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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 1 hour ago, Rod Black said:

    I get he may want and the club agrees to his privacy. And suspensions, I agree, mean the player doesn’t get paid. You identified circumstances which enables the Club to report to the cflpa where they may not get paid, but need to be reported. 
    These are the categories of information reporting, active roster, injured players, retired players, suspension list, terminated and deleted from roster, six game injury, negotiation lists, travel schedules. We don’t get to see those lists. 
    in the case birth of child, it excuses the player, and I suspect is clarified to a greater extent in either the standard player agreement or individual contract. 
    “suspension” is a traditional and constant expression of use in labour agreements for a disciplinary process. Most often given as a right to the employer. 

    True. It could be a number of things that the club could agree to. yet it’s Grant, they recognize his value, and they protect themselves to discipline other players that would absent themselves for similar reasons. 

    You can keep saying this all you want but at the end of the day, you’re wrong. Being placed on the suspended list does not automatically imply suspension i.e. discipline. ESPECIALLY in training camp.

    It’s a way to move a player to non-counting roster status without placing them on the 1 or 6 game injured list. That is it, and no amount of you babbling about “standard labour procedure” is going to change that.

  2. 1 minute ago, Rod Black said:

    Oh. Ok. Don’t know how a suspension is a paperwork move nor why a nick warrants a suspension. Anyways, thanks. Management knows what they’re doing. 

    Nobody ever said he got suspended. He was added to the suspended list, which basically just means “doesn’t count on the roster because he’s not here”

    Not sure where the implication he did something wrong ever came in 

  3. 57 minutes ago, Bubba Zanetti said:

    Anyone remember Ramonce Taylor?? He was electric. I remember watching him light up training camp, seemingly taking it to the house every time he touched the ball. But had behavioral problems. I believe at one point his mother actually came to talk with the coaches asking them to keep their son around after he had some disciplinary issues. He lasted all of 2 weeks. Another athlete with all the talent in the world but was just an a**hole.

    I actually looked up Ramonce Taylor the other day when a buddy and I were talking about old training camp stars. Seems like he got his **** together. Played indoor football in Texas until 2017 and he’s now a high school coach and seems super involved in youth sports and charitable stuff in the Texas area.

    good for him.

  4. Nevermind. They have to be designated imports. That still changes a lot though, because you can definitely play with the ratio in a sense where you can get creative in ways you never would before.

    As an example, this could be our starting set of Canadians

    Oliviera, Demski, Wolitarsky, Bryant (I’m assuming he’s the easiest choice as our “Americanized Canadian”), Neufeld, Kolankowski, Gray, Gauthier

    There’s the 8, you could technically designate Kyrie (as an example) to play 49% of the snaps in Gauthier’s spot and run two American defensive tackles all game.

    You could also do it with Kramdi/Darby (I think this may be the direction they go in) or I guess theoretically you could even do it with Bennett/Jeffcoat but I wouldn’t assume that would be a smart idea. If we get Ford back, you could also do it in a scenario with Ford/Rose.

    Not entirely sure what the overall benefit is other than limiting Jake Thomas to minimal snaps. But it’s going to be interesting to see how we deploy it.



  5. 1 hour ago, rebusrankin said:

    If Grant is the KR and one DI and if Sergio takes a second DI spot, do we not di a lb, a de or a db? My leaning is you don't di a lb but I may be wrong. 

    Has anyone clarified if the new roster rules where we can have 3 “Americanized Canadians” take 49% of the reps for a Canadian allow those players to be considered Canadians in the makeup of the roster? That would change a ton.

    You could essentially make Rasheed Bailey, Kyrie Wilson and I dunno … let’s say Adam Bighill all count as Canadians in terms of the roster makeup. I would imagine it isn’t this way, but nobody has really clarified.


    (EDIT: my bad it’s 2 this year not 3)


  6. 3 stars is tough but I’ll go Good, Bad and Ugly

    Good - Pigrome, Lawler, Caleb Thomas, Holm, Swaray, Damien Jackson, the kicking in general, Jeremy Murphy

    Bad - Augustine, Clements, our QB contain efforts on Ford, Kornelson, the drops by Beaulieu/Westfield, most of our new DL guys

    Ugly - Matt Cole fielding kicks, Les Maruo trying to tackle anything, Josh Jones, Dobson snapping the football

  7. Just now, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Hard as hell to judge all those receivers given that we basically ran our starters for most of a half (with Brown too) and then didn't have the ball for the next half.  Maybe 1-2 of them are ongoing prospects but there's no roster space for receivers anyway.  As it is if everyone is healthy we probably can roster one of Agudosi, Grant, McCrae.  Not a lot of opportunity to get on the team for rookie receivers.

    I like Murphy too which probably squeezes out another import off the practice roster.  He was probably the best receiver after the starters went out.

    Hard as hell to judge but those two had an ugly ugly drop each

  8. 3 minutes ago, BaconNBigBlue said:

    Then why is Edmonton's offense doing so well?  They are in the same boat!  

    Well … 

    Because they’re using their starting OL against a very green DL? Because offensive concepts are pretty much universally understood to be installed cleaner than defensive concepts? Because we’re not throwing anything but vanilla looks at them? Because they’ve already played one game aka they’re not actually in the same boat? 

  9. Always makes me chuckle, the doom and gloom. These are the first live reps these guys have seen in months. With players they have little to no chemistry with. And a set of rules they’re only beginning to get comfortable with.

    I think the key is to not get caught up in the result, but what’s the process look like? Who is showing a pattern? Who’s standing out? 

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