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Posts posted by Mike



    Ottawa has said they won't pick Fa's but they might do one like Collloras or Muamba just for negotiating rights till Feb 15 .... so who are not FA's?


    I am guessing the non-FA number two QBs available  are:



    Montreal's other two (besides Smith who they will protect I believe) Marsh or Neiswander

    Hamilton's scat back QB LeFevour


    Either Tate or Levi



    So who is worth trading for and with how big a draft pick?

    Willy and Demarco are free agents, Burris is a free agent and I would imagine Hamilton will use that to protect Dan LF, Bo Levi will be protected by Calgary and I'm pretty sure Nichols is also a FA


    I can't ever remember so many QBs all FA at once …. doesn't give Ottawa much to pick from especially if we trade for Tate



    I honestly believe anyone who thinks Ottawa isn't going to draft a FA QB if that's THEIR guy is out of touch with reality.






    For those of us who didn't listen last night, what was said about 3 NI OL??

    Burke said that Bomber management has identified 3 non-import OLs that they will be targeting this offseason, via trade or free agency. He said one of them has been out all season with a concussion.
    I'm pretty sure he said is there are 3 NI OL who will be FA's this offseason, plus others who they will pursue through trades. That difference in wording is why I'm pretty certain Mike is right about Tsoumpas being the guy with a concussion that Burke was referring to. He referred to a guy who was out all year with a concussion while he was talking about potential FA's.
    That's possible, except for the fact that Tsoumpas played 6 games this season.

    Like I said, you need to stop taking comments so literally.

    What did you want Burke to say during what is supposed to be a casual radio show. "Well we are targeting a specific young gentleman who missed all but 183 minutes of playing time this year."

    "He's been out all year" is basically just a general summary comment, it's not meant to be taken as a 100% accurate literal statement.

    You could be right, but the point you're trying to make is off.

    No it's not. It's clear you don't like when anyone disagrees with you and you always have to be right (in your mind at least) so we'll leave it at that.



    Okay, so let's compare arguments.


    The comment is made that we are going to be targeting a lineman who suffered a concussion and missed "all year"


    My suggestion is that we're going to targeting a guy who DOESN'T have a contract and suffered a concussion.

    Your suggestion is that we're going to target a guy who DOES have a contract and suffered a concussion and you also include, as support for your suggestion, the fact that my guy didn't miss LITERALLY all year.


    This is why it's so ridiculous when fans take what a coach says on any level as gospel. Have you ever heard Burke talk? He's SO casual. As much as I dislike Burke, it's far more likely that the term "all year" was not meant to be taken extremely literally than it is that he'd openly admit to targeting a player with a contract to play for another team.


    I don't even know why I'm arguing this, it's probably the most ridiculous argument I've ever engaged in.




    For those of us who didn't listen last night, what was said about 3 NI OL??

    Burke said that Bomber management has identified 3 non-import OLs that they will be targeting this offseason, via trade or free agency. He said one of them has been out all season with a concussion.
    I'm pretty sure he said is there are 3 NI OL who will be FA's this offseason, plus others who they will pursue through trades. That difference in wording is why I'm pretty certain Mike is right about Tsoumpas being the guy with a concussion that Burke was referring to. He referred to a guy who was out all year with a concussion while he was talking about potential FA's.

    That's possible, except for the fact that Tsoumpas played 6 games this season.



    Like I said, you need to stop taking comments so literally.


    What did you want Burke to say during what is supposed to be a casual radio show. "Well we are targeting a specific young gentleman who missed all but 183 minutes of playing time this year."


    "He's been out all year" is basically just a general summary comment, it's not meant to be taken as a 100% accurate literal statement.


    You could be right, but the point you're trying to make is off.

  4. Ottawa has said they won't pick Fa's but they might do one like Collloras or Muamba just for negotiating rights till Feb 15 .... so who are not FA's?


    I am guessing the non-FA number two QBs available  are:



    Montreal's other two (besides Smith who they will protect I believe) Marsh or Neiswander

    Hamilton's scat back QB LeFevour


    Either Tate or Levi



    So who is worth trading for and with how big a draft pick?

    Willy and Demarco are free agents, Burris is a free agent and I would imagine Hamilton will use that to protect Dan LF, Bo Levi will be protected by Calgary and I'm pretty sure Nichols is also a FA

  5. Alright, here goes.


    First thing I do is do whatever it takes to convince the board that they need to open up the chequebook for Dave Dickenson. If I'm given the ability to hire whoever I want, I hire him to be the next head coach.


    I'm keeping Walters as assistant GM and I'm confirming the hiring of Rick Worman as my director of player personnel.


    Next thing I'm doing is getting on the phone with Jim Barker and offering him the same deal Buono got last year for Reilly. Seen as how we do not have a second rounder in 2013, I'm offering our 2015 second rounder, I'll swap thirds in 2014 and to make up the difference, I'm flipping him an extra fourth in 2014 in exchange for Collaros.


    Next up, I'm prepping for the expansion draft.



    QB: Collaros

    Canadians: Henoc, Neufeld, Greaves, Watson, Pencer, Kohlert

    Americans: Washington, Terrell Parker, Wild, Matthews, January, Anderson, Turner, Sears, Jarvis Jones and Desia Dunn.


    I prepare myself for the Redblacks to take either Swiston or Poblah and then in the second round of the non-import protection, I keep Cauchy, Etienne, Volny, Jake Thomas, Labbe (because I show my veterans some love) and whoever they have not taken between Swiston and Poblah.


    Moving along, I've now got to survey the situation across the league and see how my roster stacks up. Looking at our list of free agents, I'm going after Henoc, Kohlert, Etienne and Labbe as my priority Canadians and Matthews as well as Brandon Stewart and Wallace Miles as my priority imports. I'd look across the league to fill some holes on the offensive line and maybe some secondary help but other than that, I'm probably going to scout new talent for competition in my other areas. At running back, I'm looking for a guy who can catch out of the backfield as a safety valve for my young QB. At receiver, I'm probably satisfied going into the season with the group I have but I'm definitely looking down south for talent seen as how it's a position we could always upgrade.


    On the offensive line, I have to imagine myself going into the year with a 3 NI offensive line and I'm looking across the league to see if there is the potential to upgrade my entire interior. While I've protected Neufeld and Greaves, I'm certainly not writing their names in pen on my depth chart. I'm also ready to push Jones at RT with a guy like Pencer. Dimitri Tsoumpas is a specific name I'd target to upgrade at guard.


    Defensive line, I'm not too worried. Kenny Mainor can come back or he can go but I'm at least offering a deal. I'm on the phone with Darren Gill constantly getting updates on Bilukidi and I'm very willing to let a guy like McAdoo compete with some young guys from the US on the line. Zach Anderson+Bryant Turner are pretty solid in my interior.


    Linebackers, I like my depth for once.


    Secondary, focal point during offseason scouting. Also not opposed to bringing in some veterans here if Jovon is not around or I'm unable to resign Stewart.


    Kicking, I'm working hard to sign Liam Higglyjiggly or whatever and I'm also taking a long hard look at Mike Renaud. This might be a spot where I look to teams around the league to see what's available.


    Neg list work ... I'm getting guys like Armanti Edwards and Denard Robinson off my list and I'm letting Rick Worman scour the US for QB prospects. I'm also getting the word out to agents that this is not Joe Mack's house anymore and there's no reason to be apprehensive about coming to Winnipeg. No more refusals to play here.


    Pipeline players ... I want updates on Stephen Alli and I want to get Robertson and Aprile inked to deals ASAP. DiCroce needs to be back in camp as well.


    Canadian draft ... Knowing I have second overall and knowing a serious need is a center with long term potential, I'm putting Pierre Lavertu from Laval at the top of my draft board.

  6. The idea they would only draw 20,000 tickets to any game next season if Burke were retained is laughable and the fact they drew 20,000 fans to the final meaningless game when one of the most anticipated Jets games of all time was taking place shows proves that.


    If anything, the people vowing to never buy another ticket go to show that the Bombers have a lot of opportunity to increase ticket sales by increasing their on-field performance.  You can argue Burke's impact on that, but it's a side issue to the big picture.  if you personally never go to another game, no one would notice or miss you.


    While that sounds great in theory, you better hope that's not how the Bombers operate.



    Not because of Tim Burke. They didn't sell out the second home game coming off a victory in Montreal. The pricing structure was wrong.


    I don't want to feed the troll... but the bait is irresistable...


    I know A LOT of season ticket holders; and at least 50% are waiting to hear whether or not Burke will be retained before renewing.  Sure, they're bitching about the price increases... but they're football fans that will suck it up and buy season's because they love football and the Bombers.  


    Don't kid yourself.  There is NO REASON why a team in the CFL's only new stadium since SkyDome shouldn't sell out every game in its first year; especially given half-decent weather.  The fact that we DIDN'T... is a result of an extremely poor product on the field.  On-field product is Burke's responsibility.


    People will pay through the nose to watch winners with whom they have a strong attachment.  Ever been to a ball game in Boston or New York?  We haven't had a winner in a long while, and attachment is starting to dwindle...





    First: Been here a long time pal, not a troll.


    Secondly, if you thought my post was trolling you neither understand the definition of trolling nor comprehend the common sense of my post.


    Thirdly, communities like this forum are the vocal minority.  It's true.  Listen to any broader forum and you get much more generalized opinions with many people sympathetic to Burke.


    Fourthly, I made no judgements about Burke.  I believe he will be fired.  I believe massive changes are needed.


    But keeping Burke will absolutely not result in there being 20,000 fans at Bombers game.  That just won't happen.  Product on field means more. 


    And finally, your logic makes zero sense.  The Bombers did not sell out their second home game.  No one thought the team was horrible.  They nearly beat Montreal at home and did beat them on the road. 


    Will *some* fans turn in their season tickets?  Yes.  Ofcourse.  Will *some* fans be angry and resist buying tickets?  Yes.  Ofcourse.  But will the sky fall?  Nope. 


    Too many Chicken Little's on here.



    I wouldn't really call the Winnipeg Sun comments page a broader forum.


    I'm not particularly ok with trading our second overall. I'd offer one of our thirds this year, and a conditional next.


    and you'd get turned down.


    a third pick and a maybe-next-year-pick isn't worth as much to the Argos as having Collaros as a shield to our other players in the dispersal draft... ie: the guys we protect because he gets taken would be worth more to us than a 3rd rounder.



    this is very true and many people keep overlooking that.


    Before you think we can just go to Toronto and say "hey, either take our lowball or lose him for nothing", remember that he holds his value in that allowing Ottawa to take him will allow them to protect their 7th and 8th best non-import.


    Then again, is that worth it to let him go to a division rival?


    So many moving parts.



    Just checked my Twitter feed ... apparently the permit Bilukidi had to work with the Raiders is non-transferable. Has to re-apply and then can sign.


    How long is the re-apply process? 


    And will they wait for him or sign someone else?



    Well, they just signed Kheeston Randall who was a 7th rounder in 2012 so I'm guessing they're NOT going to wait.

  10. Okay, let me approach this in a different way then.


    Woodruff was a pending FA last year. He plays the same position as Patrick Neufeld and we already know this management team (Walters included) had Neufeld as their #1 target last year. We now have Neufeld. Why would we target Woodruff?


    I know you're likely just being stubborn on purpose, but don't you think it's a lot more likely that he'd mention a guy who is a pending free agent and a player at a position of need than a guy who we didn't rank over a player we have already acquired last year?


    Unless he makes a huge impact, Bilukidi won't be a Bengal beyond 2013.

    Atkins is on IR for the year, but we have plenty of depth on the line when he's healthy and there probably wouldn't be a spot for Christo.

    and yea sure we have solid depth on the dline but dont you think we make room for bilukidi? he is gonna be a solid additionto the front 7, at the very least more effective then one of thomas or arguably more valuable then Anderson or Gilmore.. no?



    I was referring to the Bengals, not the Bombers. Bengals fan here.


    What rumors?

    considering I told you the source in confidence that's a stunningly dickish thing for you to write. Doubt it of you want but that's pretty low. Class act mike.



    Just to clear it up, I still don't buy the story and I'd like to point out you volunteered that information without me ever asking for it but I did miss the part of your message where you asked me not to mention it, so I've edited my posts.

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