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Posts posted by Mike

  1. I’m thrilled that we demolished BC but it’s laughable how many of you in here are so quick to forget how our roster management has already raised question marks in many other games this year.

    Good results don’t mean there are no flaws in the process. I’d like to see us maximize our chances to win every game the rest of the way. Roster management helps with that.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Booch said:

    but really...we have enough ST guys anyway...and I sure a Canadian who has had reps there before...can be adequate in that role when we playing one of the better offenses in the league...with minimal defensive depth and 2 guys fresh off the 6 game

    Just look at BC depth chart...and rotational depth they have on defense....and what they have been doing this yr...then look at ours....and correlate it to the issues we have been plagued with on defense...BC defense is gonna be fresh all game and bringing the heat...so hopefully Buck has schemed for it...looking at their depth chart doesnt have me feeling too good

    Oh I wholeheartedly agree. Our defensive rotation usage at this point is beyond pathetic. 

  3. 25 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Very sour news but what did everyone expect from the guy. Lemon's always been a selfish, Me First player. he'll never change. Montreal lost Weineke & Lewis to free agency before the ownership change. They obviously had extra money lying around that other teams didn't. As far as Usher goes, maybe he comes here with all the veterans around him & he changes his style of play because there'd be hell to pay in the locker room with Bighill, Alexander Jefferson & Jeffcoat as well as others not very happy if he didn't. If we sign him & that's a big IF, we have to give the guy a chance.

    Lol what the hell? What’s your vendetta with Lemon? He’s a selfish jerk because he didn’t sign here? Because he wants money?

  4. 2 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    What are your thoughts on the DL, in particular, Ricky Walker? Is he the real deal? Should they play Miles Fox as well in the rotation? I'm thinking Jake Thomas career is seriously winding down but he's Canadian so that plays into him getting playing time.

    I think Ricky Walker is slowly becoming an impact player in the middle and I like his ability to play different fronts for us, but as a whole I think we need to introduce additional players into the rotation to keep everyone fresh as we get deeper into the season. 

  5. On 2023-07-20 at 2:47 PM, Fatty Liver said:

    I don't honestly care where Exume plays but as a Natl. who is athletic and has a nose for the ball he has the potential to be a ratio changer.  I think he's worth developing and shouldn't expect to waste his entire career chasing down punts like Derek Jones did. 

    I honestly had to double check to see if this was posted in 2019. I would hazard a guess that Exume is maybe our 14th string WIL

  6. Just now, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Holm, Nichols and Houston are all potential all-stars

    It won’t be this year but I really think Holm will be an all-star next year. He’s starting to get noticed and his compete level on some of these deep shots teams are taking at him is unreal. Love the way he never gives up, he’ll fight you the whole way down to the ground on a jump ball. 

  7. I like Holm a lot. He’s a baller. But yeah, you’re definitely right. Teams have been scheming very well against Richie this season. The personnel we’re using is limiting our ability to do things we’ve done in the past … Bighill probably too slow to drop back like he has in past seasons, Briggs/Darby/Kramdi/Maruo have essentially been useless and Alexander is being asked to play way closer to the line to make up for it. Leaving our DBs in a lot of tough spots where they’re being asked to win one on one battles and we’ve got brainiacs like Brandon saying they’re bums because they haven’t been perfect.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    Sorry if I prefer players not getting absolutely burned and torched one or two times per game.  I said the exact same thing last year with Rose at around the same time of the season.   I'm not sure if you were one of the people on here giving him excuse after excuse,  but eventually the thick headed folks could admit the guy was a shell of his former self and was a liability on the field.   At least Rose had the excuse of being injured,   Houston does not.    Hopefully he can develop into a solid player but at this point he's way hot and cold and laughable to suggest he's top 2 - 3 corner in the CFL.   A top 2 - 3 CB doesn't get burned by Corny,  Crum,  Fajardo....    Prime example of a guy with fancy stats that doesn't tell the whole story.       


    Again, I apologize that you have no idea what you’re watching. But I’m not here to help you out. Be as wrong as you want. 

  9. I know Parker is small, but safeties are trending smaller now. He’s only giving up an inch and five pounds to a guy like Metchie who plays bigger than he is, just like Parker. Sure tackling, center fielder abilities … it’s not like teams fear Alexander when they come across the middle anyways, when’s the last time you saw him lay out a guy that way?

  10. Just now, Geebrr said:

    Houston definitely tried to jump a route when Cornelius pump faked and got caught - he also definitely tripped.

    Mitchell is also a good receiver with speed. 

    I’ll definitely take it, it’s going to happen with the cover corners who don’t see a lot of targets. It was the same thing with Alford. Often gets forgotten that the other team gets paid to play too. Just as much as Houston can jump a route successfully, the other team can bait him successfully.

    Overall, I’d take Houston as easily one of the top 2-3 corners in the CFL. Seems like guys like BVD prefer a player like Abu who gets targeted 10 times a game for 6 first downs, because he limits gains to just past the first down marker as a sure tackler. That’s not to rag on ADS either, but there’s an obvious reason why teams are picking on him - it’s better than throwing it to the other side of the field.

  11. 7 hours ago, Brandon said:

    Mike will be happy that DeMario Houston scored a freebie interception... all while being the only guy who was completely burned on the field for a massive 80 yard TD.  

    It’s not my fault you don’t know what you’re watching. I thought that interception was his second worst play of the game. Should’ve knocked it down, although at that point in the game it was absolutely irrelevant. Did he get burned on that double move? Absolutely. Great job by McAdoo to set that one up. I also think Houston kind of slipped, which isn’t an excuse but hey whatever, it happens.

    I’ll stand by my opinion on Houston. I’ll take a combination of him and Nichols that effectively takes the strong majority of the targets away from one side of the field and forces the offense to do all kinds of stuff to free up their preferred receivers. I’m not going to rag on a guy because he gets beat on a double move every now and then. Get back to me when teams stop actively scheming to avoid throwing the ball in his direction as much as they can. 



  12. 3 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    He still  should know better. Meanwhile, lets get Brady a TD!

    What does that even mean he should know better? What do you want him to do? 

    3 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    He still  should know better. Meanwhile, lets get Brady a TD!

    What does that even mean he should know better? What do you want him to do? 

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