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Posts posted by Mike

  1. I don't pump tires, I try and provide balance to the blanket "he was terrible" statements people like you like to make.

    Well, you can hang on to that belief, I guess. So it looks to me that if you were running the Bombers you'd be selling the fanbase on giving Mack a chance & keeping him on as GM. To continue to let him work his well laid out plan whatever the hell that is. Or that continual change is bad so therefore he deserves to stay & this team is on the cusp of greatness. That all that's needed at the GM position is patience. And you'd have a huge revolt on your hands with the same fanbase. The old expression says you can put makeup on a pig but in the end it's still a pig. I'm glad Miller, Walters & just about everybody else see it like I do.

    I think what needs to be done is for all parties on both sides of this argument need to put the Mack era behind us & move on. Time to throw our support with the new regime & give them a chance. People on both sides of the Mack argument like you & I will never agree. We'll continue to go round & round so like I said it's time to move on.

    This post really confirms to me that you either do not understand what Dave has been saying for the past 6 months or you're choosing to ignore it.

    If you're so insistent on debating with him, why don't you debate what he actually said instead of debating against an argument you're making for him?



    hey Mike, any updates on the HC search ?


    We are currently looking for one.



    :wacko: i always thought you're a good guy, i'm wrong.



    lol I'm just bugging you. I'm not really all that well connected within the club anymore. Pretty much everyone I used to get my information from has moved on. You know as much as I do about our coaching search.



    Dressler is a far better receiver than anything we have on the roster and would make the Bombers a better team ala you have to look at acquiring him if he's available. You cut somebody's ass to make room for him, simple as that, it's not even a cap issue.


    Would be pretty seamless, get rid of Edwards and that would cover most of it.



    But it wouldn't be between Edwards and Dressler, more like Collaros vs. Dressler.

    And that still leaves Henoc.

    However, this year having so many FAs on our roster, and expected SMS increase, there may be more wiggle room.

    Still the argument whether Dressler would be the best investment rests with who will be out there and where our greatest needs are deemed to be.



    Have to disagree.


    I can guarantee you, if you manage your cap properly, you could easily sign Dressler, Henoc, Collaros and Andrew Harris. And field a competitive team with them on it.


    It's not one or the other. A 200k salary (which is probably the average of what these guys will earn) is like 4.5% of your cap. Consider for a moment that the average CFL salary is around 1.2% of the cap, you have PLENTY of room for big name players on a squad.





    According to our own media members, the Bombers are still the laughing stock to outsiders.

    And according to many of our own forum members, the Winnipeg print media is the laughing stock of the media.

    Nope. WPG media is somewhat negative, but they are among the sharpest. Penton just won CDN football reporter of the year!

    Our organization is (or has been) a poorly run joke, and our media have the balls to call it as such.

    If you want warm and fuzzy, move to SK and read Rod Pederast and the Great Fan-stone.

    Among the sharpest? Yeah. No.

    Lawless can't keep his thoughts straight from one article to the next, Friesen somehow manages to write 30 articles a year about football without actually ever discussing football, Wiecek would rather be covering curling, Bender doesn't even know the rules of the game and Toth spends 75% of his time covering the team chatting it up with his colleagues (I still remember Toth's tweet earlier this year when he said Buck looked really sharp in practice and Pierce had only thrown one pass that day)

    Tait knows his football. Irving knows his football. Penton is a good writer and is getting more up to speed with the game. That trio are the only ones I would consider sharp.



    So our media covering the CFL are awful ... except for the three we have that are better than what's in any other CFL city?


    Agreed about Lawless, he's lazy and relies on his board leak for all his stuff.

    Friesen does what the paper tells him to do to sell that paper.

    Wiecek is also lazy. The King of The Em Dash.

    I don't have an opinion of Toth or Bender. 


    Still, those top 3 are as good as the CFL gets. 



    Maybe as far as quantity but I'd certainly say Lowell Ulrich in BC and Herb Zurkowsky in MTL are great at what they do. Jim Mullin, although I feel like he doesn't write much anymore, is also really good. Terry Jones is another favorite.

  5. According to our own media members, the Bombers are still the laughing stock to outsiders.

    And according to many of our own forum members, the Winnipeg print media is the laughing stock of the media.

    Nope. WPG media is somewhat negative, but they are among the sharpest. Penton just won CDN football reporter of the year!

    Our organization is (or has been) a poorly run joke, and our media have the balls to call it as such.

    If you want warm and fuzzy, move to SK and read Rod Pederast and the Great Fan-stone.

    Among the sharpest? Yeah. No.

    Lawless can't keep his thoughts straight from one article to the next, Friesen somehow manages to write 30 articles a year about football without actually ever discussing football, Wiecek would rather be covering curling, Bender doesn't even know the rules of the game and Toth spends 75% of his time covering the team chatting it up with his colleagues (I still remember Toth's tweet earlier this year when he said Buck looked really sharp in practice and Pierce had only thrown one pass that day)

    Tait knows his football. Irving knows his football. Penton is a good writer and is getting more up to speed with the game. That trio are the only ones I would consider sharp.


    Hasn't all that talk about exhaustive searches reached the level of absurdity yet?

    Get over it already.

    Some people are being dicks about it, but it really is a legitimate issue to question. Pretty much everybody on this site wanted us to do it, until we didn't. Then it's no big deal, and as you say, we should all get over it.



    It's hard for us to know to what extent they went looking for candidates, but you're right. I do want a thorough search. I guess I just never expected a thorough search to mean what others thought it might.



    Kirk Penton ‏@PentonKirk 1m

    Word around #CFL getting louder that Mike O'Shea will be #Bombers head coach and Khari Jones offensive co-ordinator.

    So how is it that an HC and an OC are being hired at the exact same time? Doesn't O'Shea get to hire his coaches?


    I wasn't there, but my assumption is talk of coordinators came up in the interview process.



    You'd think people would be thrilled that two guys with NO connection to eachother are going to be working on staff together, but somehow even THAT is ruled as fishy.

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