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Posts posted by Mike



    I've got nothing against MB, but like Dave says, why settle for "Well, we could do worse..." ?? Why not shoot for the best?? Certainly, MB isn't the worst option, but there's also a lot better, and that's what I want...

    Exactly, yeah the offense improved lately with Bellefeuile, but so what? We have an opportunity here to clean house and get the absolute best people possible, don't squander that because well he's here already...

    And all I'm saying is not to automatically dismiss Bellefeuille just because he's here. He may be the best coach available in certain areas.

    Craig Dickenson may just be the best special teams coach in the CFL. By your logic we should get rid of him, just so we can ''clean house'. That's faulty logic in my opinion.



    Except he's never suggested that we get rid of MB just because he's here right now, he's been saying the whole time that MB goes because he's average. At best.


    Ya, but if someone took Andy Fantuz 2nd overall, you can't take him 3rd overall, similar to what happened with Westerman.  You have an exponentially better chance of getting the player you want the higher you are in the draft order.

    Agreed but no sense having a 2nd pick if the guy picking doesn't do it right. We need a GM who will make good decisions.



    What does that really have to do with anything though?


    Or was this just another opportunity for you to preach about how you don't think Walters is the full time guy?

  3. tumblr_msntovqGWy1rlbsvko1_500.gif


    Maybe I'll tune in but with the Jets on at the same time ... gonna be a tough sell.


    Not really sure what to root for at this point. I guess I'd like to see Max Hall show as well as possible, but other than that ... maybe a good outing from one of the new guys (McAdoo? Fannin?)

  4. Poblah & Watson have more talent than shown .... the lack of results/success: some of that is coaching, some is lack of experience,  some is opportunity and some is confidence


    Its hard to be the 5th receiver on the field


    Watson in particular will get better as he learns the team, the playbook and the QB .... the balls he's dropped has a lot to do with the pressure of being a newbie and wanting to show well


    ... Watson?

  5. I've said it before, but they need to adjust the plan for the 200 level prices so that there isn't a double price jump from the lower rows in one section to the next. (Eg. 205-206).


    As someone who is on the cheaper end of that pricing, I say no thanks!


    Then again, my season tickets wouldn't be in the same area next year so I guess it doesn't matter. I can't really stand the people in my section, so I'd be looking at moving if I buy.


    I respect Penton’s opinion on protecting Poblah, although his reasoning is weak.  IMO he’s weakness has been the types of routes he’s running and under-utilizing his strengths.  Make him run a fade from an inside position or send him on a drag, but he needs to get his hands out in front of him in some open space.  I think he needs to be a more consistent part of the blocking schemes on screen plays too.  


    I can see him working well in a few offensive systems.

    That's all well and good, but he can't catch



    Every scouting report out there talked about his good hands coming out of Central Michigan


    What the hell happened

  7. Pencer and Neufeld are redundant.  Neither one can play guard at a level to start in the CFL.  The only way we try to start 4 NI OL is if Burke is retained.  Anyone with half a brain will make better use of the collection of NI's at receiver/TE/RB.


    I want to see Neufeld's broken leg healed to the point he can at least practice before I'd consider protecting him.


    Let's be serious though, there's no way they're not protecting Neufeld.

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