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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Mike, I guess why I'm harping on Montreal and Marcel is people here saying don't judge him on last year and to me he didn't do well with some pretty good talent (although as you say, they did lack a running game and the OL was awful).But I think I'm going to stop. Wish they had hired somebody else but he's here so will hope for the best.


    I don't like the hire any more than you do, I just don't think Montreal is the best representation of his work. I'd be more hesitant to buy in thanks to his average results in Hamilton.

  2. Jacquie, bad or not, Flory is a better OL than anybody on our roster. My point is that despite having a hall of fame QB, a hall of fame sb, a hall of fame OG, a wr who had multiple 1000 yard seasons and a running back who had over a 1000 yards, Marcel had an offense that scored the second fewest points in the CFL. Remember how bad he made A.C. look in 07? He made a QB who was able to make three straight grey cup games, a qb who won 2 grey cups, who still had 2 MOP seasons look done.


    You keep saying this, but the RB you speak of was past his prime and found himself out of football in 2007 after an incredibly bad start with the Als (72 yards in 4 games), the two WR you speak of DID put together 1000 yard seasons and that Hall of Fame QB who looked so awful as you put it actually improved in 2007 compared to his 2006 season, putting up a better completion %, more touchdowns per pass attempt, less interceptions per pass attempt and a higher overall QBR. Not to mention Charlie Carpenter had that OL playing like absolute garbage in 2007. There's a reason he lasted one year there. He turned an offensive line full of stars into swiss cheese with his bad, bad schemes. No idea what happened with that guy, it's like he suffered dementia in 2007 because he has a good track record otherwise.


    I'm not thrilled about Bellefeuille either but the way you're going on about the 2007 season doesn't make a lot of sense. They struggled out of the gate because teams knew Robert Edwards was a dud and they keyed in on the passing game since Montreal had no RB to work with and as soon as they cut him, their offense improved ten fold with Payton.

  3. Not a very good hire.  Marcel has never had an offense ranked in the top-4 wherever he has coached so I guess we can expect more of the same in 2014.  We're used to it though - Bombers haven't had a top-4 offense since 2007.  In fact only 1 top-4 offense in the last decade.


    Question:  If it came down to Marcel or Chapdelaine who would the posters here rather have as OC?


    I'd rather just use the Ask Madden feature.


    If you trust a guy, and you trust that he'll go along with a side-deal that says "...Listen, we want you, but we can't protect everyone. You're a FA, so we're going to leave you unprotected and hopefully they take you. But don't worry...on Feb 15, we'll just turn around and sign the deal we've talked about..." then it's a brilliant move on the team's part. If this is really what ends up happening, then I love it. Good on Walters, good on Dough Alert, good for us and a giant f*** you to the ****** canoes who want their name in all caps.....win win win win..


    Would this actually work though?  A gentleman's agreement like this is risky if this is a guy you really never wanted to lose. Winnipeg has lost communication with him now and have no control over what happens now that he is Ottawa's property.  It was big risk to take if this was indeed the plan because the negotiating window for MD has now opened up.  Here's the opportunity for them to use their resources exclusively to get Kohlert to sign an extension.  Remember that he's the only FA they have.  He's also Canadian and the most experienced receiver they have at the moment.

    Maybe it happens as you say and Kohlert comes back in February, but if I was him, I'd be a little interested to hear what my new team is willing to offer me.  



    "lost communication" *wink*


    On top of that ... there's also the possibility he's already signed a deal with Winnipeg.

  5. Marcel who went 8 games without having offense gain 300 total yards last year? The man who had average at best offenses in Hamilton and Saskatchewan? Who made A.C. look cooked in 07?


    I won't hold 2013 against him because he was working with a pretty clean slate and it DID improve as he went along but ... I've never been a fan prior to 2013





    Interestingly, this Ottawa Redblacks team is much better than the 2013 Winnipeg Blue Bombers. 


    Only if you're in some kind of bizzaro world.  They have one starting quality NI in Shologan.  Almost all of their OL are damaged goods or failed prospects, a couple are still prospects.



    Hage and Eppele would stroll into the Bomber O-Line.



    Hage is done with the knee injury.  Eppele will have a long career in a 9 team league, but is he anything more than an average guard.  Not yet.  You could put Morley in Eppele's jersey and Eppelle in Morley's and you wouldn't know the difference aside from Morley's gut.


    Hage isn't done. If there was an injury concern then Ottawa would never have taken him. He'll be the starting center in Ottawa for the nest 3 or 4 years. 



    That's an awfully bold prediction considering he's been quoted as saying he's not even sure he'd report to them. That situation aside, there's no way Hage has 3 years of starters mileage left in him.

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