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Posts posted by Mike

  1. -- Protected a handful of free agents


    -- Said the lengthy amount of free agents they have was done on purpose but he feels like teams will resign a majority of those names once the draft is over


    -- Not sure if Desjardins will actually avoid free agents, he mentioned that it thought it was strange Desjardins has emphasized it so frequently in the media.


    -- Not going to "sell the farm" if he thinks they can just as easily sign a guy they want on February 15th


    -- Asked if chances of bringing Henoc back are lower now with the NFL interest, answered yes.


    -- Negotiation list draft was today at 12 PM


    -- Coaching staff coming along, says O'Shea has been given full power to choose his own staff in entirety.






    Iso just probably read one or two articles that were not originally from Winnipeg media and has now somehow snowballed that into "the national media"

    Mike, you live in Winnipeg. I don't. I live in Calgary. You have no clue. Why are some of you taking this so personally as you shouldn't be surprised? You think a new head coach & GM is going to turn the skeptics around??? The Bombers are still considered a joke outside Winnipeg. In Calgary, the media here calls the Bombers dysfunctional. They are described as having no credibility. Whenever the discussion gets to the Bombers with the Calgary media & media from other CFL cities it's a real yuk yuk fest when they talk about the Bombers.  I've heard interviews with the media here talking to commentators from Montreal all across to BC over the past couple of years slagging Winnipeg. I hate listening to that **** but that's the reality Mike, whether you insult me or not.



    So you mean the Calgary media then.


    You do know I can read newspapers from ... outside of Winnipeg, right? Even the national ones.


    Oh for crisakes. You're always right. Who cares? You win, satisfied? I'm tired of our little cat & mouse games. From now on, whatever you say goes because you're smarter than me & know more than I do. Carry on.



    What cat and mouse games? Who said I was smarter?


    I never said any of that, I just said I don't agree it's the national media saying these things all the way across the board.




    Iso just probably read one or two articles that were not originally from Winnipeg media and has now somehow snowballed that into "the national media"

    Mike, you live in Winnipeg. I don't. I live in Calgary. You have no clue. Why are some of you taking this so personally as you shouldn't be surprised? You think a new head coach & GM is going to turn the skeptics around??? The Bombers are still considered a joke outside Winnipeg. In Calgary, the media here calls the Bombers dysfunctional. They are described as having no credibility. Whenever the discussion gets to the Bombers with the Calgary media & media from other CFL cities it's a real yuk yuk fest when they talk about the Bombers.  I've heard interviews with the media here talking to commentators from Montreal all across to BC over the past couple of years slagging Winnipeg. I hate listening to that **** but that's the reality Mike, whether you insult me or not.



    So you mean the Calgary media then.


    You do know I can read newspapers from ... outside of Winnipeg, right? Even the national ones.


    Why would Edmonton protect Willis over Sherritt? 


    They have Curran.  Sherritt has a wonky thumb that limited him or had him out of the lineup most of last season and a huge contract.  


    Broken shin?


    Would be a risk from Walters perspective, but Neufeld missed nearly an entire season from a broken leg that hasn't healed and was reinjured when he tried to return.  I don't believe Ottawa will select him for that reason, and I think they will be starting two import tackles anyways.



    Now I get it


    I saw the * next to Muamba's name and the "* broken shin" at the bottom and did some bizarre correlation.

  5. Of course... Etienne isn't exactly a tough negotiation, I mean its not like he's due a hefty raise or anything

    Still think that ottawa takes a few flyers on free sagents... I mean half of these guys only have a year left on contracts anyway

    Plus ottawa must have a list of potential FAs who are likely to sign and others who have too many ties to their team's city...

    If I'm ottawa, I'd be looking at thomas, kohlert or carter... I can't see desjardins going for poblah

    Either way, the NIs picked from wpg will likely end up as depth...


    Carter can't be picked, pretty sure he ended the year on the PR.

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