?  Then their eligibility is 3 years after December 2011... i.e. December 2014, making them eligible for the 2015 draft. OR does it mean 2014, as in 3 years after 2011?


    Eligibility changes explained here... http://www.cfl.ca/article/cfl-adjusts-eligibility-rules-for-draft



    Just another example of the CFL being confusing as hell.


    Get me two of Lavertu, Coombs and Caron

    I'd be ecstatic.

    Gonna be tough to pull that off without a second round pick. We pick at 2 and then not again until 20.



    I know. I'd try and pretend that I think Coombs will tumble as a running back but I really don't think he will. He's a special talent.



    As long as we keep signing over the hill players like Ollie Jokkinen & Sedogouchi, this team won't improve. This all comes back to Cheveldayoff. Chipman gave him a new & long term contract. I'm not saying  or advocating he should be fired as clearly he won't but the moves he does make need or needs to make but doesn't has to come under more scrutiny  than they are now.

    those are actually good moves to make, bring in veterans so that the guys you draft have some time and less pressure to perform. They knew this was going to be a long road so why freak out when the GM is doing exactly what they said they would do?


    But the big free agents available we never go after. I'd like to see us do that... As far as veterans, yes, I agree. But it was Cheveldayoff preaching patience since the Jets got to Winnipeg & now suddenly it's like a light bulb went off in his head that things aren't working remaining status quo. Maybe Chipman told him to change, who knows? Hopefully we become more active on July 1st & trade to actually try to improve. Just because Winnipeg is a hockey city with knowledgeable fans doesn't give Cheveldayoff a pass to take years to build a winner. (See Edmonton). 



    Honestly, it seems to me like you're just impatient. Chevy is preaching patience because that is what is required. Building an NHL team isn't about just adding pieces for the sake of adding pieces. You pick your spots where you spend your money and you go after the big fish when you're ready to take the jump from pretender to contender.


    There would be no sense in having Chevy trade assets from our prospect cupboard just to acquire a big name player that helps us go from a 33 win team to a 38 win team. You stock the shelves with young talent, you allow it to develop and you build from within so that you can eventually set yourself up to be dealing from a position of strength in order to acquire pieces. A big name signing or top 3 forward via trade isn't a piece you put in place in the middle of your build. You fill it in when you're good and ready. This isn't the CFL where the dollar values are set every year. You spend when you're ready. Not just because.




    I don't think our top end talent is that far off, to be honest.


    Ladd/Little/Wheeler is a better line than people give them credit for and Scheifele/Kane/Frolik are meshing well enough. It's the bottom six (five, since I'm going to cut Olli Jokinen a break) that are junk and our defense just struggles with consistency from game to game. Oh and then obviously the goaltending. Pavelec is just not a good NHL caliber goaltender.

    you're wrong. Ladd/Little/Wheeler is a 2nd line at best. Scheifele is a young player and as a result still prone to inconsistency, Frolik is a 2nd liner at best and Kane is the only guy who can be a legit first liner, but again still a young player and not elite so prone to some inconsistency. Then the bottom 6 really is lacking. Their defense has got some pretty good potential but again, Trouba is a rookie so you can't rightly expect him to be doing too much, Byfuglien has always and will always be inconsistent in his effort level, Enstrom is good but more offensive minded than defensive, Bogosian is servicable on a top pair but not much more than that and other than that very uninspiring. 


    Seriously compare it to other western teams and you really start to see how lacking it is. 





    And yes, I know this focuses on the East.


    But really, they're not as bad as people try and state. Have they been a bit off this year? To say the least. But I'm willing to see what Maurice does with them.


    oh yeah cause I'm going to take that piece seriously with a headline like that. That line is a prime example of why Noel wasn't a bad coach, he got a bunch of 2nd liners at best playing better than they should be. Those guys are not a first line. If they are your first line then you're a bad team. Give anyone top line duties they will likely find some points but it doesn't make them more talented than they are. The top end talent is what is lacking in Winnipeg more than anything. 


    Kane is the only guy who has that quality offensive ability on the Jets at this point and even he has his own issues. 



    If you mean top six forward talent, I'd strongly disagree.


    The goaltending, bottom six and top end defensive talent are lacking far more than our top six.


    If that's not what you meant, disregard.


    I don't think our top end talent is that far off, to be honest.


    Ladd/Little/Wheeler is a better line than people give them credit for and Scheifele/Kane/Frolik are meshing well enough. It's the bottom six (five, since I'm going to cut Olli Jokinen a break) that are junk and our defense just struggles with consistency from game to game. Oh and then obviously the goaltending. Pavelec is just not a good NHL caliber goaltender.

    you're wrong. Ladd/Little/Wheeler is a 2nd line at best. Scheifele is a young player and as a result still prone to inconsistency, Frolik is a 2nd liner at best and Kane is the only guy who can be a legit first liner, but again still a young player and not elite so prone to some inconsistency. Then the bottom 6 really is lacking. Their defense has got some pretty good potential but again, Trouba is a rookie so you can't rightly expect him to be doing too much, Byfuglien has always and will always be inconsistent in his effort level, Enstrom is good but more offensive minded than defensive, Bogosian is servicable on a top pair but not much more than that and other than that very uninspiring. 


    Seriously compare it to other western teams and you really start to see how lacking it is. 





    And yes, I know this focuses on the East.


    But really, they're not as bad as people try and state. Have they been a bit off this year? To say the least. But I'm willing to see what Maurice does with them.

  12. I don't think our top end talent is that far off, to be honest.


    Ladd/Little/Wheeler is a better line than people give them credit for and Scheifele/Kane/Frolik are meshing well enough. It's the bottom six (five, since I'm going to cut Olli Jokinen a break) that are junk and our defense just struggles with consistency from game to game. Oh and then obviously the goaltending. Pavelec is just not a good NHL caliber goaltender.


    I don't really know what my expectations are, it's just tough to see until the lineup is built.

    If you're asking for expectations for a performance from the roster I see in front of me right now, I'd say it's very likely we could win 1 or 2 games. Do we even have a 42 man roster under contract at this point?

    It's easy to make reasonable assumptions. Most of our coaching staff is set. We will have one of Collaros, Willy or Burris at QB. Likely sign a few free agents and bring in some new bodies from down south to compete.

    Looks like everyone wants to be difficult here so feel free to lock this thread.



    Honestly, and again I'm not trying to be difficult, I have no idea how to assume anything about this club right now. I have no idea if we'll see guys like Jovon or Stewart back.  No clue if we're going to run with Will Ford or bring in a starter from college. Even the familiar faces are full of question marks right now so it's just so hard to have any idea.

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