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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Stala was unemployed for 2 days. Teams still wanted him. We sure undervalue experience here as fans. We ridicule players on other teams yet have overblown expectations for the players on our rosters. It's not talent that's the problem, it's coaching we say. We have guys just waiting for the right coach to bust out & be all stars. Think again...


    He was signed by a team that has worse NI depth at receiver than us, so what are you on about?


    I don't know why people automatically assume that if Hamilton tries to pursue Collaros that they will get him and we won't. As with anything else it will likely come down to dollars and term. No reason to believe we can't make a better offer than Hamilton.

    I'm starting to get a little nervous. Where would you rather go ...to a team that just went to the Grey Cup or the circus Winnipeg has become? Not just about dollars and term.



    Really depends. Most quarterbacks probably think they're good enough to be a difference maker. I doubt they're as dependent on past history when it comes to making decisions.

  3. Noel is a major problem if you ask me.


    At what point do you start to wonder if the players are too entitled or if it's the coach who is simply a problem? Burmistrov left town because of Noel. Kane has feuded with him in the media. Ladd chirps him in practice. At what point do these stop being coincidences and do we look at the common denominator in all of these situations?


    His system doesn't seem to work, he's not consistent with just about ANYTHING regarding this team. We let other teams dictate how we are going to play instead of forcing them to play Jets hockey. He seems, at times, to choose his line combinations via names from a hat. He doesn't treat the players equally in terms of consequences for unstellar play. He doesn't do anything to allow young players to build confidence in themselves. And on top of all of that, he won't sit James Wright in the press box which I think is the worst infraction of all. That guy wouldn't have a spot on my beer league team with his offensive zone skills.


    Winnipeg one of three CFL teams showing an interest in Ohio Bobcats QB Tyler Tettleton. Montreal and Hamilton also after him.

    Which team owns his neg list rights?



    I would guess based on the fact that he's being contacted by three teams, nobody owns his rights.


    It would be less than 10 players?


    You're ridiculous. You mean to tell me that you think there are only 10 players on our team who could offer an improvement to someone's roster in ANY way, shape or form?


    I'd put the number closer to about 30-35.


    Just off the top of my head, Hall ... Ford ... Denmark ... Watson ... Etienne ... Poblah ... Kelly ... Greaves ... January ... Edwards ... Pencer ... Swiston ... Matthews ... Anderson ... Turner ... Gilmore ... Neufeld ... Mainor ... Muamba ... Wild ... Washington ... Dunn ... Jovon ... Sears ... Stewart ... Suber ... Pontbriand ... Volny ... Markett ... Kohlert (since you said before the expansion draft) ... Jones ... Thomas ... Peach ... Parenteau ... Lucas. There's 35 players who are no doubt NOT on their last job in the CFL unless they retire.


    If you had said major difference makers or guys who could START, maybe you'd have an argument. Maybe what you should have said was 10 players who would have an equal role to the one they have here. But guys who wouldn't make it onto active rosters as backups, special teams roleplayers, etc? Think again.


    Meant starters, not role players. And I would go as high as 15. 



    You definitely took a bizarre approach to making it clear you meant only our starters. Next time, try not to emphasize the words ENTIRE TEAM if you mean half of it.

  6. It would be less than 10 players?


    You're ridiculous. You mean to tell me that you think there are only 10 players on our team who could offer an improvement to someone's roster in ANY way, shape or form?


    I'd put the number closer to about 30-35.


    Just off the top of my head, Hall ... Ford ... Denmark ... Watson ... Etienne ... Poblah ... Kelly ... Greaves ... January ... Edwards ... Pencer ... Swiston ... Matthews ... Anderson ... Turner ... Gilmore ... Neufeld ... Mainor ... Muamba ... Wild ... Washington ... Dunn ... Jovon ... Sears ... Stewart ... Suber ... Pontbriand ... Volny ... Markett ... Kohlert (since you said before the expansion draft) ... Jones ... Thomas ... Peach ... Parenteau ... Lucas. There's 35 players who are no doubt NOT on their last job in the CFL unless they retire.


    If you had said major difference makers or guys who could START, maybe you'd have an argument. Maybe what you should have said was 10 players who would have an equal role to the one they have here. But guys who wouldn't make it onto active rosters as backups, special teams roleplayers, etc? Think again.


    Another thing they really need to improve their judgment on is what actually constitutes a catchable ball.

    Personally, I don't think it should matter if the ball is catchable or not.  Interfering with the receiver should be called even if it's on the back side of the play IMHO.  See the infraction.  Throw the flag would make it a lot easier call for the refs who have to make determinations in probably in less than a second.   It would also eliminate the 'but the ball wasn't even catchable' as well as the 'if he didn't interfere the receiver might have made it to the ball' arguments.  I know I'm going to see the 'It doesn't affect the play if it's away from the ball' argument, but thats just letting the DB's away with cheating and the receiver may have been part of the play, but the QB went to the next read because of the interference.   


    I'd also like to see the offensive PI called more.  Lots of receivers push off while the ball is in the air and the almost never get called.



    So call it illegal contact on a receiver.


    I don't think they should ignore it if it happens, but call it properly. If a DB is manhandling a wideout but the ball is overthrown by a mile, then yeah .. it should be a 10 yard penalty, the ball shouldn't be placed at the spot of the foul.

  8. "Hulking"..... ok.  I don't really get why you would mention size in the tweet....


    Winnipeg Blue Bombers have signed tiny running back Charles Roberts..... I am sure that would have gone over great back in the day had Twitter existed.


    They're trying to drum up any interest they can.


    Wouldn't be surprised if they have a presser for Brendan Dunn where he comes out and rips his shirt off before motioning to the crowd for them to get loud.



  9. Pass interference should be where the infraction to place otherwise DBS and receivers, to a lesser extent will not hesitate to interfere if a pass is going deeper and are clearly getting beat. Teams should be allowed to challenge.


    I agree, you turn it into a 15 yard penalty and you'll see defensive backs taking guys down when they get beat deep just to avoid the big play.


    The call of pass interference is supposed to be made when illegally preventing a guy from catching a ball he legitimately has a chance to catch. Why would the penalty be any less than the result of actually in fact making that catch.

  10. How would you like to burn me a copy in exchange for the ability to ban one member of your choice from not only this site, but the internet in general?


    Just kidding.


    How would you like to burn me a copy in exchange for nothing of any value whatsoever other than the cost of postage and a blank DVD?

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