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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 22 hours ago, Noeller said:

    The Make Some Nooooiiiiise thing is a lot and it's a lot annoying, but as mentioned, it's EVERYWHERE.... Also, the jackasses in Calgary have to run a "be quiet on O, be loud on D" PSAs, so at least we're not doing that....??

    We should. So many idiot fans in the stands these days. Shoutout to the dummy in the north end zone trying to start the wave while our red zone offence breaks huddle.

  2. 23 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Good luck with that. Besides, how many of you were in 110% favour of the Cone of Silence from the Bombers when it comes to injuries? Saying it's none of our business knowing the injury status of players due to privacy?? Now, some of the same posters who lecture others on player privacy expect an update on a federal legal matter of a player dealing with his right to work in this country? You can't have it both ways.

    So, I'll just say what I've been told here rather impolitely by some when I complained the Bombers never tell us the injury status of players. As in, mind your own damned business. Just leave Lawler alone. Quit asking questions & complaining about a lack of updates on his status. It's a private matter between Lawler & federal authorities. He deserves his privacy & It'll be resolved when it's resolved. 

    Not picking on you, rebusrakin but some here are total idiots telling others to lay off. Like I was told. I'm just laughing knowing it's some of the same posters who criticized me that just want to know... Sooooo. Bad. Well, suck it up. 

    Lighten up, you old fart

  3. 7 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    I've been posting at both for years. It's just more Bomber talk. 

    I like both forums. They both offer something different and both have good conversations going.

    I just get a laugh at certain people implying this forum has more “hardcore football” talk, especially when the guy saying it is the biggest surface level homer here 😂

  4. 11 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Winnipeg is still the tops of the West until proven otherwise. One bad game does not make them anything less or any other team anything more. If that were the case then Hamilton would have been Grey Cup champs last year after the butt kicking they gave us one game. 

    Sorry but a VAJ led team will never be consistent enough to dethrone us. He is streaky, always has been and always will be. There is a reason he is a 8 year QB in this league with only one full season as a starter.

    You don’t have to win more than one game to dethrone “the champs”

  5. 15 minutes ago, Bombertown said:

    Could it be maybe he needs a break to recover from this injury that’s kept him from practice for the last 3 weeks? Lawler will be nice to have in there to get him some rest. Any idea when that will be?

    I don’t think that has anything to do with it. I remember the play in question because it looked off to me at the time too, just not for the reasons Bigblue is suggesting.

    It looked to me like Collaros threw it as a post, Schoen thought it was a straight go route and had to adjust as he came back in towards the DB (who he had beaten already) and he slowed up to do it.

    obviously not sure there what the mix up is, could be a million other things beyond the QB/WR not being on the same page but to me, he hesitated because he had to come back towards the middle of the field when he’s expecting that ball to drop in over the back shoulder over the man he already beat.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    That deep pass to Schoen that was just out of reach when he had 2 steps on Sayles...it was a double move and for whatever reason, we he came out of his stop, he slowed down and then realized the ball was on the way. If he runs hard like he normally does, that's 6 points. Dunigan even commented on him slowing down after the replay.

    I don’t think that’s a fair assessment, it looked to me like he hesitated because Zach threw him back towards the middle of the field which is probably not where that ball should’ve been. I didn’t see him slow much off his release, just tracking the ball in flight. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

    It wouldn’t even be so bad if any of those guys made ST plays for that matter. 
    When was the last time anyone forced a fumble on a return, or anyone not named Mike Miller made a big hit on ST?
    Grant scores in spite of little to no blocking most of the time so it’s not like they’re doing much on that side either. 

    It just kills me how much they leave on the table with their roster choices. 

    This is it. It’s not like our special teams are setting the world on fire. Have some faith in your coaching abilities, do more with less there so we can give the guys in other spots a chance to breathe.

  8. 2 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

    Not dressing 17 jobber linebackers and an American fullback would be cool in the meantime but I doubt that changes. 

    The part that frustrates me is if we deployed them in other situations, it’d be a lot more understandable but we have to be the only team in the league who devotes 15-20% of their roster to strictly absolutely emergency tier backups and special teams tackling dummies 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    We looked very old tonight. The D has been **** for 3 games now tho 

    This isn’t directed at you at all and I really hate to see it because we’re all fans here, but I do hope some people treat this as a wake up call that just because we’ve been in the midst of a dynasty run doesn’t mean we don’t have weak points within our team.

    This kind of game is exactly what a handful of us took a lot of **** for suggesting was on the table for us with the way we ran things this year. Hope the crew in charge takes this as an opportunity to adjust and reflect



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