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Posts posted by Mike

  1. His football background? He was a special teams player. That translates into what in terms of running a football team?


    Just out of curiosity, why would the position a player played on the field have any bearing on their abilities as a front office guy?


    Are you suggesting a QB would make a better president than a long snapper just because they played a more glamorous position?


    The football background relevancy comes from being around a team, it's leaders, seeing the day to day operations and what may work / may not. It doesn't come from where you lined up on the field.

  2. Isn't there a freeze on trades leading up to the draft? How can we trade for Collaros if we can't? If I were the Argos, I'd take  our second pick & maybe one starter to get something for Collaros as he will be drafted & they get nothing.


    There's a week in there for deals.



    Muamba is a very worthy nominee. In most years, he'd stroll to the league-wide award. With the new SMS in place, he's going to be pushing the pay envelope for the rest of the league.


    For anyone questioning Ray as a nominee for MOP this season, i really don't know what to tell you. His numbers ought to speak for himself. And if it bothers some posters that the media seem to be gushing over him (or Owens last season) it is simply because he has just smashed multiple records and looked awesome doing it.


    having said all that, i doubt Cornish gets beat.

    Owens last year was bullshit, shoulda been Ray as the argos nominee then too cause without Ray Owens is not nearly as impressive a player. 



    Ray makes everyone on offence better... but Owens was doing 3K yards before Ray. and his 3 X 3K in a row was/is unprecedented in pro football.



    Fair enough but it's not the MOPBOTS

  4. I don't care if a ref feels like a player could have let up.


    If it's a clean hit, I don't care if he steamrolled the guy and absolutely buried him. Football is a contact sport at every level, I hate that we're getting to a point where every level of football has officials calling penalties on clean hits that look "too rough".

  5. Henoc's price tag just went up. Great.


    Probably not.


    Probably just a slight difference in base salary vs. bonuses. As in a base of 150k instead of a base of 135k+15k bonus for divisional all-star. Inaccurate numbers, but the general idea still applies. Besides, that's an upgrade the Bombers will WANT to pay for.

  6. Ford as a RB ... Interesting.


    Duron Carter is an obvious snub in my mind. 6 less games than Grant, only 39 less yards and 3 MORE touchdowns.

    Nick Moore is another obvious snub. 3rd in the league in receiving yards and he's not a divisional all-star?


    Cordarro Law is a bit of a snub but obviously he lost his bid because Alex Hall is a Rider now.


    Billy Parker is a weird nomination, would rather see a guy like Dee Webb or Demond Washington.


    Obviously the East was tough this year though. Not a single unanimous selection.

  7. Just out of curiosity ... why is nobody else interested in protecting Terrell Parker?


    I understand he was hurt and we also have Ian Wild but Parker was a beast.


    Big Parker fan here, I guess. I feel like if we could have both on the field in some capacity, that'd be a good thing for our D

  8. Being  here in Calgary & seeing Tsoumpas play, I strongly believe that he is the true anchor on that OL & there's no way that Calgary trades him to the Bombers. When Tsoumpas was healthy, he & Dan Federkeill dominated on the right side of that line. I'd be shocked if Calgary let him get away. To me, there are very few dominant players on the OL like Tsoumpas. No matter what Calgary did, they'd never make up for the loss of that guy. Even though the Stamps have gone 14-4 & plugged in & played other guys all over the team losing Dmitri Tsoumpas was a huge blow to their team.


    He's a pending free agent.


    I agree Calgary would not trade him but would they be able to resign him?

  9. So there is no need to dump a QB to the Blue because Ottawa isn't going to select any QB IN THE EXPANSION DRAFT ... NOT EVEN TATE


    Pretty sure Ottawa will take Kevin Glenn in the expansion draft.
    Glenn is a FA ... why would they?
    Glenn is NOT a free agent.
    Ron Burgundy says NO!!!

    I think Burris and Glenn are good interim qbs for them. Ottawa will have much qb depth no matter what way they go then the Blue has had in the last many years.

    How can we find out for sure about whose contracts are about to expire?

    For whatever reason it's not made public. We just find out through various news articles, etc.

  10. So you protect Matthews even though he's a free agent and has publicly said he's going be trying out for NFL next year? Seems like a wasted protected player to me.

    Based on how his season went do you forsee a lot of NFL interest in the guy?
    Yeah, I see more NFL interest in Muamba than Matthews, quite frankly. Matthews when he did play looked like he had gone to the Kamau Peterson school for dropping passes into your midriff during the off-season.
    Matthews confirmed he had NFL interest last season and intends on pursuing the NFL next year. There is zero percent chance the Bombers protect Matthews.

    yes but last year he was coming off rookie of the year and a generally pretty damned good season, this offseason he's coming off an injury plagued year and a season in which he under performed. Things change in football, I'm not sure the interest will still be as strong. Not like there's a shortage of receivers in the states for NFL teams to pick from. Maybe he goes maybe not but right now I think it's far from a sure thing like everyone assumed it was before.
    There's still zero percent chance the Bombers protect him.
    Then again, who said there was?
    He's on your protected list in this thread.

    This is a "what would you do" thread, not a "what you think the Bombers will do" thread.

    How about you share what you would do?

  11. So you protect Matthews even though he's a free agent and has publicly said he's going be trying out for NFL next year? Seems like a wasted protected player to me.

    Based on how his season went do you forsee a lot of NFL interest in the guy?
    Yeah, I see more NFL interest in Muamba than Matthews, quite frankly. Matthews when he did play looked like he had gone to the Kamau Peterson school for dropping passes into your midriff during the off-season.
    Matthews confirmed he had NFL interest last season and intends on pursuing the NFL next year. There is zero percent chance the Bombers protect Matthews.

    yes but last year he was coming off rookie of the year and a generally pretty damned good season, this offseason he's coming off an injury plagued year and a season in which he under performed. Things change in football, I'm not sure the interest will still be as strong. Not like there's a shortage of receivers in the states for NFL teams to pick from. Maybe he goes maybe not but right now I think it's far from a sure thing like everyone assumed it was before.
    There's still zero percent chance the Bombers protect him.

    Then again, who said there was?

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