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Posts posted by Mike

  1. The Riders have some great players on D. Robertson, Lanier, Moncrief, Sankey and Dean are all fantastic players in that front 7 but man oh man is their offence absolute hot garbage.

    Fajardo sucks. Their OL sucks. Duke has given up. KSB looks disinterested. Jamal Morrow is out there busting his ass making plays and the rest of the O just looks like they’re going through the motions.

  2. 9 minutes ago, johnzo said:

    wow, the Lions' OL is a light year better than they were last year. they gave butler some real nice holes to run thru tonight and gave up only two sacks ... Riders were the leading sackers going into the game.

    They’re also missing 75% of their starting DL

  3. 13 hours ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    As someone who had had to craft schedules for various amateur leagues in my life, it’s hardly as straightforward as one would think. One team in an odd-numbered league will always get the first week off, one will always get the last week off, and saying “every team should get every 7th week off” is nice in theory but almost impossible to pull of in practice, unless one wants the dreaded back-to-backs pretty much all the time. Then factor in the balance of home-road contests so a team isn’t playing nine in a row on the road, and having to accommodate every team’s tenancy issues (BC, Winnipeg, and Toronto are all teams who share their stadium with soccer teams, would not surprise me if a bunch of the others do too) and other issues like conflicting dates for things like concerts, trade shows, etc. as well as accommodating the league broadcaster and it’s scheduling, and it can get complicated pretty quickly. People quick to criticize the schedule-maker should try it themselves if they think it is so simple, you would likely be surprised. 

    Ad for those who say the schedule-makers are trying to stack the deck against the Bombers just to keep things balanced and give the rest of the league an advantage to beat them, well there’s a reason the eye roll emoji has now been added to the site. Take the foil hats off for a moment. 

    Nobody cares that making a schedule for your dodgeball league is hard. This is a professional sports league where people can lose their livelihoods based on things like a win-loss record. Having such a slanted schedule for certain teams shouldn’t be acceptable and saying “it’s hard” isn’t an excuse.

    Professional football teams should never be playing 3 games in 12 days. Period. BC gets their last bye two weeks after we get our first. That shouldn’t be acceptable for either team. Look at how many teams play the last game of the week off a bye. It’s a joke.

  4. 6 hours ago, Bomber_fanaddict said:

    Odd that they would allow other teams to come in and possibly get Covid and brining it back to their perspective teams which could put the entire league in jeopardy. How about they just play with what they have or forfeit the game.  

    Well obviously these PR players wouldn’t then go back to their team 

    I’m glad Fajardo is resting so he can heal up for Labour Day. I don’t want to face any other QB

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