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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 13 hours ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    I can agree with the “take a mid-point” approach. But I have yet to see the naysayers offer that up. We have “the biggest fans around” hoping we lose to prove a point, wanting OSH fired, saying it will cost us every week when it hasn’t in 6 seasons, saying OSH is lucky, pathetic, stubborn, smug, head up his ass. Haven’t heard really any “measured criticism” from the loudest critics, and it’s the same wail every game, started before the season even began, and there is no evidence to show it has cost us a win.

    Could we lose? Sure. Is it “putrid roster management” or because of another possibility, like maybe our QB playing the Grey Cup with a busted foot, or our OC calling a bizarre game plan, or our kicker missing a convert. Or getting lazy and giving up turnovers to squander a 16 point lead with 3 minutes left. Fact is, when we have had an actual serious problem on the roster it has been addressed. When our starting QB went down in 2019 and our back-up could not win consistently, we traded a top draft pick for the soon-to-be 2 time MOP. When our kicking was really bad in 2021 we brought in Castillo and he won us the Cup. When it seemed to be ironed out, we tried to salvage the young Canadian, and he was pretty good, but missed the one big kick at exactly the wrong time. So we replaced him this year. We had the best Canadian running back in history, but we opted to sign the younger guys and did not show excessive loyalty to him. And now he is a back-up in Toronto and his replacement here is leading the league. So changes are being made, just not for the sake of change like some wish would happen. I am content with the “KISS” model. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If it manifests into an actual problem, our track record with this management group is that it will be addressed. But the weekly negativity has been over the top since the get-go IMO, so any push back on the hyperbole is being wrongly labelled as extreme, and knob polishing, and blind to any flaws, and “he is perfect brainwashing” which is not happening actually, and the accusation that we are pretending he is godlike is a BS argument. You want to talk loose hips and other intrinsic factors, go ahead, but I like metrics like wins and losses and knockdowns and tackles and those other measurables. Would be happy to engage in a measured discussion if the critics would stop hurling insults like “you are blind if you can’t see it”, and making false accusations about “but criticism is not allowed” and all the other over the top stuff. But the sky is not falling here, and at times it sure seems to me that it is presented that way by some of the “roster management“ crew. 

    You say this, but other than a few emotional posts here and there, I see mostly the other side (the one telling everyone to stop complaining about the way our roster is managed) as the only side who doesn't really offer a "mid-point approach". There's nothing wrong with being critical if it's warranted and trust me, the criticism is warranted. I don't need to talk about the results, those speak for themselves and obviously we are all thrilled to be 8-2. What concerns me is the process. Even if we set aside the debate as to whether roster management can cost us a single game or not (I do think it can and already has this year, but whatever), I don't know how anyone can be pleased with the way we manage our game day roster. We dress far too many special teams players for a team that doesn't exactly stand out from the rest of the league on special teams, we have zero depth on the defensive side of the ball, we blatantly and stubbornly ignore rules that could be used to our advantage and we rely on far too many washed up and/or non-contributing players.

    Have the Bombers done a good job of addressing issues? I mean ... I guess so? In my opinion, it's not so cut and dry. They've addressed some blatant ones like our kicking situation and they've done a good job of building depth at certain areas like DB and OL, but they really haven't done a lot of the proactive move making they used to do in order to prepare for the unexpected situations that may come up. We have exactly zero Americans preparing to fill roles as linebackers in case of an injury ... one healthy American edge rusher if Willie or Jeffcoat go down this week ... a sort of pseudo-running back to replace Brady if he gets hurt ... our practice roster makeup genuinely makes little to no sense (why is there a 36 year old punter on it? Could we not just airlift him in if Sheahan goes down? What would genuinely have to happen for Tomoya Machino to ever get on the gameday roster? He's like our 5th string backup at any OL position) and we haven't seemed to use it as a way to develop Americans in a few years now.

    Despite what people seem to think, we've been a fairly healthy team for a few years now. Our depth hasn't really been tested all that much and if it does have to be, I'm not sure it's a test they'd pass. All in all, very happy with the results our team puts out. Don't love the process, not really sure why i should. We're mostly getting by on pure talent at this point (absolute testament to Walters, etc) but our gameday execution in all facets is leaving a TON to be desired. 

  2. The problem with Dolegala is he looks absolutely lost trying to be accurate in the intermediate parts of the field. His stats are going to be largely built by the plays his receivers make for him. If they can win some jump balls, he’ll have nice numbers. If they can’t, it’s going to be ugly. He’s not going to make life easy for them and I’m pretty sure you’ll see the Shawn Bane usage go down like crazy now. 4 catches on 9 targets yesterday is big time yikes and that’s all on Dolegala. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, blue85gold said:

    Ya their receivers can make some plays and Dolegala has a big arm to get the ball out there. Doesn't seem that accurate so balls should be ripe for the picking if DBs play back a bit.

    That arc he puts on the ball is going to be praised by colour commentators because it “looks” so nice but once they start to realize it’s easy as hell to pick those off, the shine will wear off quick. They were all stunned by how pretty Emilus’ catch was yesterday, but in reality, they overlooked how he was basically playing DB on that ball because it was such an ugly throw.

  4. Vernon Adams is what he is, he’s not the first QB in the CFL to be able to throw his team in and out of football games. There aren’t many QBs I’d take in the league right now over him. Lots of toughness yesterday, although he kind of reminds me of Nik Ehlers the way he’s always being showy about some kind of injury.

    Saskatchewan still doesn’t scare me. BC’s D has basically been exposed in the past few weeks, I haven’t really paid much attention to whether they’ve had injuries or what but it doesn’t seem uncommon to hang points on them lately. Dolegala will get figured out, although quietly I do think the Riders have one of the better groups of offensive weapons to surround a QB with in the league right now.

    I know they’re not fancy names but Emilus, KSB, Jones and Bane are probably enough to make up a top 3 group of receivers in the league at the moment. Their OL still stinks so badly that it won’t make a huge difference.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    Not for Edmonton, Ottawa, and Hamilton.   They are that bad that unless you bring a superstar game changing QB they wouldn't be much further ahead.   Case in point look at ZC in Saskatchewan.    

    You keep forgetting Dru Brown gameplay experience is with the best team in the league,  I'm sure  Tre Ford,  Dustin Crum,  Taylor Powell all would look light years better playing at QB for the Bombers.   

    Watch the game yesterday,  he had time in the pocket to make throws,  his receivers were not dropping balls,  he had a great running back helping him out.  The dude just looked like a young player who isn't ready yet.    Which is normal and is part of the growing pains of gaining experience.     But to suggest he goes to Edmonton and instantly makes them better then what they are now with Tre Ford is silly.    


    My god what a horrendous argument this is. 😂

  6. 2 hours ago, Booch said:

    well the young guys actually have potential an upside and are obviously cheaper....first semblance of a smart move made there in yrs....Mind you that receiving corp scares nobody...And feeding BANE 85% of your pass attempts is not a recipe for success either....sure glad they have useless coaches there, as it plays a major part of keeping them in the dumpster

    I think it’s pretty fair to say Shawn Bane is a top level receiver at this point 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    "This just in, Football team had luck on their side in big Win." More at 6 O'clock. 

    Keep those hot takes coming booch.

    It’s crazy because you’ve jumped the shark here just as much as some of the takes on the other side.

    I’ve never once said I hope we lose or I want us to lose. I was indeed the one who questioned if fans would start to turn on O’Shea. Not really a weird question considering how doom and gloom people were after a few losses. I don’t like the way he manages the roster or quite frankly, coaches within the flow of the game. I like absolutely everything else about him as a coach.

    But yes. The roster management has the potential to cost us games. It already may have cost us one. It’s not ridiculous to suggest that and if you think it is, let me ask you: if roster management can’t cost you games, why does it even matter who we play? Just let everyone have equal reps and treat it like it’s elementary school sports.

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