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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Carter's as good as Etienne now after only  just one preseason game. He'll make this team. Good thing Jade worked out this off season & got  into the playbook as Carter might have taken his spot. And good on Jade for finally realizing he's a pro football player & really does belong. 


    I wouldn't say that at all.


    Etienne was clearly ahead of Carter last night whether they both made two catches or not. I saw a side of JE that we haven't seen before as far as attitude goes and the amount of times he got seperation on his cover was great.

  2. Didn't get a chance to post last night after the game so I wanted to try and do this now (before my days gets crazy):


    * During his extended audition, Max Hall looked like the closest thing we have to a CFL quarterback.  He made quick decisions, got the ball out of his hands quickly and put the ball in spots for his receivers to make plays (the Matthews reception was a beautiful throw).  He doesn't have the strongest arm but he showed he can make the throws asked of him.  There were at least two incompletions last night that I put wholly on the receiver. It was apparent Hall was throwing to a spot and his receiver kept running.


    Isaac Anderson was the guilty party on both of those. And I agree with what you said, he made a couple of really nice throws. His INT was a bad one though, but I think I'd rather see a DL pick a ball off than a DB if I'm evaluating. That was just a nice show of athleticism by #75 on Toronto.


    * Clement relies too heavily on his athleticism.  That's not bad, in and of itself, but he needs to demonstrate he can move the ball with his arm.  He *could* have a future but he’s no better than 4th on the depth chart.


    PR or cut is how I see Clement.


    * Garrett looked good in his few rushing attempts.  No hesitation.  Ran aggressively and picked up decent yardage in spots.   The running game will be our bread and butter early in the season and I hope Crowton is not afraid to commit to it in order to move the chains.


    I didn't really think Garrett was all that impressive to be honest. He looked like he ran hard but the production was so-so.


    *  I liked both McCree and Kennedy as returners.  McCree makes quick decisions in traffic and once he gets an edge, he showed he can be dangerous.


    What about Massey? Are you maybe confusing Massey with McCree? The only thing noticeable I saw about McCree was how he bobbled the one kickoff.


    * There were a few new guys in the secondary who played their way off the team last night.  Linebacking wasn’t much better either.  Was really impressed with Cauchy’s range and athleticism.  He looks good back there.  West looked more like Logan lite.


    Desia Dunn, see ya. Pendleton, thanks for coming out. Jeremy McGee? I hope not. Out of the linebackers, I noticed Parker flying around but not doing much else. Maybe a bit late every time. Not necessarily a bad thing, though.


    * For all the talk about the hiring of Dickenson being a coup, his special teams let him down.  I realize it was preseason but the fake executed by Toronto was one of the slowest developing plays I’ve seen in awhile and nobody on the Bomber side of the ball even recognized it until Alix was nearing the first down marker.


    Especially considering they were told beforehand that a fake was coming. And it was the third quarter, wasn't it? Come on.

  3. He's a little jumpy after the launch.....only one even close to over-modding. Gotta relax and just let us work everything out. There's not gonna be any real trouble if you just sit back and let it go...


    Actually, we were accused of planting that idiot over there.


    So he has a point.

  4. Here are my thoughts ...


    -- I missed the first five minutes because of traffic

    -- My hamburger had no toppings because they ran out

    -- Desia got a quickname nickname from me. Is. As in Desia Is Dunn. Cut him tomorrow, he was horrendous.

    -- The best thing McGee did all day was get hurt.

    -- Etienne had a couple nice grabs, as did Carter.

    -- Hall was by far the best QB and all this talk about how they took Buck out to protect him makes me sick, it`s pretty obvious teams are just going to gun for him until he gets knocked out.

    -- Apparently missing five minutes means you don`t see ANY starters, I think the only first unit guy I noticed on the field was Jovon. Maybe Stewart once or twice.

    -- Massey and Kennedy both impressed me as returners, McCree can follow Dunn as far as I`m concerned.

    -- Wendell Brown was all over the place but still ... how can I honestly try and say ANY linebacker impressed me.

    -- David James looked on. And then off. And then on. And then off. Too inconsistent.

    -- Marty Markett probably will not make the team but he needs to stick around on the PR. He will be a very good replacement at CB WHEN the time comes, I just dont think that time is now.

    -- Marcus Hyde is FAST. JT Gilmore is HUGE. Like both of these guys on the line.


    That`s about all I remember for now. Oh yeah. Doug Brown sucks as a radio personality. Maybe he should go commentate a funeral, seems better suited for his personality.

  5. I was chuckling to myself, thinking we could use Hodgekinson right about now to make this go away...


    I still remember when Odell Willis phoned me to ask me where I wanted to meet him to pick up my Swaggerville shirts. I don't even want to know what he was on, but I swear it must have been something interesting for him to have introduced himself as "The Master of the Cosmic Universe and Ruler of Swaggerville"

  6. I think the "court date" is essentially just the date he has to pay the fine by, I doubt he even has to be present.


    The more I think about it, the less I think they'd cut Hefney for getting fined for pot possession. Odell Willis had a problem with harder stuff than a few grams of dope when he was here and we didn't cut him over that. The worst thing is definitely that he didn't tell anyone.

  7. Not sure if this is the right thread for this, but I will post it here anyways. I checked out the stadium yesterday while picking up my season tickets. My overall impressions? The place is fantastic. I can't wait to watch a game there with the place packed with fans. It feels massive and intimate at the same time. I was struck by the shear scale of the structure compared to Canad Inns (as if they were going to finish it last spring!).


    There are some warts (shoddy concrete work in spots...perhaps weather related, some laughably bad obstructed seats, etc), but in my opinion those are minor issues on what is overall something we as Bomber fans are blessed to have been given.


    Side note: that "cable" railing in the first row of the upper deck that is giving people grief? I sat there (5' 10"), and I will gladly trade anyone for my seats if they don't want them. The cable is not an issue in the slightest. If you sit back and slouch in your chair, it is in your field of view, but no worse than a hockey cage/mask would be. You can either just stare right through it, or literally shift an inch in your chair to see around it.


    On the other side of the coin, there is a seat in the corner of the upper deck behind some plexi-glass abomination that has the most hilariously bad view you could imagine. You would need to pay me to sit in it.

    Very strong username to post content correlation.

  8. I happened to check out OB last night and saw people claiming that we are over-modding and shutting down threads over here.

    Only real modding I've done is to shut down bashing of OB.


    yup, same here.


    On top of that, I hate to say it but maybe they're UNDER moderating over there. 8 of the last 9 threads with replies in them were all created by that Access_Blue guy, who is very clearly a troll.

  9. I apologize for adding this to the thread (the other one in the general discussion area was locked) but I'm a little peeved at the administrator of another site. A person can type "Our Bombers" here but over there if you type Morning Big Blue (with or without the spaces) the board censor changes it to "that other forum". I have to say you guys have definitely taken the high road.


    That's funny. I posted there this morning to address something and I referred to our site as "that other forum" without the censor. I wonder if Colin thinks I tried to type in the name.


    I've been told by a few people that there are rumblings over there that we planted that Access_Blue guy to stir **** up. I can't see why we'd want (or need) to do that.

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