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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 2 hours ago, camper_2 said:

    Well, Mike please provide your 3 round detailed mock draft...

    As mentioned last week, when another decided to rip someone,  its a chat forum with all supposely providing their thoughts, suggestions, etc... I for one, look forward to John Hodge's and Marshall Ferguson's mock drafts...

    So because all opinions are welcome, I’m not allowed to say someone who gets paid to express theirs is bad at doing what they do? And for the record, I don’t pay attention to the draft much anymore, but when I did, I would notice many of the mocks shared by posters here (mine included) were miles better than any of the ones the talking heads would come up with. 

  2. 19 hours ago, Noeller said:


    I swear Marshall Ferguson is the most useless CFL analyst out there. Nothing he says ever makes any sense and it reeks of a guy who has the connections to get places but no ability to do anything with what he’s seeing. Cole Tucker and Jake Maier working underneath to imitate Collaros and Schoen? Schoen led the entire league in yards per catch because he was blowing the top off the D, not working underneath in the soft spots. Michael Brodrique to Montreal, he’s French! BC traded a number 1 overall pick LB for a 9th overall pick to draft … a LB! David Dallaire to be FB4 for Montreal in the second round, he’s French!




  3. 18 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Evans can't carry Willy's bag of footballs if you compare the two. Willy's OL here was light years worse than anyone else's. He never publicly blew up on any of his teammates like Evans did. He took his lumps & suffered silently while we thrashed him as a shitty qb. Evans would have been in a straitjacket in a padded cell had he played behind that cruddy **** of an offensive line while being criticized to the bone by us, the fans & media. Willy never had a chance to have success here. The damage was done once that ankle & foot injury happened & Willy tried to resurrect his career in Toronto a year later. 

    Show us on the doll where Dane Evans hurt you 

    21 hours ago, Noeller said:

    woof what a garbage draft year: 


    I would more say woof what a garbage scouting year

    There are more contributors in the 5th and 6th rounds than in the 1st and 2nd. Yikes.

  4. 2 hours ago, GCn20 said:

    Goodson looks to be a Casey Sayles type of NT. Not the biggest dude but very agile for a 300 lber. Will be nice to see what he can do.

    I wouldn’t say he’s anything like Sayles, way lower point of attack and not a guy you’re going to flex out to the edge ever. He’s a bull rush Stove type tackle with a bit more athleticism but a shorter wingspan. Former wrestler collegiately, I think he’s got potential to be a good one for us.

  5. 1 hour ago, Brandon said:

    Once again... is Walters not bringing any bodies at all to camp?  Doesn't his track record give him way more then then the benefit of doubt that he can find real talent?

    I don't understand why we need to be chicken littles and also pretend that this team hasn't found numerous high quality gems over the last many recent years? 

    So instead of saying this team is going to suck and Walters sucks for not over paying on free agents... maybe we can talk about how Walters has the ability to find amazing talent year in and year out?    It's like people forgot that Dalton Schoen was a complete unknown last year and look how that turned out?


    I’m really curious lol why do you almost always reply to comments nobody has made? 

  6. 5 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    Justify it all you like it's still a bad take.

    It’s a bad take provided the Bombers find at least one new impact starter on D. There are a couple things in there I don’t really agree with (I’m pretty comfortable with the secondary as it sits) but for us to be going into 2023 with a worse DL than 2022 is scary. 

    We can talk about being two years removed from an all-time historic D all we want, that’s irrelevant to 2023. Our studs on the DL are older and need complementary pieces that can rotate to keep them fresh. We saw that last year and another year of aging isn’t going to help. Our interior DL as it sits today is probably the worst in the entire CFL. Nobody is scared of Jake Thomas and Ricky Walker. The all-time historic D that we had in 2021 was propped up by incredible pressure from the DL and right now, we’re missing the pieces that allow us to do that. We’re not one piece away on the DL unless that piece is all-star calibre from week 1. We’re two pieces, maybe even three, from being able to have anything resembling a “great” DL in 2023. 

    Is our front office good enough to find those pieces? Probably. Do we need them to? I’d say almost definitely. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Noeller said:

    I think an injured Kyrie Wilson and Brandon Alexander made the D look much worse than it was for a big chunk of the season. If those two play a full season, I think things look much different and all of a sudden everyone's talking about what a bounce back season _______ is having in the secondary/LB corps...... we weren't that bad on D last year...just missing too many key pieces. 

    It’s easy to say this but you HAVE to bake in an expectation that we’re going to be missing key guys this year because our key guys have proven they miss games.

    Wilson, Jeffcoat, Alexander, Bighill … it’d be out of the ordinary if they DIDN’T miss time at this point. 

    1 hour ago, rebusrankin said:

    Disagree on the secondary. In addition to Alexander and Nichols being strengths, Houston looked very good at hb before his injury, Parker looked good at both hb and cb and Lawrence looked good at db. Rose sure is a question mark but may get beat out or rebound.

    Nichols, Houston, Alexander are all super capable. I’m apprehensive about Rose, excited to see Parker take the next step. Not sure what the overall doubt on our secondary is stemming from.

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