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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Not a knock on Mulumba, but as a NFL regular he's got a lot of work to do.


    He's an aggressive raw pass rusher and he'll make plays from time to time that make you go "WOW" but if you're watching the line of scrimmage to see who ISN'T doing their job, most of the time it was Mulumba unless he was blowing somebody up in the backfield. A lot of the read option San Francisco ran with Kaepernick was making Mulumba look like an absolute victim out there. He hasn't quite got that ability to predict the play down yet.

  2. I'd make the trade where we have both of them on staff...


    Funny how one year ago, we were super excited about Mack's coup to bring in Dickenson and now he's about to leave and we're 'meh'...  I actually wonder if Dickenson would be interested in coaching the defence - he has CFL experience and has seen what NOT to do...  would be really good to retain him.


    He was and still is a great ST coordinator.


    Probably the best one in the league.


    But the second best one is our head coach. So losing him isn't a huge hit and given the choice, I'd rather take Wylie. Would I want both of them? Obviously. But I'm not expecting to get that.

  3. Well, fans bitched when the BOD's leaked info to the media. Can't have it both ways.




    Everyone complains about leaks from inside the organization, but other than things that have been leaked by agents or other sources around the league / general situations that can't be avoided (i.e. O'Shea being spotted in a hotel before he was officially named HC) the organization has been tight lipped since Wade Miller took over.


    Mike Riley will be in his mid to late 60's by then & probably retired. Sitting on a beach somewhere or in his home in Oregon enjoying life.

    What? He wouldn't want to give that all up to come back to Winnipeg and face the idiot Winnipeg media on a daily basis? Who wouldn't want that? A chance to be grilled by the indomitable intellect of Paul Friesen every day? Sounds much better than a beach. :)



    It's a sad but true statement about the media. Our media and their ... lack of general intellect has dissuaded a coach from coming here before and it will again. Guys like Friesen are not good for the city or the club.





    There all words on a forum tho. You cant tell any emotional response to my words. Literally zero action, 100% words.

    Also, when do i ever just let a debate die that I've essentially started? If people continue to comment then I continue to reply..

    Hey you're putting in the effort to defend an indefensible position, you can try and back track and say it's not bitterness over the guy thumbing his nose at the Bombers but it's not flying with anyone cause we all know your reactions better than that.
    Welp since this has clearly reached the "i know you are but what am i" stage of bomber forum "discussions" im just gonna leave it as is.. Happy New Years guys and heres to Marcels offenses shredding calgarys defense in 2014

    Yes, the Shotgun Draw will leave that Stamps D stymied for days.

    You DID watch the grey cup, right? Cuz it pretty much did.



    I'm confused. Neither Stubler, not the Stampeders, were in the Grey Cup.

  6. The thing about Jones is true. Calgary was the only city that offered him an opportunity to obtain work in his field as part of a co-op program to tide him over until medical school.


    And no, I'm not getting a link because I don't feel like playing internet detective today.

  7. To be fair to Walters, if our draft strategy had been left entirely in his hands, our first and second round picks over the past couple of years would have looked a lot like Edmontons. Walters liked Mitchell, Coehoorn, Chambers over Muamba, Etienne and Pencer. Probably would've been Edem/Urban or D'Aguilar in 2013. Not a bad end result. Does missing on Muamba get made up for with the rest of those picks though?


    If reports are accurate, Walters' draft chart was very different from Mack's and Mack's opinion won out.


    I think we know that Mike Edem would be wearing Blue and Gold right now if it were up to Walters, and that probably would have meant Cauchy would have spent most of the season on ST, if he had started at all.



    Mike Edem would be a Bomber. Henoc Muamba wouldn't.


    Walters isn't invincible. I like him but he's not bulletproof with his drafting approach either. Nobody is.

  9. I remember when people laughed at Jim Barker for taking Cory Greenwood and now, a few years later after an NFL stint for Greenwood, Barker gets applauded for the approach he took with that pick. His NI depth was crap at the time too.


    Just something worth thinking about.



    wow that's really anti-climactic.

    Vega is a great signing. Awesome leadership guy


    I don't mind it, hes a solid player and he seems like a good guy but I'm a little surprised with the pageantry considering that wasn't exactly an area of weakness and he's not exactly a star. I don't recall off season press conferences being held for anyone but QBs around here.

    that being said, definitely a solid addition to the team.



    To a common fan who only reads headlines, a player returning from the NFL after a full year hiatus is probably a pretty big deal.

  11. Interesting Mike.  For the most part, you rated everyone a full grade below mine.  My thinking is that our OL isn't great, but is average.  The lack of a legit mobile QB, and poor OL coaching has contributed to making the OL look worse than it is.  A legit mobile QB can make an OL look much better.


    You also rate Pencer very low.  Do you feel that he is a complete lost cause?


    I don't think there are a lot of lost causes on our OL. Morley, Sorensen and Boatman are probably the only ones.


    Jarvis Jones is a guy who I can see turning out to be a grade A import OL, he's just gotta get the snaps under his belt to earn that distinction. Greaves could benefit from a new coach and I can see him hitting an all-star level.


    I still think Neufeld, Pencer and Swiston have futures in the CFL as serviceable if not solid linemen, but as of right now, I just can't call them average.

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