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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Just now, GCn20 said:

    All turned out to be decent players for sure. 174 players have gone through CFL PRs in the past 3 seasons. You have come up with a list of 8 guys. On the outside chance you missed even another 8...that's a 10% batting average of guys on the PR developing into CFL starters. One guy a year on average. I think once Haba gets more seasoning he will be that guy for us, so tell me how much worse we are using our PR than everyone else again.

    Move the goalposts again lol you told me I couldn’t name one guy in ten years and I named eight in two seasons on two teams without even really thinking about it for more than five minutes and now you’re going to claim that’s the extent of the list so you can throw out some bullshit percentages? 

    This is the stuff I’m talking about, you’re just so blind to the reality of the situation because you’re dead set on defending our team at all costs. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Please name me one player in the past 10 years that was brought in by any team, put on the PR to begin the season, and then made an impact before that year was out. There are probably a couple....but I can't think of one....can you?

    This right here tells me it’s no wonder your perception of our practice roster is so warped … if you can’t name a single player, no wonder you think the way we use our practice roster is fine.

    I’ll just use BC and Toronto over the past few years as examples, because those are the only teams I really worry about.

    Jalon Edwards-Cooper, Manny Rugamba, Alex Hollins, Keon Hatcher, Brandon Barlow, Damonte Coxie, Dewayne Hendrix, Jonathan Jones … off the top of my head in the past two years

  3. 1 hour ago, GCn20 said:

    Before Lawler returned McCrae had already beaten out Agudosi for his spot. Yes, McCrae is not a typical receiver but we found ways to make him a productive part of our starting offence earlier this season and I see no reason why we can't do the same now. Before Lawler arrived this was basically our receiving corps swap Schoen for Lawler.

    We do have a guy who actually a traditional receiver on the PR in Ravi Alston, and in the meantime we had McCrae who is a guy we have started numerous times and has been quite productive for us at receiver, not to mention BOLO who deserves way more playing time than he has received. I fail to see the issue. Like I stated earlier, we have 10 guys max on the PR and a guy like BOLO here. There was no urgency to keep Agudosi, or to bring in someone game ready to the PR. We had a receiver recruit that was ready to come here that we must have really liked and was willing to come now, and we made room for him on the PR. That is what the PR is for. I would rather we move guys out of the PR and look at others once we know there upside won't be enough. Agudosi was 30 years old and wasn't ever going to crack our starting lineup. This new kid Alston....who knows? The injury to Schoen just happens to coincide with him not being here long enough to take the field but who knows...maybe we elevate this kid in a week or two if Schoen is long term. 

    And if we were actually managing things properly, you wouldn’t have to jump through so many hoops to try and explain what the team is doing.

    Our practice roster has been mismanaged all year. Same as last year. Maybe if we didn’t waste spots on guys who were never going to make the roster, we could’ve brought in guys who actually had a shot at contributing and let them spend the year here getting up to speed on things. Maybe we could actually try developing a guy, giving him time to practice with the team so that if the opportunity presented itself, they’d be ready. 

    I understand there’s this desire to defend every aspect of our team, but our overall approach to team building this year has been very poor. It’s one of two things, and there’s no amount of you defending the team or Noeller screaming about how we don’t know everything happening behind the scenes that can make it any different - either our scouts suddenly for the first team in their tenure here did a terrible job this year or our coach and our scouts aren’t exactly seeing eye to eye 



  4. 28 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    It's really kind of funny to me how so many people have fallen off the Osh bandwagon because of perceived roster management faults. Comparing him to Maurice and saying he lost the room.... I mean, didn't last year prove that Maurice wasn't the problem? What do you think would happen of th bombers were stupid enough to jettison Osh this offseason??

    I get having questions, but man it is just overboard around here most days.

    It’s kind of funny to me how you spent the first few games of the year belittling anyone who had a problem with anything, then after we had a few ugly games, you were basically acting as if our run of success was over and you had no confidence anymore, but now you’re the one talking about others going overboard.

    I’ve been pretty even keel with it all year. Our roster management sucks and I’m not worried about the results changing my mind. I’m worried about the fact that our results could be so much better if we did things a little differently.

  5. There are simply adjustments that aren’t being made and something needs to be done about it.

    We need the staff to have a long, hard look at what happens within their offices because I see so many deficiencies that are coming directly from our coaching staff. There’s not much that they’re doing right now that I care for - the preparation, execution and player management is all leaving a ton to be desired and they’re smart enough to realize it. How are they going to address it? 

  6. 1 minute ago, Arnold_Palmer said:

    So what are you suggesting? Still first in west. Don’t get me wrong we’re a flawed team. But we got spoiled. We’re not going to walk through the league and win championships without push back. Do you remember life before O’Shea?

    I’m not suggesting anything. I’m genuinely curious. What am I missing because I don’t understand what he’s doing for our team that makes it better right now

  7. Just now, Arnold_Palmer said:

    What doesn’t he do? Just curious from your point of view 

    I mean, he doesn't call the plays, he doesn't seem to be an effective in-game tactician, he doesn't manage the roster properly, he doesn’t make solid choices with regards to taking the ball/field position, he doesn’t seem to be consistently getting the team ready to play … what DOES he do?

  8. 56 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    This is an over reaction. It's not horrendous,  it's a couple questionable moves. If you can make a move or two and all is well it's not horrendous. 

    No coach I’d rather have than O’Shea, but I’m with Booch … his roster management is horrendous. I’m not concerned with how good we’re doing, I’m concerned with how we could be doing so much better.

    It’s almost comical in a way because everything that Booch and I have been saying all year is more or less exactly what has happened, but people still want to make excuses for it.

    We said key injuries with improper use of the practice roster will lead to us not being able to replace guys adequately - look at Janarion Grant. We said not having a proper rotation on the DL will gas Willie/Jeffcoat - they haven’t had a sack in forever and are visibly gassed. We said rostering a bunch of special teams bodies in lieu of some actual defensive depth may cost us a game down the road - look at how gassed our D was in Ottawa, even if you want to put the blame for the L in other areas.

    This roster management has been atrocious all year. Do I want O’Shea fired? No. Do I want someone to tell him that he needs to wake up and start doing a better job of it? Yes please. And don’t start up with this “he knows more about football than we could ever know” stuff, there’s a reason every single head coach gets fired at some point and it’s because they’re people just like us - with weak points, biases and blind spots that affect them just as they affect other human beings. 

  9. 52 minutes ago, Pepper_Brooks said:

    Of course, here's the rewritten version without quotation marks:


    Please take a moment to revisit my previous statement. I explicitly mentioned that obtaining 5% of a large number holds significantly more value than gaining 100% of a small number. This concept mirrors the expected return formula, akin to deciding between a 2-point conversion or going for it on 3rd and short in football. It's a fundamental principle that should be clear to all of us here. In retrospect, I should have refrained from introducing mathematical concepts into this discussion! 😄 Silly me.

    Bro are you AI?

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