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Posts posted by Mike



    That was one hellacious halftime show with Hedley playing tunes & snowmobiles flying in the air behind them. That had to be one of the biggest WTF moments in the 101 years of Grey Cup entertainment history. That it made no sense means nothing as much as having Hedley play the halftime show. Memo to Mark Cohon as he sat yawning beside our Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Hey Commish, the CFL doesn't cater to 12 year old girls unless you sic Eric Tillman after them so quit hiring these **** teeny bop girly boy bands at halftime. As I watched the snowmobiles hurtle thru space, I was hoping they'd try a combine for that jump for a few laughs but aw shucks, they disappointed me.... ;) What was Jennifer Hedger on when she introduced Hedley anyway???  


    No surprise you'd hate the halftime show seen as how you pretty much seem to hate everything.


    That being said, the halftime show isn't meant to cater to people already at the game or watching the game on TV. They're already watching, it's not meant as a "bonus" for them. The halftime show IS to cater to, as you put it, the 12 year old girl demographic. Get TV sets that wouldn't normally tune in to switch the channel. Up the ratings, up the ad revenue, it's that simple. And as much as I can't stand Hedley, I'll take them over outdated acts like BTO mumbling out lyrics nobody can understand.


    No surprise you'd pick out something as ridiculous as this to criticize me for. You can be an ass just like everybody else even though you claim you aren't.



    In a single post, you called something "one of the biggest WTF moments in a century", made a joke about sexual abuse against children and suggested Jennifer Hedger was "on something" during the halftime show.


    Speaking of ridiculous. ;)



    That was one hellacious halftime show with Hedley playing tunes & snowmobiles flying in the air behind them. That had to be one of the biggest WTF moments in the 101 years of Grey Cup entertainment history. That it made no sense means nothing as much as having Hedley play the halftime show. Memo to Mark Cohon as he sat yawning beside our Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Hey Commish, the CFL doesn't cater to 12 year old girls unless you sic Eric Tillman after them so quit hiring these **** teeny bop girly boy bands at halftime. As I watched the snowmobiles hurtle thru space, I was hoping they'd try a combine for that jump for a few laughs but aw shucks, they disappointed me.... ;) What was Jennifer Hedger on when she introduced Hedley anyway???  


    No surprise you'd hate the halftime show seen as how you pretty much seem to hate everything.


    That being said, the halftime show isn't meant to cater to people already at the game or watching the game on TV. They're already watching, it's not meant as a "bonus" for them. The halftime show IS to cater to, as you put it, the 12 year old girl demographic. Get TV sets that wouldn't normally tune in to switch the channel. Up the ratings, up the ad revenue, it's that simple. And as much as I can't stand Hedley, I'll take them over outdated acts like BTO mumbling out lyrics nobody can understand.


    I understand the idea of trying to get eyeballs on the tv that wouldn't normally be there but I'm going to take great exception to the idea you'd take these guys over the outdated acts... Those acts have staying power for a reason and their songs popularity span across generations. In summary damn kids todays



    Musically? No, I wouldn't.


    In a live setting? Some of those acts just don't have the chops to produce a quality live performance anymore.

  3. That was one hellacious halftime show with Hedley playing tunes & snowmobiles flying in the air behind them. That had to be one of the biggest WTF moments in the 101 years of Grey Cup entertainment history. That it made no sense means nothing as much as having Hedley play the halftime show. Memo to Mark Cohon as he sat yawning beside our Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Hey Commish, the CFL doesn't cater to 12 year old girls unless you sic Eric Tillman after them so quit hiring these **** teeny bop girly boy bands at halftime. As I watched the snowmobiles hurtle thru space, I was hoping they'd try a combine for that jump for a few laughs but aw shucks, they disappointed me.... ;) What was Jennifer Hedger on when she introduced Hedley anyway???  


    No surprise you'd hate the halftime show seen as how you pretty much seem to hate everything.


    That being said, the halftime show isn't meant to cater to people already at the game or watching the game on TV. They're already watching, it's not meant as a "bonus" for them. The halftime show IS to cater to, as you put it, the 12 year old girl demographic. Get TV sets that wouldn't normally tune in to switch the channel. Up the ratings, up the ad revenue, it's that simple. And as much as I can't stand Hedley, I'll take them over outdated acts like BTO mumbling out lyrics nobody can understand.




    I like Chris Jones but I think he's doomed in Edmonton. Hervey is an awful GM and I bet they go at it over personnel decisions frequently.

    Out of curiosity why do you think Hervey is an awful GM?

    Terrible cap management abilities, his scouting is pretty awful, he's a royal ******* to media, he's broken several rules that a GM should know about, I could go on

    You could say the same about Taman aside from him being nice to the media.



    No I couldn't


    I like Chris Jones but I think he's doomed in Edmonton. Hervey is an awful GM and I bet they go at it over personnel decisions frequently.


    Out of curiosity why do you think Hervey is an awful GM?    



    Terrible cap management abilities, his scouting is pretty awful, he's a royal ******* to media, he's broken several rules that a GM should know about, I could go on

  6. Does anyone take this recent article as a sign Collaros doesn't want to be a Bomber?

    Blueandgold: good point about switching agents. Might make it easier for a new agent to have casual conversations with the Bombers 'in passing'.

    I don't take it that way at all. There isn't a better fit in the entire league, Collaros knows that. He just wants to get paid.

    Why is Winnipeg a better fit over Ottawa ?

    Ottawa needs the stability of a veteran while they establish themselves. They will gamble on a young up and comer eventually as their starter but it wouldn't be smart for it to be in year one

  7. Tom Higgins as GM & HC. He has contacts in both the NCAA, CIS &  NFL. Knows coaches outside those organizations as well. Is used to dealing with CFL agents. Can negotiate contracts. Is experienced in rebuilding teams & making them championship competitive. Is a Grey Cup championship coach. More importantly,he has done both roles simultaneously in the past so he is my choice.


    Can he?


    He's never been a GM with a salary cap.

  8. Call me crazy, but I really like the idea of O'Day as GM -- much more than Walters. 


    SK is a successful organization and I would be interested in what he could bring to the table.


    Plus it would be a break from the Blue Bomber "Incest is Best!" school of hiring. 


    I don't really think hiring anyone from Saskatchewan breaks away from the "Incest is Best" theme.

  9. I just don't  understand the O'Shea  thing. I really don't. Has he ever been a linebacker coach with the Argos or just special  teams? How Miller can think of hiring a coach with such limited experience is something I don't get. When did he retire, about 3 seasons ago? I'm not saying O'Shea can't be successful but after the season we just had why are we turning to a neophyte coach with just a few years of experience coaching thinking somehow that he can turn the team's fortunes around. We  don't know if O'Shea can even handle being a head coach. If Miller blows this hire it could permanently cripple this team & send it spiralling into bankruptcy if crowds turn away because of another bad season. So much at stake here that it is ridiculous.


    Simply put, what you want does not exist. Also, your criteria for what makes a good coach and what does not is faulty. I don't care if a guy has experience in the CFL as an offensive coordinator, defensive coordinator or coordinator of the dietary concerns for vegan defensive backs. It simply does not matter.


    There is a reason why a guy like Pinball can retire and go straight to a head coaching position and it works while a guy like Burke with an absolutely sparkling resume as a coordinator falls short. It is not about your experience with playbooks or schemes. Above everything else, you have to be a leader and a manager of people. Experience in the CFL to be aware of the game and it's intricacies is important and a requirement no doubt, but it simply does not matter where that experience is from to me. If a guy can lead, he can lead. If he can't, he can't. The chain of development for a head coach is not like a quarterback where you move from 3rd string (positional coach) to 2nd string (coordinator) to starter (head coach), you either have the ability to lead or you do not.


    Give me the right personality over the right resume every day



    IMHO Collaros is the best available QB this year (I expect Burris to resign with Hamilton), but I hate the idea of giving up a 1st rounder, 2nd overall, for a Free Agent, especially since we already gave up our 2nd rounder.  It sounds like a desperate move to me.  I'd rather take my chances in free agency and keep the 2nd overall pick.


    I don't expect we'll give up a first rounder. I do expect we'll swap with Toronto though.


    That being said, without trying to get your hopes up, you should be confident that Collaros will sign with us when we trade for us. We'll have the ability to talk contract beforehand because unbelievably, Collaros actually wants to come to Winnipeg so Toronto will want to maximize their return.


    Really ?


    Because all indications are that Collaros wants to try the NFL this off season.






    So do I.


    I'd say our chances are about the same.

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