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Posts posted by Mike

  1. MOP: Collaros

    MODP: Nichols ... anyone who pays attention knows I'm not the biggest Bighill guy out there, but even still, I think having a guy that you literally cannot throw on is invaluable. He'll never get the stats to get the respect but how do you rate a guy who can basically eliminate the other team's number 1 weapon?

    MOC: Oliviera

    MOL: Hardrick

    MOSTP: Grant

    MOR: Schoen

  2. 4 hours ago, Bigblue204 said:

    What can Bailey do that Agudosi can't? He's proven he can block, run in the slot, make guys miss, and high point the ball. It's not a slight on Bailey, it's praise for Agudosi.

    Do any of it for more than a single game. He had an unbelievable game for us. I will definitely cheer for any success that comes his way.


    But you know who else looked like a world beater for us after one game? Greg Carr.

  3. 1 hour ago, DTonOB said:

    One important thing to remember was that Zach was ready to come back from his injury when the Riders traded him. And with Fajardo flying by that point, we would have been relentless with the "Who's the QB?" "What about that throw? Does that tell you it's time to go back to Zach?" "How can you take a job from a guy because of injury?"
    As many have pointed out, the return wasn't great. But I think part of it is that the Riders wanted needed it done quickly.

    Especially knowing how Cody and his fragile mind would’ve done with a QB controversy.

  4. 2 hours ago, Bigblue204 said:

    I'd be happy to replace Bailey with Agudosi. Agudosi does everything Bailey can do plus some. Wolly stays due to passport.

    Agudosi does not do everything Bailey does at all.

    I suppose it may be true if you believe that the only requirement as a receiver is to catch footballs. I don’t love it for him because it really stifles production but there’s a reason Bailey took over for Darvin’s spot. Hugely important for our offense. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, BomberfanMKS said:

    Look at Kingsbury - He had 2 years of experience in the NFL and then 5 years of mediocre performance as a college head coach before he was made the Cardinals head coach...


    Just saying - If O'Shea wins 3 straight titles (and if we continue on our current track I'd be shocked if he didn't win two straight coach of the year titles) - It's not beyond the pale to think an owner looking to rebuild from the ground up might give it a thought.

    It really is. Kingsbury is not even close to O'Shea in terms of what he brings to the game. Kingsbury at Texas Tech basically got his opportunities because of his offensive mind and the belief that he was a genius when it came to developing quarterbacks (see: Patrick Mahomes)

    O'Shea has no resume whatsoever like that and if you think his 2 CFL championships carry as much weight as even moderate success in a Div 1 NCAA program, you'd be mistaken. They carry about as much weight as Arena Football championships to NFL owners.

  6. I'm going to be honest, I don't personally think O'Shea is an NFL coaching prospect whatsoever. That's not meant as a slight on him, that's just not who he is. He's a culture builder, not a guy who is outfoxing the opposition with a superior mind for the Xs and Os. I'm a HUGE O'Shea fan but I truly believe his actual in-game decision making is very average. His use of the 40-44th guys on the roster is very questionable, his stubbornness and refusal to challenge almost anything has certainly cost us points and you can't even say we see constant benefit from his unmatched knowledge of the rulebook these days - we used to, but not for a long time. Our success comes from the next man up mentality and his belief that a guy like Les Maruo is just as capable of playing on a crunch time second down as Adam Bighill. He believes it and now they all believe it too and you see the result.

    O'Shea is an absolutely incredible head coach, best I've seen of any CFL team in my lifetime, but I can't imagine he's on the NFL radar at all. What he does is get every single guy in that locker room to buy it and be willing to run through as many walls as it takes for him. He could teach classes on it. The buy-in he gets is unbelievable to me and I'm thrilled to see it. The rub? He's not getting it in an NFL locker room as a Canadian coach without a lick of NFL experience and he's not fit to be a NFL coordinator at any level other than I guess maybe special teams.

    I'll enjoy the ride with O'Shea for as long as it lasts but I don't think the threat of the NFL is viable at all.

  7. 20 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Lawler is such a bizarre situation.

    Say the Elks are good and he has a good year.  There's no chance in hell they are going to keep him at his current salary beyond this season.  So is it sour grapes for him to take a pay cut?

    He's basically just there on a one year plan for one of the highest paid players in the league.

    That’s exactly it. There’s no level of performance (team or individual) that makes it viable to bring him back with the same price tag next year.

    I appreciate the fact that he got paid, I feel like any pro athlete who makes the choice to maximize their earnings is well within their right. I just don’t know if I really believe that he thought everything through: in all likelihood, he’s going to be in a new uniform next year. At what point does he quickly just turn into a Ricky Collins-esque flash in the pan and disappear altogether?

  8. 16 hours ago, O2L said:

    It's either Schoen or Demski, I'll go with the Demski crowd. How come we never see @Mike's picks on here? 😎

    I didn’t make mine yet, I wanted to avoid the game last night because I felt like it was going to be a weird one. Still trying to figure out who I want. 

  9. Dalton strikes me as a CFL player for good. I think he could sit around on a PR in the NFL if he wanted to but he strikes me as a guy who wants to play football. 

    I don’t know a ton about him but from what I’ve heard, he’s got a bright career after football so this might be his time to play, not collect a cheque from the bench in the NFL.


    Whatever he wants though, I hope he gets it. 

  10. 3 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    One change I’d like to see…let’s get Harrison/McCrae with more reps on O and let Grant focus on returning kicks.  Suppose if Ellingson is back it’s a moot point.

    Grant doesn’t add much to O as an every down player, don’t mind mixing him in.  Seems like his returns are down when he takes more snaps on O.  Also let’s get a look at Harrison and McCrae in live action when the stakes aren’t too high for us.

    I agree with all of this. If they’re not going that route, why is Harrison even in the lineup? 

  11. 49 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    I remember when we first signed him there was lots and lots of skepticism, disbelief, worry and frustration thrown at management and ZC.

    And here we are.

    ZC is THE man of the CFL.


    That thread is a wild ride. Hardly anyone in favor. Some very strong, very hilarious opinions.

    One poster even used that opportunity to compare O’Shea to Trump

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