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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Just now, Booch said:

    Our big issues on defense is we have jack crap for defensive tackles...and it's a huge issue...ends can only do so much but no pressure up middle is killing us...and leaves the secondary exposed

    do we have a stationary tackling dummy we’ve had in the equipment room for more than three years so it can be a designated American and replace Ricky Walker

  2. 9 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    Pretending if TO just had a superstar player, they would suddenly become popular in TO is a losing strategy that's been tried multiple times with actual NFL superstars lol. It also removes the responsibility of the pos owners who do nothing to promote that team. 

    There are good ways to grow fan bases and the Argos have tried none of them. If everything goes perfectly, and Kelly becomes the face of the CFL, like speedflex said, he's gone before the CFL execs can blink. That's who they want to tie a new market to?

    FWIW I never claimed the league's plan is a good plan. But it's very obvious that it's their plan.

  3. 1 minute ago, Noeller said:

    I knew you'd take the contrarian POV, as always, but here's the thing: Yes, they're trying to say that he's going to make the Argos relevant in TO, and that makes him the most important player in the league. But absolutely NOTHING will make the Argos relevant in Toronto. Not even a guy with his head that far up his own ass and still managed 3 TDs last week....

    It's not a contrarian point of view, it's just reality. It's not even about Toronto, although that is one angle (not one I really care about though)

    The reality of the situation is this. Nobody in the CFL HQ gives a flying **** what you think. Or what I think. We're watching either way. Saskatchewan is watching either way. Edmonton is watching either way. Hamilton is watching either way. Ottawa is watching either way. There are some struggling markets, but more importantly ... those fanbases are already installed. They're trying to grow the game "globally" (really just make inroads into the US and become that secondary option for those viewers) and the best ways to do that are to have a recognizable face and to have a competitive league. Without Kelly, they have neither. This version of the CFL leadership couldn't make a star out of Milt Stegall, hell they probably wouldn't even know what to do with a Patrick Mahomes or a Josh Allen. They need a name brand they didn't create. Chad Kelly (love him or hate him) is that, even though he doesn't deserve it.

    The other thing is, they desperately need a QB who can compete because if not, it really looks like the league is going to have to bank on Vernon Adams or Matthew Shiltz to be that guy this year otherwise Winnipeg is probably just going to run roughshod over the entire league. That's not fun for new viewers either.

    so yeah, call me "that guy" if you want but the reality is, their goal isn't to make us feel special. They don't care about us. They care about growth and he's their best shot at it right now.

  4. 12 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Again, crazy to me how the depth has been allowed to get to where it is.

    I don't really know what their plan is at this point if a Canadian goes down in practice.  The only guy not on the roster is Murphy.  The guys on 1 game are OL and DT.  Razor thin.  They basically haven't replaced Miller and Burtenshaw.

    Starting to feel like almost a degree of overconfidence that they can just scout a street free agent and plug them in without any time in town. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Brandon said:

    Nah I'll re post all your complaints about O'Shea and the Bomber organization and how terrible everything is these days  :D

    Spoiler: We are 2 - 0 and looking significantly better then everyone else.   

    Spoiler #2:  JA may have had a lack luster pre season... maybe watch him the last 4 years and look at the full body of work and maybe understand that Walters/O'Shea have a much better eye for the game and would not keep this player if he was absolutely terrible.   

    Yet again, you go and argue a point nobody is making. JA is great at what he is. What he is is not a bellcow back.

  6. 1 hour ago, Brandon said:

    So basically its opinion that Augustine isn't great and despite evidence of whenever even if its only limited amount of times he carries the ball that he gains yards... this still doesn't count?  So do we ignore the times Brady gets stuffed after 1 - 2 yards?   I think people are looking for reasons to complain.   Yes I'm sure Augustine who looks to be chiseled out of granite can't grind a few yards.  If he was so bad then why has he stayed on the team for 5 years in a row? 

    It reminds me of during the pre season where people were worshipping Piggy and then because on one sneak in the regular season game where it didn't turn out good and instantly people flip on him and pretend that they weren't saying he was the next greatest thing only a few weeks before.  Hilarious stuff on these boards. 

    No, moreso what it is is that you don’t really understand what you’re presenting as evidence.

    The reason Augustine shows such a high YPC is because he’s typically been deployed as a guy who gets the “high risk” carries that are going to be home run swings. He’s put out there in positions where he’s either going to bust a chunk play or he’s not, not being asked to grind the hard yards between the tackles as a chain mover. In his two most productive seasons with us, 20-25% of his yardage came on one carry. The evidence you’re using would be the same evidence you’d use to suggest Demski would be an impact RB for us if deployed as such, which is interesting if we call back to the fact that when we HAVE needed to run between the tackles without Brady, those touches actually have strayed away from JA and towards Demski in past years.

    JA isn’t a bellcow. That’s not a bad thing. He’s just not. I’ll use NFL stats because CFL stats don’t exist anymore - look at the top RBs in YPC last year … not many (arguably any) three down backs in the bunch because that figure is always inflated for the guys who are asked to run almost exclusively off tackle, see low usage or both. 

    But sure, go off with your box scores. Tell me how JA did running between the tackles in the preseason. Spoilers: it was not good

  7. People who don’t like what Agudosi or Bailey are doing so far this year don’t know what Agudosi or Bailey are supposed to be doing.

    Agudosi is an over the top, jump ball receiver. Red zone target. Done fine in both of those aspects so far.

    Bailey is a chain moving, gritty TE in a WR body type dude who is going to make the tough catches, move the sticks and lay some blocks. Done fine in all of those aspects so far.

    We don’t need 5 Schoen types or 5 Lawler types. We have those guys, we have Demski and we have the rest playing their roles. 

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