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Posts posted by Mike

  1. All there really is to say about the roster management is this: if you took the names out of the equation and just explained the decisions (“dressing an American fullback”, “having no backup import edge rusher”, “not using the new DA rule out of stubbornness”, etc), tell people Chris Jones is the one doing it and all they would be talking about is how stupid he is

  2. 1 minute ago, GCn20 said:

    What games have we lost because of roster management? I agree with your premise that opinions shouldn't be automatically **** on, but I see no proof that your's is correct yet. At the one third point of the season, yes Toronto appears to be a better team...although we haven't played them yet and I see nothing to suggest roster management has cost us a game? 

    I'm not defending the roster management at all, as it could be better. However, my eyeballs have seen other reasons for our two losses. One of them, and I'm surprised you haven't mentioned this todaso, being some of our vets not playing well.

    I mean, obviously we can’t draw an exact line between roster decisions and losses but Jesse Briggs seeing his way onto the field and blowing tackle after tackle on the final drive in regulation for Ottawa last week is a fairly safe line to draw.

    Does having a better option in the lineup win us that game? Obviously impossible to say but it likely would’ve given us a better chance to win. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, ddanger said:

    I really think we need to take a breath and calm down. We are still missing a couple of players on D due to injuries, and it looks to me like changes will be happening after the bye week on the injury front.

    I don't know the exact number, but practice roster players are making VERY little money, and it certainly stands to reason that guys will decline a spot and get released rather than staying.

    Maybe, but other teams have nowhere near the same issue so why would our prospects be declining and other prospects wouldn’t be?

    The use of our practice roster has been problematic for two years now. Who’s the last American player to start on the PR for us and earn his way into the lineup?

  4. 2 hours ago, Noeller said:

    I absolutely don't like or understand the defensive roster........ but Jesus Christ, I'm not hoping for Edmonton to win just to prove a point. We spent enough time in the dark ages begging for wins. I'll take 'em no matter what the roster is. Just find a way to win, by any means necessary..... even with a sub par use of roster. Also think there's a LOT going on behind the scenes that we don't know about and would likely explain some of the more curious decisions. 

    I keep asking you this but I’ll ask again. What magical behind the scenes stuff do you think is going on that prevents us from signing competent players to the practice roster? 

  5. 1 minute ago, MOBomberFan said:

    I would have to think Wilson is still sore or tight or whatever, and if so I wouldn't want to risk him against the Elks of all teams either... but that's a big assumption. No other reasonable explanation that I can see

    That’s totally fine, but if that’s the case … it really just goes back to what Booch and I said all off-season. Why would you not have competition in camp?

    We’re starting Les Maruo and Rehda Kramdi this week and the only reason is because longevity on the roster is all that matters to O’Shea. Absolutely no competition at either spot. And this is what we’re left with. 

  6. I hate to say it, because it seems like such a ridiculous idea and I know it’s never gonna happen anyways but … if O’Shea is going to just blatantly handcuff our roster with his stubbornness and overall mismanagement, are we going to let him just because he won two Grey Cups? Or is Miller actually going to step in and do something? At what point do you tell O’Shea get your **** together or thank you for your services but they are no longer needed?

    That roster is literally a joke. And we’ve done it to ourselves.

  7. 42 minutes ago, BomberBall said:

    I don’t think anyone is saying Osh needs to become a hard ass prick, in fact everyone sings the praises of the culture he’s created.  I think we want to see him make a few more of the tough decisions to pull players that are underperforming.  His loyalty, well admirable, may sometimes keep him from making the right moves.

    This exactly.

    Loyalty to one isn’t loyalty to all. We need a bit less of the first and a bit more of the second.

  8. 4 hours ago, Brandon said:

    Then why does he get beat so frequently on one on ones?  

    He doesn’t, I just don’t think the majority of fans who are watching defensive backs play really have a hot clue what they’re looking for.

    Defensive backs are going to get beat. It’s inevitable. Every single one of them does. The expectation of performance can’t be a 100% success rate. Look at the scheme our defense plays, the whole idea is to keep guys in front of you and not give up the big play. Now go look at Nichols/Houston’s tackle numbers compared to ADS/Lawrence/Holm, etc. the side that plays opposite of Houston/Nichols gets targeted because those two guys have essentially locked it down. The numbers are low for Houston because he rarely, rarely gets thrown at.

    If Houston was as bad as you think he is, he’d be seeing a lot more targets. Teams actively gameplan to throw away from that side of the field on us. There’s a reason for that. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

    I’d rather see if Parker can take over at dime. He’s a sound tackler, and quicker than Darby.

    Of everything wrong with this team right now, I don’t see what you guys do when it comes to Houston. He’s been one of the only guys making plays. 

     Daramy-Swaray is another guy I wouldn’t mind seeing in Darby’s spot. We need to see way more physicality there. ADS can thump.   

    Darby needs to go, whether they put Parker/Holm/ADS there … there needs to be a change. I’d even consider putting Alexander there and moving one of Parker/ADS to safety, as well. Get him closer to the line of scrimmage.

    Something’s gotta change though. This is exactly what I was talking about in the off-season, so many people suggested we were going to be good because we were good last year and guys just weren’t gonna fall off a cliff. Neufeld fell off, Kolankowski fell off, Alexander fell off, Darby fell off, Hardrick fell off, Thomas fell off and now look. We sleepwalked through training camp, handing out spots to guys who didn’t earn them instead of attempting to bring in actual legitimate competition. We roster guys to thank them for their years of service (hello Jesse Briggs) and don’t let the best players on the field when we need to.

    I understand the loyalty and I understand there’s a lot of merit in his approach, but O’Shea needs to be loyal to the locker room in its entirety, not to each individual. As stupid as I think the whole FIFO thing is and as much as it makes me cringe when Noeller parrots it like some battle cry of the super fan, the team sure isn’t doing much fitting in right now. There’s no reason for the personnel decisions we’re making, I saw it coming a mile away and some of you laughed when I said coaching  and roster management was going to cost us games this year. Then I see **** like Jesse Briggs being on the field collecting participation medals because who the hell knows why, and it’s apparent that coaching and roster management really is going to cost us games.

    The worst part is, they’ve mishandled the whole situation entirely and now it’s probably too late to fix it this year - we don’t even have most of the pieces we need on our practice roster because we’d rather work on having 7 globals and 5 offensive linemen we’ll never use. On top of that, O’Shea is so stubborn that even the advantages we could pick up, he won’t because he doesn’t believe in them.


  10. 20 hours ago, Bubba Zanetti said:

    Garbage tackling and garbage play calling. The o-line has become a huge concern and they secondary needs a shakeup. For all of Houston INT's im still not sold on him. Gets beat a lot. Rose and Parker need to come back in asap for Houston and Daramy-Swaray. And i'd like to see Tui and Dobson replace Neufeld and Kolankowski next game. Interior is getting dominated. Alexander was also hot garbage today too. Not sure WTF is up with him. His and Bighill's tackling was a joke. I fear a lot of people were/are right, this team looks old.

    lol what the hell? Demerio Houston is legit one of the best corners in the CFL.

  11. Just now, voodoochylde said:

    O’Shea is a great coach but stuff like this .. as they turn over the core group .. it’s going to be costly from a credibility standpoint.

    Not maximizing the potential of the roster .. giving players too much rope to hang themselves with .. bad losses.  It’s not a good look.

    Nothing they have done this year is going to be a good look for player recruitment going forward.

    It’s become an old boys club. 

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