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Everything posted by Mike

  1. If we can get 6 more participants, we can run two leagues.
  2. Bob Irving saying Rifles junior Brett Carter doesn't look out of place at all at camp so far.
  3. So apparently, according to what I heard, Carmon asked for his release.
  4. if he plans to call the infraction he needs to go ahead and do it. It wasn't a delayed call because both teams had a player going off. I get all of that, but what did the Hawks player do to deserve a penalty on that play? He only reached up to hold on as he was being power bombed to the ice. I probably wouldn't have called either of them (Wings player was questionable), but especially not the Hawks player. It was just a terrible call all around. Saad did absolutely nothing to earn a penalty.
  5. hmmm... i suggest a video or youtube tab for when we post? THIS! Also, as a designer, I'd suggest a logo that didn't have 4 different fonts in it. I like the football you used. If you want me to hammer one out, I can do it next week! We were actually going to open up to the community for logo designs because we knew there were some really solid designers out there. You were one of the guys I had in mine, so that'd be great if you had the time to put something together!
  6. Second session goes today, let's keep day two stuff here.
  7. Surprising lack of coverage thus far but the first thing I heard was essentially "goodbye Mike Renaud" Cameron looked good. Real good.
  8. really glad to have you. not a slight on anyone else here, but during gameday, yours are some of the contributions I look forward to most.
  9. for any reason in particular? (i mean, besides the fact that it would be a huge middle finger to the Riders?) That's my reason.
  10. Starters on O: QB Mike Reilly, RB Hugh Charles, SB Fred Stamps, WR Shamawd Chambers, OL Simeon Rottier Starters on D: LB JC Sherritt, DE Odell Willis, DT Ted Laurent, CB Joe Burnett, S Donovan Alexander, DE Marcus Howard Key STers: Grant Shaw, Mike Miller, Corbin Sharun, Burke Dales New Additions: DE Odell Willis, QB Mike Reilly, OL Carson Rockhill, DB Marcell Young, QB Jacory Harris, DT Eddie Steele, GM Ed Hervey Subtractions: CB Rod Williams, OL Greg Wojt, DB Weldon Brown, QB Steven Jyles, DT Jermaine Reid, K Brody McKnight, GM Eric Tillman Draft: DL Stefan Charles (Titans), LB Kyle Norris, OL Chris Mercer, LS Jorgen Hus (Rams), OL Taylor Servais, DL Elie Ngoyi, FB Smith Wright Players on the bubble: DL Don Oramasionwu, SB Adarius Bowman, OL Kyle Koch, QB Kerry Joseph Last season summary: 2013 outlook and prediction: Will make fancy and finish off later.
  11. cool, thanks. can you take Edmonton? ewwwwww. Okay.
  12. Don't forget, a lot of those guys could be trying out for SAM as well.
  13. Just announced this morning. I'm going to miss that crazy old fella and his brutal honesty. Hope he comes back to the panel on TSN soon.
  14. Well he has never been a head coach before.... but yeah, sometimes Burke is a little too honest and forthcoming with the media. It wasn't so much that he has it. But yeah, the idea that he'd admit to that is a little surprising.
  15. Did it seem odd to anyone that he said he has what is more or less a "cheat sheet" to look at during games when he doesn't know what he's supposed to do?
  16. Poor James Carmon, I really liked him. Well, I nailed 3 out of 5 earlier today. Not bad.
  17. I'll be putting up details for a league today, done through Fantaseh again. I know a few of you had expressed interest in playing (bluto, Noeller, Ray, Joey, etc) so I'll give you guys a chance to join up first but I think we have anywhere from 2-3 open spots for those who are active enough to devote the time to it.
  18. Maximum currently set at 3. If it becomes too messy, we can lower it to 1 or 2.
  19. Definitely in the works.
  20. I'm rooting for the Hawks/Pens just because that's who I bet on in my hockey pools and I'm winning so far. Then again, I'm the only guy with a handful of Bruins too so maybe that'd be better for me.
  21. Menu on the left hand side has it.
  22. I've already recommended the first two, but for the third idea do you mean buttons to move to the previous or next THREAD or previous/next pages of a single thread?
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