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Posts posted by Mike

  1. I'm going to create the first league today and what I'd like to do is have another mod create the second league. I'm also going to ask Jimmy to create two password-protected forums for each draft, that way nobody can see what the other league is doing draft-wise.

    My idea is this, although if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve it, I'm all ears. We'll run the two leagues this season and by the end of the regular season, each league will have their winner determined. To decide an overall winner, we'll do one final 2 person draft before the playoffs start and each guy will end up with a roster for the playoffs. Score it the same way, except the matchup will last the duration of the playoffs.

  2. Completely disagree with that. There is always a safer pick. Doesn't mean that they will be a starter for years, but they might be a useful teamer for a few. I think we need to balance out our picks between risky and safe a bit more.

    I guarantee you that if you name ANY draft pick from the first 3 rounds of this year's draft, there's a "risk" for them. After those rounds, EVERY pick is more or less a flier.

    Round one

    1 Hamilton Tiger-Cats Linden Gaydosh DT Calgary -- NFL risk

    2 Winnipeg Blue Bombers Andy Mulumba DE Eastern Michigan -- NFL risk

    3 Montreal Alouettes (via Edmonton[14]) Mike Edem LB Calgary -- No solid position defined, potential risk to not translate to pro ball

    4 Saskatchewan Roughriders Corey Watman OL Eastern Michigan -- NFL risk

    5 Montreal Alouettes Steven Lumbala RB Calgary -- Told teams if he was not feeling like he had an opportunity to make a 46 man roster, he'd go work in the field of work he got a degree in

    6 BC Lions Hunter Steward OL Liberty -- NFL risk

    7 Calgary Stampeders Brander Craighead OL UTEP -- NFL risk

    8 Toronto Argonauts Matt Sewell OL McMaster -- NFL risk

    9 Ottawa expansion team Nolan MacMillan OL Iowa -- NFL risk

    Round two

    10 Edmonton Eskimos (via Hamilton[16]) Stefan Charles DT Regina -- NFL risk

    11 Winnipeg Blue Bombers Kristopher Robertson DB Concordia -- Probably the safest pick so far, but even you said he went too early. Risk of potential not matching the draft selection used

    12 BC Lions (via Edmonton[15]) Seydou Junior Haidara WR Laval -- Doesn't speak English, risk that he's not able to pick up team schemes, etc.

    13 Calgary Stampeders (via Saskatchewan[7]) Ben D'Aguilar DE McMaster -- NFL risk

    14 Montreal Alouettes Hosam Shahin DT Rice -- NFL risk

    15 Hamilton Tiger-Cats (via Edmonton[16] via BC[15]) Brent Urban DL Virginia -- NFL risk, positional change risk

    16 Calgary Stampeders Brett Jones OL Regina -- Was a risk to pursue a medical career

    17 Toronto Argonauts Jermaine Gabriel DB Bishop's -- Another "safer" pick, but again ... went too early according to most experts.

    18 Ottawa expansion team Connor Williams DE Utah State -- NFL risk

    Round three

    19 Hamilton Tiger-Cats Carl-Olivier Prime LB Wagner College -- Changing positions, big risk he may not pick up the spot as anticipated

    20 Winnipeg Blue Bombers Carl Fitzgerald WR Saint Mary's -- Risk of potential not matching the draft selection used.

    21 BC Lions (via Edmonton[17]) Boseko Lokombo LB Oregon -- NFL risk

    22 Toronto Argonauts (via Saskatchewan[19]) Natey Adjei WR Buffalo -- NFL risk

    23 Montreal Alouettes Jesse Joseph DE Connecticut -- NFL risk

    24 Edmonton Eskimos (via Hamilton[16] via BC) Kyle Norris LB Saint Mary's -- Risk to pursue work in field he graduated in

    25 Calgary Stampeders Yannick Morin Plante WR Laval -- Pretty safe pick, actually. But again ... as I said, risk that he never pans out to be worth a roster spot.

    26 Edmonton Eskimos (via Toronto[18]) Christopher Mercer OL Regina -- Attitude risk, had plenty of red flags surrounding attitude/personality in college ball

    27 Ottawa expansion team Kalonji Kashama DE Eastern Michigan -- NFL risk

  3. I do not see this as a fluke and that it was impossible to see this happening again. It's the exact same injury. There was risk involved drafting him. They got bit on it.

    but at the same time it's a 4th round pick... those are the ones you swing for the fences on. Guy was a good receiver who dropped because of the injury risk... so you take him in a later round and if he doesn't make it or gets hurt, oh well 4th round pick, if he works out and stays healthy it's a big win cause you snagged a solid guy in the 4th round. Not like this is a guy they took with a first round pick or something.

    We've definitely been in the habit of taking good athletes that we either have to convert or hope will come back from an injury. I'm not completely knocking the approach because if it does work out...like you said...you will get that home run.

    Recently we released Matechuk a Green, two guys that are purely special teams players. Just wondering if we continue to do this and players continue to get hurt...if we'll have any guys left to fill the special teams slots.

    Mulumba - Risk of NFL

    Robertson - Risk that he is not big enough to play at the next level

    Fitzgerald - Not so much of a risk, but we took him earlier than he was projected

    DiCroce - Risk of re-injury

    Alli - Already injured. Risk that he may not ever be 100 percent healthy.

    Billy Whatshisname - Risk of drug use (not really, but we were the ones to "take a chance" on him)

    Our drafting strategy is very "swing for the fences". Maybe a safe pick or two is in order?

    If you want to cheer for a team that makes safe draft picks, the NFL is probably the league for you. There is no such thing as a safe CFL draft pick. Period.

  4. I have no idea how Hamilton gets a C.

    This is what is baffling to me - They literally did nothing besides sign a flashy coach. I hardly think that warrants a C especially considering where they finished last year. Not to mention the whole Chris Williams fiasco.

    Fuuny, people are usually complaining HAM getting A's for their usual big offseason moves and now a C is too high.

    They lost their coach, GM, best player, starting MLB and a number of other players.

    Their major add was Greg Wojt. (as far as "name brand" goes)

    How is that a C if we're a D.

    Maybe a C isn't wrong, but if Hamilton had a better offseason than us, I'm not seeing how.

  5. Hall hooked up with Kohlert for a beautiful completion in the end zone that had the crowd applauding

    I didn't see the play, but heard the cheering and saw Kohlert running back from the endzone with the ball.

    Pierce's first skelly session was much better than his second.

    I thought the D won the team session near the end of practice. I also forgot to mention that McGee was playing nickel with the starting d today.

    I'll just add that I didn't see the first one, so that's maybe why I wasn't too impressed.

  6. I still personally thought Hall was the best QB today, but I didn't see much of Buck. What I did see wasn't very impressive as he overthrew a couple receivers, got a ball batted down by Hyde (who absolutely flies off the line) and missed a few targets. Hall hooked up with Kohlert for a beautiful completion in the end zone that had the crowd applauding and he seems to be getting the hang of the far sideline tosses.

    Zach Anderson and Freddie Harris looked quick in drills today, Marcus Hyde has a ton of speed to burn.

    First team offense appeared to be Pierce and Simpson in the backfield with Poblah, Watson and Anderson in the slot, Denmark and Matthews on the outside.

    Aderious Simmons is a BIG dude.

    Kennedy, Etienne and Kohlert all made nice grabs in the second team offense that Hall/Clement were running.

    Didn't really notice any particular DB/LB standouts, but I wasn't paying much attention to their numbers to be honest. The only nice play I remember was #31 breaking up a Pierce pass.

  7. Touche.

    Heh I guess u don't known what u got till its gone (insightful updates from camp etc)


    Everyone is more than welcome to be here (as long as they follow the rules :P) and hopefully we can keep providing content and discussion that makes this a worthwhile site to visit. :)

  8. I think Denmark is going to be in tough, to be honest.

    Pierce or Etienne coming for him. And yes, I seriously think Etienne has a chance.

    Not to mention I. Anderson. Whom Buck made the point of singling out coming into camp as a guy he was looking for big things from.

    It's a fine line between difference maker and "just a guy" and Clarence, in my opinion, is straddling it as we open camp. And on a team that only dresses three import receivers you better be a difference maker.

    Agreed. Now that Denmark is moving to wideout, his competiton has grown exponentially. He's basically going to become the 5th option which means that the workload would drop. At some point, it might be worth weighing options with a Canadian at that #5 spot.

  9. Last day of rookie camp ...

    I'll start off with a few predictions. If there are cuts before main camp, I'm guessing McCree and Pavlopoulos could be two of them. Pav isn't bad but Hutchinson and especially Cameron look to be so far ahead at this point.

    Other things ...

    -- Best QB today was again Max Hall and that was WITH Buck Pierce participating. Worst was once again Clement.

    -- Tons of dropped balls, obviously the weather is playing a part.

    -- Guys that stood out to me on offense: 71, 72, 83 and 80.

    -- Guys that stood out to me on defense: 31, 36 and in a bad way ... 41 and 35. They just look like they're maybe a gear behind everyone else.

    -- They're REALLY investing a lot of effort into Carl Fitzgerald. He's getting coached personally almost all the time.

    One thing I find interesting is that with the amount of DL they've brought in, there are HUGE differences between the size of some of these guys. Considering they're mostly all listed as ends, I swear they must range from 230 to 280. Marcus Hyde looks fast as hell and Zach Anderson just seems to never quit moving no matter what's going on.

  10. It appears the "other" site has a very similar new look to this site, the only difference is the slightly better color scheme they have going..... verrrrrrry interesting

    I'm sure I can guess what you're implying. But no.

    And yes, they're different. Not by much, but they are.

  11. I can think of about 6 or 7 people I'd pick before Doug Brown, honestly.

    Milt, Ploen, Walby, Poplawski, Cal Murphy, Tyrone Jones, Richard Harris, Cameron ...

    ok, 8.

    While I don't disagree with you.. Brown is a recognizable face at this point.. alot of new fans won't know who Richard Harris was or Tyrone Jones.. You have to consider all the angles..

    and its not like Brown was some rag player who doesn't deserve the recognition.. He was arguably 1-2 of the best interior defensive line men (and canadian to boot) that we have seen...

    I have to be honest, I just don't really care for Doug Brown. lol

  12. http://www.edmontonsun.com/2013/05/31/g ... ald-school

    There was a time when 13-year-old Briar MacLean would have been hailed as a hero for saving a fellow student.

    It takes courage and conviction to tackle someone threatening a classmate with a knife — but instead of a pat on the back, the Grade 7 student at Sir John A. Macdonald school was taught a harsh lesson in minding his own business.

    “I received a call from the school’s vice-principal indicating there was an incident at the school and that my son had been involved,” said Leah O’Donnell, Briar’s mom.

    “I was informed that my son was in trouble for being a part of it.”

    Kids getting in trouble at school is nothing new — but Briar, according to what the vice-principal told his mom, was in the hot seat for preventing a potential tragedy on Tuesday morning.

    The trouble started over an altercation between two boys at the school, located at 6600 4 St. N.W.

    Again, school scraps are nothing unique — but then one of the boys pulled out a knife, turning an angry scuffle into something far more serious and potentially deadly.

    At this point, according to the strict rules of the Calgary Board of Education junior high, MacLean should have left the scene to find a teacher, abandoning the unarmed student to his fate.

    But instead of doing what was required, MacLean did what was right.

    The young teen charged into the fray and tackled the knife-brandishing student.

    The jolt sent the student and knife to the floor, leaving the potential stabber with a nasty bump on his noggin — but that was the extent of injuries received at Sir John A. Macdonald school that day.

    No cuts, no stab wounds, and no need to call an ambulance — all thanks to a kid who chose to act rather than cower or run.

    “He pulled out his flip knife so I came in and pushed him into the wall,” said MacLean.

    “It was just to help the other kid so he wouldn’t get hurt.”

    MacLean’s reward was a day in the office, removed from the other students, and a stern lecture about not playing the hero.

    Thankfully, the boy has a family to tell him what’s right.

    “They told him they don’t condone heroics in the school and he wasn’t allowed to go back to class for the day,” said O’Donnell.

    “Isn’t that horrible? We’ve taught him to do the right thing, and to step in — in our family we teach our children that they need to stand up for others and not run from danger out of self-preservation.”

    The school itself didn’t return calls Wednesday, and a spokeswoman with the Calgary Board of Education said details of the incident couldn’t be discussed due to privacy regulations.

    But the Calgary Police Service confirmed they were called to Sir John A. Macdonald school that morning, where a student had pulled a knife while fighting with another, and a third boy had intervened to disarm the student.

    The student with the knife has apparently been suspended and police are still investigating, meaning charges have not been ruled out.

    In the meantime, MacLean has been left to believe he’s done something wrong — though thankfully, he says he’d do it all over again.

    His mom, meanwhile, is fighting back, exposing the school’s attitude on the matter and saying students shouldn’t be taught that sticking up for others is wrong.

    “When did we decide as a society to allow our children to grow up without spines? Without a decent sense of the difference between right and wrong?” reads the letter she wrote to the Sun.

    Obviously, no school will encourage kids to place themselves in harm’s way — but to condemn a student who likely saved another from serious injury or even death is a terrible lesson for the entire junior high.

    “We’re coddling kids and that doesn’t make for strong individuals when they grow up,” said O’Donnell.

    “What are we teaching these children?”


    On Twitter: @SUNMichaelPlatt


  13. Totally not worth a new thread but I thought it was kind of interesting anyways.

    When I checked out the stadium yesterday, they had the 50/50 booths set up. Same thing as the Jets games now where you go to a booth and they print you off a ticket.

    Looks like they're going to follow the same prices as the Jets games too, 1 for $5, 3 for $10 and 10 for $25.

    But then I saw the last option.

    50 tickets for $50

    I had to laugh. What a waste to buy just one nowadays. Get to know your row and split the cost of 50 or hell, instead of buying 1 a game for 9 or 10 games, just buy 50 once all year and quintuple your odds.

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