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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Vicki Hall of the Calgary Herald is reporting today that Dave Dickenson will sign a new long term deal with the Stamps by month's end to remain with the team not only as the Offensive Coordinator but also with new & expanded duties as the Stampeders Assistant Head Coach. She also reported that John hufnagel will remain as Head Coach for the foreseeable future. He will not be stepping down as Head Coach as he still enjoys being in charge on the sidelines. However, with the anticipated signing of Dave Dickenson, it appears a succession plan is now in place.


    are you willing to acknowledge now that Dickenson not wanting to come to Winnipeg had nothing to do with Winnipeg itself?

  2. IMHO Collaros is the best available QB this year (I expect Burris to resign with Hamilton), but I hate the idea of giving up a 1st rounder, 2nd overall, for a Free Agent, especially since we already gave up our 2nd rounder.  It sounds like a desperate move to me.  I'd rather take my chances in free agency and keep the 2nd overall pick.


    I don't expect we'll give up a first rounder. I do expect we'll swap with Toronto though.


    That being said, without trying to get your hopes up, you should be confident that Collaros will sign with us when we trade for us. We'll have the ability to talk contract beforehand because unbelievably, Collaros actually wants to come to Winnipeg so Toronto will want to maximize their return.

  3. And I would say the odds of that actually happening are slim to none with none already leaving the building.


    You're now blaming coaches from 3 years ago who are no longer around for the problem this year.........the same group who were good enough to get a 4 - 14 team to the Cup game the very next year.......give it a rest already.


    Denmark has had the same receivers coach since he's been in the CFL.

  4. Bottom line though is the team lacked the talent to win. Sure coaching had a lot to do with losing as well but it's amazing how much smarter a coach is with talented players.


    That's not the bottom line at all.


    He came into the season with 7 division all-stars from last year. He had last year's most outstanding rookie. He had a MLB who was well on his way to being an all-star. Hell, last year we were the only team in the CFL with 3 players who compiled over 1000 yards. We had talent and while it wasn't this world beating roster with all-stars across the board, he was given some very good pieces to work with.


    **** happened that was both beyond and within his control, but the fact of the matter is that the biggest talent deficit on this team just happens to be at the most important position.


    I'm just tired of hearing you knock the entire roster just because one spot on it is absolutely abysmal.




    ^^^ all about talent vs. performance


    I'll stand by the fact that with a proper QB, we have TALENT on offence already to complement that QB. Without a QB, their performance will suffer.

    You can stand by your fact but it doesn't make it right. How can you say a 3-15 team has talent? Sure, at a few positions but overall, not enough.


    Take Ricky Ray out of the equation, and insert Justin Goltz, or Jason Boltus., you're not getting close to half the same results.  Sometimes a great player at a key position makes everybody around them better by association.



    except that Ricky was out of the equation for 8 games... and while nobody could say that the offence was as good without him, the team wasn't crippled.



    except that your backup was still miles ahead of where our QB were



    Yeah, I knew I'd get that response. My answer is that I can't see things being any worse under private ownership for the Bombers than the way it is now. How many people are we paying to sit on their asses now? Four?? This is F Troop calibre stupid the way things are being run now. Fans don't trust the process. Judging by the way Miller answers media questions & his  body language it's apparent to me that he doesn't trust the local media. Perhaps just a small group of people in his inner circle.


    ... one


    Buchko and Burke is at least two, no?



    We aren't paying Buchko.


    And as of right now, we're not paying Burke to sit on his ass either.

  7. Yeah, I knew I'd get that response. My answer is that I can't see things being any worse under private ownership for the Bombers than the way it is now. How many people are we paying to sit on their asses now? Four?? This is F Troop calibre stupid the way things are being run now. Fans don't trust the process. Judging by the way Miller answers media questions & his  body language it's apparent to me that he doesn't trust the local media. Perhaps just a small group of people in his inner circle.


    ... one


    I'm not as angry about the coaching as some, but one thing I do know: All this talk about the roster being SO bad, and Burke had nothing to work with.....bullshit. Mack brought the roster leaps and bounds from where Kelly left it. By no means were we a GREAT team, but it's not like Burke had absolutely nothing there. I'm not gonna throw Mack under the bus for this one.

    The truth is somewhere in between. We had a combination of the worst talent in the league & a bad coaching staff, possibly the worst in the CFL. Edmonton's in that conversation; Reed seemed to lose his sanity as the season went on and made some very strange decisions. His "consequences" rant is up there for the worst coach media scrums I've ever seen.


    17to85 wouldn't (couldn't) answer the question so I'll put it to you, what other team's roster would you take ours over?



    I get your point and truthfully, I wouldn't take any roster over ours but that's not a testament to the overall level of talent. Take QB out of the equation and I'd put our roster up against a handful of others around the league.



    To be fair, if Khari surrounded himself with a proper staff then he could be quite successful here.


    He fits the bill of what I want, I just don't like the optics.

    If he gets a real good solid staff around him I don't see why he can't be successful. He's a smart guy and his team mates all said he was a hell of a leader, but he's such an unknown as a coach right now just really looks bad and is a big gamble. I think I'd be much more open to that gamble if it hadn't been such a **** show the last few years. 



    Khari Jones with a sock-puppet of a GM being prodded by a highly "motivated" CEO is not a good situation. 


    Wade should hire a quality football man and then get the firetruck out of football ops. 


    Work on biz development and revenue streams. 





    To be fair, if Khari surrounded himself with a proper staff then he could be quite successful here.


    He fits the bill of what I want, I just don't like the optics.

    If he gets a real good solid staff around him I don't see why he can't be successful. He's a smart guy and his team mates all said he was a hell of a leader, but he's such an unknown as a coach right now just really looks bad and is a big gamble. I think I'd be much more open to that gamble if it hadn't been such a **** show the last few years. 



    Totally agree, but a lot of the candidates would be a gamble at this point.


    I want to like the idea of Khari as a head coach but I'm just not sure.

  11. We can't keep fired coaches like Creehan & Burke on.... That would be a cancer. They have to go. I don't blame Dave Dickenson for not coming here. You know he's talked to his brother & knows just how effed up this organization is right now. This team has very little credibility out there in the football world. Things need to change fast.


    I think you're overreacting.


    Dickenson didn't say he doesn't like Winnipeg, he said he's not interested in leaving Calgary.


    Going back and forth with Penton on Twitter ...


    He said Burke was "doomed" with the roster Mack gave him. I still stand by the fact that the import talent may not have been great, but Burke did absolutely nothing to turn those guys into better players.


    I'll ask the question here, same as I asked Penton because I'm curious. Can anyone name an import player who actually improved with time during Tim Burke's stay as HC?

    Alex Hall sure did but he's not here anymore. Other than that...



    You think Alex Hall improved while he was here? I don't.


    Two years and he was an elite pass rusher from the day he got here but nobody ever figured out how to correct his inability to stay onside.


    Not a major issue in the grand scheme of things, but the weak part of his game was never addressed by these coaches.

  13. Going back and forth with Penton on Twitter ...


    He said Burke was "doomed" with the roster Mack gave him. I still stand by the fact that the import talent may not have been great, but Burke did absolutely nothing to turn those guys into better players.


    I'll ask the question here, same as I asked Penton because I'm curious. Can anyone name an import player who actually improved with time during Tim Burke's stay as HC?

  14. Perhaps if we historically review the hiring policies and procedures of the last number of years my so called negative attitude towards this company would make sense. Yes , this company that has continued to make bad hires and pay people not to work. Apply the Bomber business model to any other management model and I would ask you if you would invest in it? Not a thousand or two for tickets as a fan but as a business person.

    Take your subjective fan side of this equation and apply an objective business approach and you decide.

    Step one is to remove the fans of the BoD, or at the very least reduce or minimize there involvement in hiring people to run this company be it business people or professionals.

    This current cycle is a repeat of the poor Board hirings when Cal Murphy was let go. Succession planning and building a sound management structure is paramount. Until that happens we will continue to see the repeating pattern that has evolved.


    That has nothing to do with what you said though.


    You're more than welcome to be negative about this situation, I have my reservations as well. Being welcome to your opinion doesn't give you a free pass to use awful reasoning to back it up.

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