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Posts posted by Mike

  1. There won't really be specifically designed roles, they're all just job titles handed out to give guys promotions.

    Goveia will stay in Winnipeg during the year and scout during the offseason.

    McManus will be in the US full time and will have day to day contact with bird dogs, agents, etc. Sounds like McManus will eventually have authority to sign guys as well, not just recommend them.

    Sounds like David Siddall will be our new Hodgkinson as well.

  2. Invitation only means you don't get any 50 year old wannabes showing up at them like happened at a FA camp the Riders had a couple years ago.

    So, one guy in how many camps from different teams? He was gone in half an hour from what I read. I know the Stamps have found most of their players this way. They have camps in the US SE,SW, a couple in California & Florida. The best players from each camp get invited back to the last camp they hold where they offer the best players contracts. That is how I was told the Stamps do it. .

    Sure but you make it sound like these are just neighborhood walk on tryouts with no invitations sent out.

    The only difference in how Calgary did it and how we did it with Mack is that Calgary allows walk ons in addition to those who were invited.

  3. This is a good hire IMO, and complements both McManus and Walters.

    I wonder if some scouts will also be hired ?

    Or are we just hiring asst. gm's ?

    They essentially are the scouts. They work their contacts and use scouting services/freelancers, target players for workouts and neg list.

    We do need someone in football operations.

    I realize this and didn't expect any different considering Danny Mac and Goveia's experience and roles with other teams.

    As of right now we have Walters, McManus and Goveia with the football ops (is Worman with the team ?), so I'm wondering if more hires will be made, specifically in the scouting department.

    Most teams have around 7-8 people scouting at times, I'd like to see the Bombers in that range as well.

    Most teams? Do you mean Montreal?

    Most teams have 3-4 (we now have 4) football ops guys on staff with a Rolodex of scouts who aren't officially employed by the team.

  4. Just in case anyone is wondering about what talent McManus supplied to Hamilton ... he's the one who found CJ Gable and Greg Ellingson. He's also reportedly got credibility with guys who are big name school guys (like Gable with USC, as an example) who aren't sure about the CFL. A Hall of Famer who became a star up here after going to a big NCAA program is credible with these guys, maybe being able to convince them to come here when they otherwise would think they are beneath it.

    wait wait waaaaaaait.... you mean doctor cfl MD was wrong about danny macs sway over in steeltown in finding the 2 best gems on their roster? you dont say..

    Not that I generally agree with him but that isn't what he said. He said Tillman brought in some guys. And he was right.

  5. What Saskatchewan does is hardly different than what we've started doing. They allow the public to submit candidates who have to go through board approval.

    The only difference is they give shareholders a vote. The catch? Their vote is about as meaningful as the stock they hold. It holds very little weight in the process, it's more symbolic than anything.

  6. Just in case anyone is wondering about what talent McManus supplied to Hamilton ... he's the one who found CJ Gable and Greg Ellingson. He's also reportedly got credibility with guys who are big name school guys (like Gable with USC, as an example) who aren't sure about the CFL. A Hall of Famer who became a star up here after going to a big NCAA program is credible with these guys, maybe being able to convince them to come here when they otherwise would think they are beneath it.





    Doubt we can afford Cortez at the price tag he'll demand.

    Cortez reportedly made $300k in Hamilton. Burke made $225 last season. Not a huge difference.


    You more times than not get what you pay for.


    If the Bombers are relunctant to understand this concept when it comes to key positions at the player or management level, they can't be surprised by negative results that ensue and will have to accept we will continue to be mediocre if we continue to fool ourselves.

    Giving Khari Jones the keys to this football club because he would come with a cheaper price tag and coupled with errenous rationalizations (such as being a former Bomber) and over-rating of what he brings to the table to justify this decision will more than likely not turn out well. 


    Especially in sport where careers tend to be short, compensation can not be compromised when it comes to attracting quality talent whether one likes it or not.



    I agree, but Cortez as a head coach is probably not the best example of this. He was awful.


    I dunno.. His team would have been excellent if the defence wasn't so horrible.. The team excelled at scoring points.. which is something we fail doing most seasons as of late.



    True but that is still his responsibility and by all accounts, he was severely disliked in the locker room. Guys didn't want to play for him.



    Doubt we can afford Cortez at the price tag he'll demand.

    Cortez reportedly made $300k in Hamilton. Burke made $225 last season. Not a huge difference.


    You more times than not get what you pay for.


    If the Bombers are relunctant to understand this concept when it comes to key positions at the player or management level, they can't be surprised by negative results that ensue and will have to accept we will continue to be mediocre if we continue to fool ourselves.

    Giving Khari Jones the keys to this football club because he would come with a cheaper price tag and coupled with errenous rationalizations (such as being a former Bomber) and over-rating of what he brings to the table to justify this decision will more than likely not turn out well. 


    Especially in sport where careers tend to be short, compensation can not be compromised when it comes to attracting quality talent whether one likes it or not.



    I agree, but Cortez as a head coach is probably not the best example of this. He was awful.

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