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Everything posted by Mike

  1. He's also Senior Ah Me at Riderfans, if you didn't know that already. He's annoying as **** over there too.
  2. I don't like this move at all, just because it makes no sense if you compare it to other NON moves. That being said, I am somewhat glad that there is a way to fit Washington/Sears on the field at the same time now, but I have my reservations about Markett as a DI since he's a pure CB and offers no value at SAM or HB as a support player.
  3. The Bombers had the 4th ranked OL in the league last year statistically by the time it was all said and done and that's even factoring in our horrendous start so you're out to lunch on that one.
  4. I don't think he makes anything happen when we need it the most. He threw up a shitter in the Grey Cup during the 2011 season and wasn't around to redeem himself the following year because of injury after injury. I mean really, he makes it happen when we need it the most? How can I possibly agree with that after he rode an outstanding defense and a career day by Chris Garrett to the Grey Cup before failing to score a single touchdown until BC dropped into a prevent defense. (BTW, just want to say threads like this make me glad we cut ties with the other site ... this is really good discussion)
  5. I wonder how many of the import rookies make it out without the clap.
  6. Is a pick six followed by an injury good for team morale?
  7. He's got a point though. I'd rather turn the ball over on their 15 yard line than punt it down to the 55.
  8. So what does that say about Buck? Because Elliott was better than he was last year.
  9. I still fail to understand why we cut our most productive QB from last year and redesigned our offense around one that can't stay healthy and wasn't even as good anyways.
  10. That quote doesn't bother me but the idea that he's complaining about our starters when they were in the game for all of five minutes is a bit ridiculous, in my opinion.
  11. I'm shocked that Desia Dunn is not on this list. Same with McCree, but maybe the familiarity with Crowton gives him a longer leash. The only reason I can still see Dunn being around is that they need a DB to beat up on in practice to boost confidence.
  12. Of course Elliott was a turnover machine. But what coach would honestly think it's a good idea to use those words? "He needs to protect the ball better" says the same thing and it's much more appropriate. As for context on the Buck comment, it was in direct response to a question that basically asked if they would be going back to Buck again if he wasn't such a nice guy. I don't give a flying **** how nice of a guy Buck Pierce is. If he's such a nice guy, stick him in the community permanently. He's a **** quarterback. I'm glad Burke owned up to his mistake. My point is that he calls his players names and over-criticizes them but when it comes to his own performance, he chalks it up to "oh well, better luck next time" As far as what I expect him to do? That's exactly what I expect him to do. Prepare those two kids as much as he can, because quite honestly, it's no different than handing the reins to Buck, crossing his fingers and wishing really really hard for a miracle that keeps him upright. At least Goltz/Hall have upside and the ability to inspire promise. All Buck does is inspire me to drink.
  13. I can't even count on one hand how many times Burke has said something about his players that annoyed me to no end. "Joey Elliott is a turnover machine" "Demond Washington will never return kicks for us again if I have my way" "We probably wouldn't keep Buck if he wasn't such a nice guy" I can't remember exactly what he said about Renaud after the Banjo Bowl but I wasn't impressed with that either. Or how he criticizes the veterans during training camp while he coddles Buck. I really didn't like how he openly admitted he coaches with a "cheat sheet" to help him make decisions either. Fair enough, but telling people who don't know any better is going to make you sound stupid. Couple his propensity to be overly critical of his players with how he basically just brushed over his own mistake in last year's Banjo Bowl instead of calling himself a "poor decision making machine" (would have more respect for him if he spoke about his own performance the same way he speaks about his players) and I'm just SO over listening to Burke talk.
  14. I don't hate Burke, I just think he's quickly proving himself to be a very good defensive coordinator.
  15. Not to me, it doesn't. If he gets hurt, he's done. For good. I don't care how good/bad the backups are, I'd rather be developing with SOME hope than have no hope whatsoever.
  16. All I will say is that if the next Buck injury is not the end of his time as Winnipeg's starting QB, I will have a hard time keeping the faith.
  17. Continuing on my last thought from another thread ... Burke continues to coddle the most unimpressive veteran on this team. The approach to the most important part of our team this offseason has me so uninspired right now. I feel like we're throwing a ticking time bomb under center and it's only a matter of time until Goltz or Hall get their shot, which will be the best possible thing that could happen.
  18. I really don't like Tim Burke. His veterans hardly played at all (I missed the first 5 minutes of the game and don't think I saw more than a couple of reps from a handful of starters the rest of the way), the worst performing veteran of all is the one he coddles the most and he continues to hang them out to dry as a "motivational tool" His player analysis in the media has a LONG way to go.
  19. That golf course is well ... 100% fairway free.
  20. I'll turn it into my signature. Probably against forum rules but hey, I'll just rewrite them for myself. And ban anyone who dare oppose me.
  21. There was no way this was going to go off without any hiccups no matter how much planning you put in. There was no way this was going to go off without any hiccups no matter how much planning you put in. There was no way this was going to go off without any hiccups no matter how much planning you put in. There was no way this was going to go off without any hiccups no matter how much planning you put in. There was no way this was going to go off without any hiccups no matter how much planning you put in. There was no way this was going to go off without any hiccups no matter how much planning you put in. There. I feel better about how visible we've made this now.
  22. I wouldn't say that at all. Etienne was clearly ahead of Carter last night whether they both made two catches or not. I saw a side of JE that we haven't seen before as far as attitude goes and the amount of times he got seperation on his cover was great.
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