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Posts posted by Mike





    Well that's what Walters/Miller have asked him to do. Guess you know how to run a team better than they do.



    Until you explain where you've heard that from, I guess there's not really much to discuss.



    I'm not sure where the idea came from but I heard the same thing from Burke's mouth, so it must be on audio somewhere.

    He did have the players slotted into which players can be starters on which teams and backups etc. I haven't heard of such a system but then, who am I to argue with Burke.



    I heard Burke say this on the post-game commentary after the last game on CJOB.



    Bizarre. I'd like to hear more of an explanation to this.




    Well that's what Walters/Miller have asked him to do. Guess you know how to run a team better than they do.



    Until you explain where you've heard that from, I guess there's not really much to discuss.



    I'm not sure where the idea came from but I heard the same thing from Burke's mouth, so it must be on audio somewhere.

    He did have the players slotted into which players can be starters on which teams and backups etc. I haven't heard of such a system but then, who am I to argue with Burke.



    If true, that's the weirdest thing I've ever heard. My guess would be that he simplified the explanation of it, but I suppose it's hard for me to say I'd be surprised if the Bombers chose to do it that way.






    The fact that Tim Burke wasn't the first head coach fired this offseason bothers me.

    Bombers are trying to get their money’s worth out of him. They want to pick his brain on his evaluation of players, in preparation for the expansion draft. Fans might not like it, but that’s actually a smart move to keep him around for a few more weeks. We’re paying him anyways, may as well get our money’s worth.

    It's not a smart move at all. Why do we care what Tim Burke thinks of our roster if he's not going to be here?

    It's actually a very smart move. Burke may not be head coach material, but he also isn't an idiot; he was a very well respected defensive coordinaator in the CFL prior to becoming our head coach. As a GM I'd at least want his thoughts on the players, so I could factor that into my decision on who to protect. As part of his evaluation over the next few weeks, he is going to be slotting Bomber players into 3-4 categories: 1) player could start for elite CFL teams, 2) could start/play for middle of the pack CFL teams, 3) could start/play for teams like the Bombers, 4) not starter material/other issues. As a GM I would like to see this information as part of my overall evaluation. Firing Burke right now is the emotional move, but keeping him around for a few more weeks to pick his brain is the smart/strategic move.

    Except that's not how you evaluate players at all.

    You can't simply slot players into a "they can start for good teams but not bad teams" type classification.

    What type of team do you want? What type of players do you want? Can player X fill a role in your defense with their skillset? Do their strengths fit the style of play you're looking for? Are their weaknesses going to be exposed in your schemes? It goes far beyond that, but what you're suggesting is NOT how it works at all.

    Well that's what Walters/Miller have asked him to do. Guess you know how to run a team better than they do.



    Until you explain where you've heard that from, I guess there's not really much to discuss.

  4. And just to expand on my last thought, before you go giving any credit to Burke for his ability to assess player weaknesses / strengths, this is the guy that couldn't even identify whether or not his secondary was more suited to play zone or man all year. And defensive backs are supposed to be his specialty.




    The fact that Tim Burke wasn't the first head coach fired this offseason bothers me.


    Bombers are trying to get their money’s worth out of him.  They want to pick his brain on his evaluation of players, in preparation for the expansion draft.  Fans might not like it, but that’s actually a smart move to keep him around for a few more weeks.  We’re paying him anyways, may as well get our money’s worth. 



    It's not a smart move at all. Why do we care what Tim Burke thinks of our roster if he's not going to be here?



    It's actually a very smart move.  Burke may not be head coach material, but he also isn't an idiot; he was a very well respected defensive coordinaator in the CFL prior to becoming our head coach.  As a GM I'd at least want his thoughts on the players, so I could factor that into my decision on who to protect.  As part of his evaluation over the next few weeks, he is going to be slotting Bomber players into 3-4 categories: 1) player could start for elite CFL teams, 2) could start/play for middle of the pack CFL teams, 3) could start/play for teams like the Bombers, 4) not starter material/other issues.  As a GM I would like to see this information as part of my overall evaluation.  Firing Burke right now is the emotional move, but keeping him around for a few more weeks to pick his brain is the smart/strategic move. 



    Except that's not how you evaluate players at all.


    You can't simply slot players into a "they can start for good teams but not bad teams" type classification.


    What type of team do you want? What type of players do you want? Can player X fill a role in your defense with their skillset? Do their strengths fit the style of play you're looking for? Are their weaknesses going to be exposed in your schemes? It goes far beyond that, but what you're suggesting is NOT how it works at all.


    The fact that Tim Burke wasn't the first head coach fired this offseason bothers me.


    Bombers are trying to get their money’s worth out of him.  They want to pick his brain on his evaluation of players, in preparation for the expansion draft.  Fans might not like it, but that’s actually a smart move to keep him around for a few more weeks.  We’re paying him anyways, may as well get our money’s worth. 



    It's not a smart move at all. Why do we care what Tim Burke thinks of our roster if he's not going to be here?


    It's 100% useless to speculate on a defensive coordinator before we finalize a head coach.


    No its not.  That what we as fans do.  It's fun to speculate on who might be available and a good fit.  No need to be so negative all the time and try to ruin someones post before it even gets started...If you don't like the post or idea, then don't reply. 



    Of course it's fun to speculate. My point is, how you determine who is a good fit until you know what they're fitting into.



    Proof is in the pudding by the team he built, I believe. I know the Edem story has made the rounds & from what I understand actually happened. Denying it would be like saying Rob Ford doesn't eat too much.

    I guess this would be a good time to mention that if Mack always listened to Walters, we'd have Edem and Pasztor over Mulumba and Pencer but we'd also have Mitchell over Muamba.



    Well we wouldn't really have Pasztor now would we, considering he's the starting right tackle for the Jaguars.




  9. Proof is in the pudding by the team he built, I believe. I know the Edem story has made the rounds & from what I understand actually happened. Denying it would be like saying Rob Ford doesn't eat too much.

    I guess this would be a good time to mention that if Mack always listened to Walters, we'd have Edem and Pasztor over Mulumba and Pencer but we'd also have Mitchell over Muamba.

  10. I don't have a problem with major decisions that clearly impact the future of the team and team finances being cleared through Miller. And I don't even mind Miller asking for a heads up on moves

    The GM makes

    I think what worries me is Miller being the defacto GM. I'm sure Mark Chipman is aware of moves Chevy makes but I bet Chevy doesn't have to check with Mark before he makes a trade.


    Think again.


    Ownership approval on trades is pretty much standard in ANY professional sport.

  11. So Edwards and Johnson say the problem is too many rookies. They say the coaches has them prepared with the gameplay flawlessly but love bullets hindered the kids. And some people still try to stretch that as Burke's fault. So Burke has the team flawlessly prepared according to two veterans but it's his fault when certain rookies lose their heads in real games?

    If you do a crappy job at work but loved your job would you quit? Is Burke killing this team? Absolutely not. That's ludicrous. He's doing the best he can. He's not malicious. If anyone can't stand him being here don't blame Burke, blame his boss.


    If week after week you prepare flawlessly and then fail to execute then newsflash you are not preparing flawlessly.



    He would be a huge loss if Miller wants to mess into that area too.


    Where did it say he was leaving? Nowhere.






    Finished last in the league in 3 of 4 seasons (counting this season).





    Last in 2010


    Tied for last in 2012.


    Probably last this year.



    There are no ties in the final standing because they have something called tiebreakers.


    I know Bombers technically finished second last because they beat Hamilton in the season series.  Big Deal.  They still tied for last with 6 wins.  Last is last.  And the Bombers have had good practice at it in recent years.


    And this is still Joe Mack's team as far as I'm concerned so the probable last place finish this season will be on him as well.



    Last is last. Except when I'm trying to argue.


    In that case, second last is also last.



    With Calgary's staff, Goltz & Hall would have been coached up. Not left to hung out to dry.



    You think Calgary would have found a way to coach Goltz into any kind of successful?  The guy is Russell Wilson without any remote semblance of accuracy...



    Really? I likened him more to Doug Flutie with some height but no arm.


    ... what a weird comparison

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