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Posts posted by Mike

  1. I'll post my team just for shits and giggles now so the other pool can laugh at me


    QB - Edmonton

    RB - Simpson / Ford

    REC - Matthews / Lewis / Price / Giguere

    DL - Chick / Laurent / Westerman / Howard

    LB - Emry / Munoz / Lawrence

    DB - Hefney / Sears / W. Brown / whoever I have yet to pick

    K - Waters

    ST - Montreal

  2. As long as Labbe is our depth behind Muamba, it is suspect.


    Stephan has yet to prove he can play and prove he can stay healthy.


    Poblah, Kohlert, Etienne, Carter are all not 'proven' commodities...  potential yes, but big question marks.


    Kowalczuk is our backup C - nuff said.


    After our 35 year old (?) long snapper, who do we have backing him up?  Fitzgerald...?


    And yes, West looked great in camp but, again, prove it in a game.


    On the upside, Greg Bearman is not on the roster.


    I just want to point something out. It's literally impossible to compile the depth you're looking for in the CFL. You can't offer players the dollars or the playing time they covet if they're good enough to be considered "good" depth. You pay your starters and then you fill out the squad.


    Also ... backup long snapper? What?

  3. The one thing I notice about our team and the way it is viewed in the media is that everyone seems to think our entire roster sucks when our roster outside of the QB spot is one of the better ones in the league.


    Take out the QB spot from the Eastern Division and honestly, who is impressive as us on paper? We have the strongest RB, a very strong set of healthy receivers, a couple all-stars on the DL and a very tough secondary.


    Unfortunately, that's why the games are played. Our individual talent across the board (outside of QB) is strong but until we can get a general to piece it all together, I doubt it matters.

  4. This is where I disagree a bit. Receivers you can see on film who is going where they're supposed to even if they never see the ball, you can see who is getting open on film even if they never see the ball... You have all kinds of practise time to see who has hands and who doesn't so they don't need to actually get the ball to make a decision on if they're good enough or not, that's a trap that fans fall into, thinking that coaches need a stat sheet to see who is good and who isn't. If a qb is on his ass the whole time it does make it difficult to move the ball, but you also see how his decision making process is and whether he can throw under pressure or how elusive they might be. Again it's not a cut and dried situation where they need to go 65% completions and have 400 yards passing for the coaches to know if they're good enough. They will have a lot of practise time to know who can be an accurate passer or not. 


    Incredibly true but at the same thing, if your OL is failing you entirely then they're likely not providing enough time for any of that to develop.

  5. If Etienne seems ready then why not Carter? Their stats were virtually the same last game. Both have impressed in practice. What's the diff? I'd say they're even. 


    I guess by that logic, they're both starting quality receivers and better than everyone but CM13.

  6. I was and still am disappointed with picking Etienne at 4... and yeah, if he works out, rub my nose in it, cool.  I'd rather have a good receiver and take some shots on a (no-offence) meaningless forum to be honest.


    We needed NI receiver help desperately in 2011 (and 2010, 2009...) - now when Etienne may be good-to-go, we also have Kohlert and Carter who appear ready as well...  For sure, thats a bonus, but yeah, its a bit late.  Whatever.


    Let's be honest here.


    Carter is a great story. But he ain't ready.

  7. There were two primary schools of thought on Jade Etienne.


    "he sucks" and "let's wait and see"


    I don't remember many, if any, people proclaiming he was a future all-star lock. But I remember dozens proclaiming with 100% certainty that he was useless garbage. If you ask me, those people deserve to have it shoved in their face when/if he proves them wrong.

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