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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 4 minutes ago, WinnipegGordo said:

    Yes, I mis-read the question. I was thinking of those that didnt play in the championship.

    I would hazard to gues that Mike's example never occured before as teams have played each other at least twice in the past and most MOPs would have dressed for a majority of their games.

    Yeah I’m curious if this is the first time that’s ever happened when the Bombers win on Sunday 

  2. Just for the record, it was never a matter (and still isn’t) of anything other than hoping this wasn’t going to come back and bite us in the ass. Doesn’t look like it’s going to, but I’m not going to sit here and tell you that I think that makes it good practice. 

    I’ll firmly stand on my opinion that our roster isn’t optimal and leaves us vulnerable, that doesn’t mean we’re not still smashing teams when we’re operating at let’s say … 90% of what we could be. 

    At the end of the day, all I want is a Grey Cup and it looks like we’ve got a great shot at another one. I hope Damian Jackson scores the game winning TD. They’re all Bombers and I’ll cheer for every single one of them.

    oh yeah and I’m getting an Evan Holm jersey. He’s a dawwwwwg.

  3. Just now, GCn20 said:

    All turned out to be decent players for sure. 174 players have gone through CFL PRs in the past 3 seasons. You have come up with a list of 8 guys. On the outside chance you missed even another 8...that's a 10% batting average of guys on the PR developing into CFL starters. One guy a year on average. I think once Haba gets more seasoning he will be that guy for us, so tell me how much worse we are using our PR than everyone else again.

    Move the goalposts again lol you told me I couldn’t name one guy in ten years and I named eight in two seasons on two teams without even really thinking about it for more than five minutes and now you’re going to claim that’s the extent of the list so you can throw out some bullshit percentages? 

    This is the stuff I’m talking about, you’re just so blind to the reality of the situation because you’re dead set on defending our team at all costs. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Please name me one player in the past 10 years that was brought in by any team, put on the PR to begin the season, and then made an impact before that year was out. There are probably a couple....but I can't think of one....can you?

    This right here tells me it’s no wonder your perception of our practice roster is so warped … if you can’t name a single player, no wonder you think the way we use our practice roster is fine.

    I’ll just use BC and Toronto over the past few years as examples, because those are the only teams I really worry about.

    Jalon Edwards-Cooper, Manny Rugamba, Alex Hollins, Keon Hatcher, Brandon Barlow, Damonte Coxie, Dewayne Hendrix, Jonathan Jones … off the top of my head in the past two years

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