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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 1 minute ago, Jesse said:

    It looks like Grant will be able to come in for Woli if we so choose. Kramdi the back-up DB (or Darby and Kram becomes SAM).

    No nationalized Canadian on D because we only start Jake? Might limit our options.

    Like we thought, no roster shenanigans like some other teams are doing. Just the expected depth chart. 

    Off to a great start. Super glad we’re rostering 47 linebackers to chase down kicks so that we can have 40% of our lineup change positions if one DB gets nicked. 

  2. 29 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Easy. It has not been putrid. C'mon.

    It really has been. And just like I hinted at yesterday, the depth chart came out and he’s making absolutely no effective use of this new rule at all.

    The roster management has been awful and the talent has carried us. I like O’Shea a lot, but his roster decisions leave more than just a little bit to be desired.

  3. This could (and I hope it does) turn out to be a wildly wrong take, but I really think there’s a chance this ends up being the year Bomber Nation starts to turn on O’Shea a little bit

    I think we’re going to end up very frustrated with how our roster gets managed this year. It’s been a weak point of his forever, but I think there’s a very good chance it costs us some games this year. If we’re trotting out guys like Gauthier and Maruo because we don’t wanna play dirty with the rest and game this system, we’re going to be in trouble. I guess we’ll see tomorrow how they play it. 

  4. I would assume our designation on O will be Bailey and Agudosi will start so then Agudosi can come in for Wolitarsky 23 snaps a game and then Grant will be the other starter and Wolitarsky can come in for Grant 37 snaps a game so that Grant can play for Demski on 12% of the snaps that Oliviera is on the sidelines so that Neufeld can line up at running back which will free up Schoen to play QB.

  5. 1 minute ago, Booch said:

    And that kinda boned us last yr too...when injuries hit on dl and lb's...we had nothing

    I’ve just really disliked our use of the practice roster for a couple years now. I don’t understand the goal with it at all, we usually carry far too many offensive linemen and don’t have plans in place for any wildly unfortunate injury.

    Who plays if Oliviera gets hurt? Even if the answer is Augustine, we don’t have a backup on the practice roster. And if you’re saying Greg McCrae is listed as a running back, he didn’t take a snap there in the preseason so tell me how prepared the team has him for that. 

    What happens if Agudosi gets hurt? A Canadian rookie? Shuffle guys around to put McCrae in the slot?

    What about Jefferson and Jeffcoat, especially while Hansen is out. What about Bighill? We don’t even have a fourth QB on there right now if something happens to Pigrome or Dru. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    I trust KW to make the moves necessary to win. He has shown us time and time again that he can do so. We have watched him make so many in season pivots at key positions, when injuries have hit, with fantastic results that I just don't worry about that anymore. Some vets will need to be replaced via trade for immediate impact. There is no recruitment we could have done that would replace a Bighill if he gets hurt this year. The only viable option is a vet in this circumstance. 

    I get everyone's concern about succession planning, but we are in win now mode and that doesn't leave a ton of roster space. We have a window and the Bombers have chosen to seize their best opportunity to win while in that window. Will it mean a bigger rebuild later....maybe years ago...but not in the age of one year contracts. We will reload. 

    If Bighill gets hurt....Sankey is out there doing diddly squat right now.

    It has nothing to do with succession planning. We don’t need to find a vet. That’s the thing, everyone is talking about how Walters gets the trust and benefit of the doubt (which he does, don’t get me wrong) because of everything he’s done before. That’s my whole concern. It doesn’t feel like our normal roster plan this year.

    2019, we added Janarion Grant … Rasheed Bailey … Lucky Whitehead … Stove … probably forgetting a few names, but those are all year 1 CFL guys that made a big impact for us. We’ve never rested on our laurels and this year, it doesn’t even feel like we have the option to do anything else. Where is the talent going to pitch in? Our practice roster has 13 names on it and of those 13, 4 of them are Americans at “skill positions” and 3 of those guys are at our deepest position groups. We have a grand total of 0 rush ends or linebackers on our practice roster and those were clearly our weak spots last year.


  7. 1 hour ago, Brandon said:

    So skimming here... we are upset because we don't have many new names replacing known players?  Why? 

    Crapping on the team because they didn't unearth a hidden gem for the d-line?  So does every other club easily pick up hidden gems in every off season?  

    Concerned about 30+ year olds... so we should cut Zach because of age?   

    With all the worries about the d-line and lb crew... are we not allowed to recruit guys come NFL cut day or even before? 



    Here you come with your regularly scheduled arguing of things no one is saying

  8. 1 minute ago, coach17 said:

    You're over thinking it. You never know when a gem will appear and of course you do want to recruit with that in mind. However finding the next one is not all that easy. Other things come into play like signing castoffs who might have been overlooked or not needed , trades etc. With the strong veteran core and some prospects looking good on the practice roster, I think we will be ok. we for sure do not want to do a Wally and start cutting vets who might still have some serviceability, but although Wally  is a hall of fame coach , I do not remember him winning many multiple or back to back championships. I think this regime is doing it right and rewarding those who have put it all on the line. When the time is right I think they will mostly  move on , on a term that everyone can accept.


    I’m overthinking it because I’m irked that our problems from last year appear to be even bigger problems this year? 

  9. 1 minute ago, 17to85 said:

    I am disappointed that none of the DEs or LBs jumped out either.  But it was always gonna be hard for them when Hansen and Wilson are still in the coaches plans obviously. And Clements for his faults is still a guy been around.

    The big decision we made this year that irritates me is we brought an entire batch of receivers to camp to take up spots, gave none of them any significant level of game or practice time with QB1 and then cut every single one of them. The only one that even made the PR is a gadget guy who is a carbon copy of a guy we had last year.

    If you decided before camp even started that none of them were going to get an opportunity to show out, why did we even bring them all in?

  10. 3 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Then what is the problem? They've evaluated & made their decisions. 

    The problem is we appear to be banking on our impact defensive players to gain the ability to play MORE as they age through their 30s. That doesn’t seem like a safe bet to be making.

    Our offense looks scary good but honestly, our front seven rotation looks really ugly to me on paper this year. You’re not going to convince me that Ricky Walker and Jake Thomas is the combination that is all of a sudden going to let Jefferson/Jeffcoat run wild.

  11. Just now, 17to85 said:

    The group they had last year went 15-3 and could have easily been 16-3 and won a 3rd straight grey cup with a couple made kicks... that's how. 


    I know you're big on younger exciting players but not like these guys were all that shaky.

    I wasn’t looking to cut Bighill or Jeffcoat or anything like that, that’s not what I’m after. I’m not even sure my complaint (more of a frustration, I guess) is even directed at the coaching staff although I think part of it is.

    It just feels to me like we almost wasted training camp. It feels like instead of finding some answers to the questions our roster has, we’re just banking on the questions going away and I don’t think that’s a safe bet with our roster getting older and older. Let’s not kid ourselves, we’re not aging into our prime here, we’re aging out of it.

  12. 3 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I don't agree. Yes, we have some holes on defense on the interior of the DL & linebacker but otherwise we're solid. We roll with 2 Canadian running backs in Oliveira & Augustine. They're not going to switch ratios to an American as that means a Canadian will have to play elsewhere probably on defense in the secondary so Salima is the better back than Augustine but he gets cut & an underperforming & more expensive Augustine makes the roster. That's the down side of having a ratio.  

    Isn’t that the point we’re making though? We had these same holes last year (rotational LB and DE) and they’re only going to become a bigger issue this year as our players get older and we appear to have done absolutely nothing.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    Honestly, this seems like a precursor to the current run of success ending.

    I’m not sure how you justify it, to be honest. I don’t really love the fact that we brought in like 11 receivers and 3 running backs to camp and our coaching staff essentially said the only guy worth keeping is a gadget returner style guy who came in halfway through camp.

    Same thing with the defensive linemen.

    Doesn’t really speak well to our scouting that we couldn’t find a linebacker better than Malik Clements for the 14 games this season that we won’t have Kyrie Wilson. We now officially have one American linebacker on our roster who has practiced in training camp.

  14. 45 minutes ago, Rod Black said:

    You’re the one characterizing my statement as “not small”. I’ve said it’s Small and therefore makes makes it not central to questioning. I’ve mentioned it’s a small issue repeatedly to ensure those that I’m responding to posters and don’t want them to think I’m attacking them. His suspension list inclusion is minimal on what I think of Grant. Great player. No way am I attacking a favourite. You’re the one elevating the issue, inflating what I’ve said as the problem.
    don’t worry about my embarrassment. No need for that. You don’t need to enlighten me, I don’t think of you in that way. 
    I have, not even once, suggested he did something to warrant suspension, but I did ask if he did something, once at the the first posting, because I didn’t know.  You can follow the posts, rather than make things up.
    I do assert, not in grants case, and what I have been subsequently discussing, that suspension in a contract implies a disciplinary response. Others say no. Which in my opinion, with reasons and citing, varies. I’m not evil or misguided. 
    I take it you’re not a moderator or admin guy. 

    “maybe if I just write a lot of words, nobody will notice I’m not really saying anything at all”

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