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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 1 minute ago, Bubba Zanetti said:

    Love Osh but what the hell does he have against going for 2?? Especially when it makes sense mathematically and your down. It drives me absolutely nuts and he's done this since day 1 of this coaching tenure. Boggles my mind and has very nearly cost us games. Im sure it will at one point.

    Forgot to mention that too.

    There was one point where it made absolutely zero sense to NOT go for 2 and he still won’t 

  2. 2 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Which veteran has been good?  Jefferson has the odd big game, Jeffcoat has been mostly injured, Rose is basically being hidden at field corner and still burned 1-2 times a game.

    I think we are in a heap of trouble with injuries on both sides of the ball and I don't really see them working guys in to backfill, or even having guys in town.

    Grant looks like he's not going to be of much use for the rest of this season, we're down to the guys on the field for receivers.  Time to bring some players in or we're going to have a hell of a time beating someone good in the West Final and then beating that Argo D (who just added another legit NFL pass rusher today) in the Grey Cup.

    I have no complaints about Jefferson or Jeffcoat performance wise. Bighill and Rose have been bad. 

    I agree re: Grant


  3. 3 minutes ago, Booch said:

    How Rideresque...chalk this loss firmly at the feet of the coaching staff and lesser extent Walter's.

    Poor defensive game plan that had no answers...not sure what they scouted but good god...compounded with stupid roster management...the lack of dline depth on roster..especially at end is pathetic...dont roster your replacement for rotational guys if you wont use them...poor guys by 4th quarter were bagged right out...couple that with zero db depth making you play whatever crappy scheme that was is a recipe for disaster...which we just witnessed...why we havnt brought anyone in for those spots for depth is baffling and killed us here...and again...why dress dobson and have him do  nothing all game...if u figure Couture isnt 100 percent ready then keep him on ir...good thing bye is coming as we need it obviously..and make a deal...christ even bring in Glass again...is better than 2 the guys we trotting out right now if Taylor and Hiuston are done for yr...and why havnt we found a replacement for Wilson yet?? Game 14 already

    On bright note offence put up 31...kept chugging...BOLO is a fine replacement...Bailey is engaged and vital... Schoen is damn good and when Ellingson comes back those guys along with Demski gonna cause a lot of issues with Brady's running

    Glad we lost one tho to be honest so we dont get complacent...and do too.much resting of guys down stretch


    This game is really the piece of shining evidence I would be pointing to if I wanted support for my argument that O’Shea is not really a very good gameday coach.

    Terrible decision making … we take the wind for the second quarter then opt out of a 53 yard field goal try to settle for a single instead.

    Horrible roster management … terrible application of the ratio and inability to use rotation for our guys who have shown they need it to succeed

    Not overruling the bonehead choice to put Prukop in on second and manageable after Collaros drove the field was ugly too 

    It’s a bit frustrating 

  4. Just now, Bubba Zanetti said:

    Jesus. This D looks like circa 2015 Bombers. So much for a boost from BA being back. Good news is you would think this display will force Walters to do something about our secondary. Theres no way we can continue with Holm and Parker in the lineup.

    Parker, no. But I honestly don’t think Holm has been all that bad. Been far better than Rose, that’s for sure.

    It’s also a lot to ask for guys to cover when the DL gets no pressure and you’re running around with one capable linebacker out of three. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Ah, who really cares what the gap tooth gang over there think? We've beaten them again back to back in the 2 biggest regular season games of the year. We're 12-1 & they're 6-7. We've won 12 Grey Cups & they've won 4. And they have to wake up tomorrow  & everyday in Regina & we don't. They hate us cuz they ain't us. 

    I don’t care what they think, but it does bother me that someone takes it so seriously that they’d make a comment that ugly 

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