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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Yeah I mean, the thing about Hefney is that Burke is right, he IS our best SAM / nickel back / whatever. But he's also our best HB. The team is better with Hefney at HB even if the SAM position is strongest when he's lined up there.
  2. Whether you think Crowton is well versed enough to be in the CFL as a coordinator, he's obviously got talent as a play caller and schemer. What elite division 1 programs or NFL teams has your OC called plays for again?
  3. Burke may not like it, but I do. You want effort? There's effort.
  4. Only news I've seen come out so far is that Kohlert got dinged up and left the field early.
  5. Only one practice today, gets going in 20 minutes. Post any updates / reports you may have.
  6. Got a few bites over at the official forum last night, so hopefully we'll have some newcomers to fill the spots!
  7. I think you missed my point. If you wait until he's cut, you run the risk that you may not be able to sign him because there's a strong market for his services. If you give up an asset, you can secure him before other teams get a chance to make him an offer as a free agent.
  8. Not necessarily. If he's in demand, it might be easier to give up an asset for him as opposed to getting in a bidding war on the open market.
  9. Hefney would be a starter on every team in this league.
  10. Get with the times, old man! Just kidding.
  11. Lots of people are going to bring up this "you have to offer a 1+1" thing but the fact of the matter is it means nothing unless it is NOT offered. If you simply forget to offer it, then you're in trouble. But there's nothing to stop you from offering it under terms that a player would be idiotic to agree to. Teams will simply offer a reduced salary option for a 1+1 as opposed to a 2+1
  12. I think they're getting mixed up, Washington is way too small for WIL
  13. lol somehow our league glitched, Ray and I tied for first.
  14. No way does the second league not fill up. 2 more people? No problem. If worst comes to worst, I'll inquire over at the "official" forum.
  15. Well, I suppose it would be Suber or Stewart. Either way, little early to be cutting a veteran imo
  16. Hit the print screen button on your keyboard, then open Paint, paste the image in there, save it and go to imageshack.us or something similar (just search image uploader on Google) to get the link to post here.
  17. Renaud just booted three beauties while Legacy is struggling this morning, also according to Bob.
  18. I have to admit I haven't paid much attention to him when I've been at camp but the thing I DO notice about him is he no longer stands out as *that* guy who is built like a twig compared to every other receiver. He's never going to have a bulky lower body but you can really tell he's added a considerable amount of muscle in his upper body ... even his back looks wider.
  19. Practice #1 for today is underway ... Worth noting early is that DE Marcus Hyde is back on the field, so I guess he's fighting through injury. Bob Irving already pointed out on Twitter that Etienne has looked good again today.
  20. I have one complaint. How come I cannot abuse my power and issue warnings to other moderators?
  21. I think it could come from a couple of spots. The one spot I'm considering strongly is Kohlert or Etienne at the second WR spot, but I don't think that's as easy as it sounds because we'd still have to have an extra import REC on the roster simply because we don't have enough backup non-import receivers. We'll probably keep Taylor Renaud around, but it's not going to be on the 42 and having ONE backup for THREE starters obviously isn't ideal. It'd be easier if DiCroce was healthy or Aprile was here. The other spot is right tackle, but that's a ways away from happening and I think Douglas or Simmons will probably lay claim to that spot by the end of camp. Muambas, Poblah, Watson and three OL is still a pretty good group of Canucks. I guess if we do go with seven Canadian starters, we'll likely DI a RB, a DE and a DB. Realistically, there's no need for a DI linebacker because Stephan and Labbe are capable enough and if our nickel back gets hurt, you can just stick the 6th DB there because if they're going to DI, they're obviously going to be flexible. That's why I see it being difficult for a guy like Markett to get on the 42 man roster ... he may be a very good player, but I don't envision him as one of those flexible DB types who can play any spot on the field like a Hefney or a Sears.
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